Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Prayer Warriors Battle Skills #5

Be sure and see the message at the bottom of this post. Thanks :O)

Prayer Warriors

Ron Halvorsen

Battle Skill #5 Affirming Your Right and Authority

"One of the chief methods Satan uses to cripple prayer is to fill the Prayer Warrior with an overwhelming sense of his or her own inadequacy. As we struggle to grow more like the Lord Jesus, we find weak places in our characters, old patterns that keep repeating themselves, areas with which we wrestle repeatedly. Satan utilizes these, and during times of fatigue and illness, floods us with feelings of condemnations. The enemy whispers:
"How dare you feel that God will answer you prayer when you keep doing....?"
"No one with the weaknesses and failures you have is worthy to pray." (pg. 66-67)
"During these times of discouragement, we must remember that our right to pray is a gift of grace- a gift give to us because of who Jesus is and not because of what we are. Your right to act as a Prayer Warrior was given to you when you accepted Jesus as your Saviour and Lord:
By believing on Him and depending on His death on the cross, on His resurrection, on His work as your intercessory High Priest in heaven, all His purity and power were credited to your account
(2 Corinthians 5:21).

You became a citizen of God's kingdom (John 17:14-16), a member of the family of God (Romans 8:14-16; 1 John 3:1-3), a priest (1 Peter 2:5,9), a commissioned representative of Jesus Christ Himself (Matthew 28:18-20).
You became a part of His body, the church (Ephesians 1:16-23).
The Holy Spirit became your personal Partner in prayer (Romans 8:26-27) Jesus gave you the personal right to use His name as authorization to take your petitions before God's throne
(John 16:23). 
Not one of these rights and sources of authority depends on your righteousness or merit apart from Christ. Your sins and weaknesses can interrupt your communion and fellowship with God. They can erect barriers which reduce your effectiveness as a channel for His Love. But, "if any many sin, we have an advocate with the Father." 1 John 2:2 God has made full provision for your forgiveness and cleansing. And if you continue to seek His pardon, your shortcomings can not remove your prayer rights and authority- for that is drawn entirely from the gifts of Jesus." (pg 67)
Ok - Today is your lucky day!! Today I was able to find a copy of this book- and it can belong to you. If you are interested in it - just leave a message. I would love to bless someone else with this book. There is SO much to this book. I am only going over a very small section of this book. So like I said - leave a message and let me know if you are interested.


  1. Bless you, would love to have this book.

  2. Denise - I am happy that you will get a copy of this awesome book. I have sent you an e-mail.
    Lisa :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)