Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My experience with Jury Duty

Ok - So you all know that I had Jury Duty yesterday. I got to the courthouse about 15 minutes before 9am-the time we were told to be there. Goodness I got there that early because it was already hard to find a parking spot. But I was lucky that the line to go through the metal detector to enter the building was pretty short. Within a minute or so there was a pretty good sized line behind me.
After getting through the metal detector without a problem we were directed to go to the elevator and go down to the 1st floor(stairs take you up to the doors to get into the building and so you enter on the second floor.) Anyway then into a pretty big room with lots of chairs. We were directed to take our jury summons to the front of the room. Then it was time to find a place to sit. I was lucky because I got there early enough to get a chair. By the time that everyone was there - there were people standing around the edges of the room. I am guessing there were some more seating but you would have to struggle between peoples knees and the chairs so there were some that just decided to stand. I am glad I got a place to sit - it ended up being about 1 - 1 1/2 hours for this part of the day.
They picked 3 jury pools. And wouldn't you know it - I got picked for the second jury pool.
Once they had the 3 groups of people- the rest were released. Those of us that were left got $8.00 for the day. I am so thankful because I ended up having to eat lunch at Taco Bell.

Then we went back upstairs to wait to go into our assigned court room. We waiting out in the hallway for like 30 minutes or so. Then we were called into the courtroom. In a certain order - so we ended up having a paddle with a number on it - our assigned number. I was number 22 out of about 48.

So the Plaintiff's attorney began the questioning. At about noon - the judge released us for lunch. We were told to report back at 1:30pm. As I went outside - I realized that it was a gorgeous day! I mean that sun felt soo good. I drove to Taco Bell and got myself some lunch. I had wanted to stop by a friends house to visit for a bit before having to go back to the courthouse but she had sick kiddos so that did not work out. I then drove just down the street to Dairy Queen and got myself a ice cream cone dipped in dark chocolate. This was my treat for having to serve jury duty.

Then back to the court house I went. This time parking was a breeze. We all again waited out in the hallway for a while - I think they were about 10 - 15 minutes late getting the courtroom opened up again. So we filed into the courtroom and again listened to many questions and answered when appropriate.

While we were being asked questions - a few little details came out in the case. Which of course peaked my interest of what the whole case was about. Anyway at about 3:30pm - we were released again for a 25 minute break - while they asked questions of 3 of the jury pool that had really spoke out on their opinions. So again we all waited out in the hallway. But not for 25 minutes, it was more like 1 hour and 15 minutes or so. When we were first let out - I went outside and down the stairs and over to an area that the sun was shining so brightly. And I just stood there in the sunshine. I took advantage of the free time and called my husband to let him know what was going on. Because there is NO using your cell phones in the courtroom. Anyway when people started filing back into the building I followed suit. After it was all said and done - I am wishing I had have stayed out there for awhile longer. Since we ended up waiting for so very long. Then it was about 4:45pm. We were told to go back into the courtroom - did not have to sit in our assigned seating(disappointing to me and I will explain in a minute.) Then they called out the names of those that would be on the jury. And they were told to go sit in their seat in the jury box. I did not get called. I was not surprised at all. The reason I was disappointed was because I had been curious to know where the people had sat. At one point they asked for a show of hands - who wanted to be on the jury. And then another point we were told that it is done as - instead of being picked for jury duty- it was more of a process of elimination. So basically if I understood correctly - they would go with the first 12 unless - there was a reason not to use some of them and then it would move back through the room. I had not gotten a good look at the people that were on the second row on the other side of the room - the ones that would have had a better chance to get picked than I did. So I don't know if they went by that or if they went by who wanted to be on the jury and who they wanted to be on the jury.
So I finally got out of there at 5:00pm. I was very drained at this point. I had hoped to get out early enough to go by a really cool Antique Mall that they have in this town - that is actually 3 stories high- not nope- by the time I got out - I really needed to get home. I will have to go to Antique Mall another time. At least I got my ice cream as a treat. Oh and by the way - I actually came out after my food and ice cream - I still had a whooping 39 cents left! lol Hey - better that I had money left over then having to use my own money for he food that day.

Well I hope that you all enjoyed my experience with jury duty. This is the first time that I received a summons and actually had to show up - and wouldn't you know it - I got selected. Now I know what to expect and it won't be so scary next time.

The only problem is that I am very curious as to the rest of the facts of this case. I would love to have heard what happened and I am hoping to get to find out the outcome of the case. Oh I forgot to share it was a civil case. I am not suppose to share any other details on line about it- sorry.

Oh one more thing - today it is overcast, rainy and drizzly. And will be tomorrow as well. So I am sure missing yesterdays sunshine. But that is ok - I am enjoying the weather today and this stuff will stick around tomorrow as well. I am enjoying it while it's here because before too long - it will be back to our Texas summer and they can be hot ones. So I am enjoying what ever comes along at this point.


  1. What a day! It sounds like you had a lot of waiting around. I'm glad you got an ice cream treat out of it!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)