Thursday, February 20, 2014

When You See God's Hand At Work...

I started reading a new book today. It is the exact book that I AM suppose to be reading. Do you know how I know that? Because of the results of reading this book.

The last few days have been rough. On Monday - I think that I felt beat by chemo. I was discouraged knowing that chemo seems to be cumulative which basically means that each time gets worse. And when I was so miserable, it really discouraged me. I have gotten a little better each day - not in as bad of shape but stills suffering the affects of chemo. I was surviving but not thriving. I don't expect to be feeling like I am thriving all the way through this journey with chemo- but I want to feel hope. I want to know that my Saviour walks along this path with me.

This book was suggested to me at the beginning of this cancer journey- and I am embarrassed that it took me so very long to start reading it. I have been totally blessed by every other book by this author that I have read - so why did it take me so long to pick this book up and start to read it. I really don't have a good answer for that, but I do know that today was the day to begin to read it. There were too many obvious verses and thoughts that came out of my first reading of this book- to think otherwise.

Whatever your anxieties and trials, spread out your case before the Lord. Your spirit will be braced for endurance. The way will be open for you to disentangle yourself from embarrassment and difficulty. The weaker and more helpless you know yourself to be, the stronger will you become in His strength. The heavier your burdens, the more blessed the rest in casting them upon your Burden Bearer.
 Ministry of Healing pg. 72
Today I am feeling more hope, I know that my Saviour is walking along this journey with me and that by putting my dependence on Him- I will make it through this journey.

Thanks so much for the prayers - I really need them.
Continuing to pray for each of you.
In this world, we need all the prayers we can get.


  1. I moved over to wordpress...

  2. Thank you for sharing that quote. I think my husband and I both needed that today! We continue to pray for you.

  3. And YOU are very encouraging to everyone who comes in contact with you! So thankful for the perfect book at the perfect time. God is always on time! Never early, never late!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)