Since my husband and son moved our AC ducts around - our house has been cooler. I will be glad when we can get the garage cleaned out and I can park my car in the garage because let me tell you - when it is outside - many times my temperature reads about 115- 120 when I first get into my car to go somewhere. But I am lucky that the AC cools it off pretty quickly.
Today I have spent working on cleaning out my pantry. I pulled everything off of each shelf at a time and cleaned it really good. And then wiped down the can goods. I also checked dates to make sure everything was in date. I was a sad when I found about 3 cans of chicken noodle soup, 2 cans of tomato soup, and 1 can apple pie filling that were out of date. The only thing that makes it easier to handle is that I know that I got the soup cans for about .24 cents with coupons. But still, I learned that I need to do a better job at rotating my stuff. If I find a good deal on something and buy a few of the items(even if we don't have to have it) I need to put the new stuff to the back and the old stuff to the front. It looks so much nicer and I was able to also get an idea of some of the things that I needed to add to my list. I rearranged things a bit and I like how it works.
This week I have continued to learn lessons. And the biggest one seems to be, that I need to learn how to have TOTAL dependence on Jesus Christ. I am not quite sure how it works - it is hard for visual people like me to totally understand things like that. Since I tend to do much better with directions - really clear directions. I am sure that the directions are in the Bible and I am spending more and more time in the Word. Taking steps every day in order to develop a deeper and deeper relationship with God.
Today my husband picked a cantaloupe from his cantaloupe patch.Plus there are several more growing. We are SO excited about it.
Oh wow. Those temps! I really need to stop complaining about our own heat wave which is due to be over tomorrow. (I won't tell you what our high is supposed to be tomorrow--it wouldn't be fair.) :) Blessings, Debra