Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Mighty Way...or not...NOT

I wrote this a bit earlier - before a needed trip to the Antique Mall -that calms my soul and takes me back to an easier time and before being able to get out in the yard and working. All that did me a lot of good. I hesitated sharing this post with you all but I want to be honest. I am not perfect. I fail in my walk with God. I want to have strong faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ but I get discouraged and that is where I was when I wrote this post. I am in a better place now. I do still have some of these thoughts. I am thinking I going to be doing a study into "Waiting" because our family seems to be doing ALOT of waiting lately. So you have been warned- it's not all pretty and peachy - but neither is life:

 As many of you know that my son is going through a nasty divorce. It has been 5 months since we have seen our granddaughter. This has been a very difficult time for us.

Several months ago- as I was attending a Beth Moore Bible Study - I was sure that God told me that He would work in a mighty way for my family. This gave me so much hope. I mean serious - what more could a person want than to have God working in a mighty way and working out situations in which - you can see no resolution? Well that is what I had thought God has shared with me that he would do. And I have waited and watched for Him to work in a mighty way.
We went to court - and I was "on the edge of my seat" to see what He would do...the outcome- $500. more that we would have to come up with and really we have not seen any benefit that this money has done for our family.

Oh but I did not give up hope. Nope cause there was Mediation coming up and maybe just maybe that would be where God would work a miracle for us.

So this morning my son and my husband went - thinking that the Mediation that the judge ordered about a month ago - would happen. Well as it turns out everyone had all sorts of other things to do - so it did not happen. So we are delayed again in this whole case. Feeling like we have slipped through the cracks of the justice system....

Instead of seeing God work in a mighty way - I feel abandoned - I feel like my family has gotten shafted yet again. I am trying to hold onto hope. I want to be a Christ follower that He can be proud of - that holds onto hope no matter what. I want to be a light in a dark world but my light is flickering. I am disappointed. So did I just misunderstand?  Has believing that He would work in a mighty way made my expectations higher and dashed my hopes? I know that there are many promises in the Bible - I post one every Thursday, but how do I know that those are meant for me?

It has been such a hard year for our family. And there does not seem to be any relief in sight.

In the meantime - I hold onto verses like this one:

Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! Psalms 27:14

I need my heart strengthened. I pray that after some grieving time that I will have my heart encouraged and that hope and faith will grow in me. That I can begin to believe again that God is in control that we have not fell through cracks with Him too


  1. Oh Lisa!

    I am SO sorry! I don't blame you one bit for how you are feeling. Your family has certainally NOT been treated fairly in this divorce--the father has just as much legal right to the child as the mother does, unless a judge has ruled different which has not happened yet in this case. I am sorry your daughter-in-law is using your grand daughter as a pawn to try and hurt your family, instead of thinking of what would be best for her child and helping her daughter to develop a good loving relationship with her father and grandparents. The "justice system" has not given justice to your family--and you keep waiting for it to do so!

    I cannot explain why God has not done something to change this, so I will not try. But I do know that He loves you more than anything. He is "big enough" to handle your feelings of rejection as well, so do not be afraid to tell Him. I have no answers--but I will pray for you and for a solution to be worked out soon. "Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him. . . " Job 13:15


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

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