Friday, February 14, 2014

I am Home- and Glad I am

Sorry I am posting later than I had planned on. We took my son's ipad with us but my husband wanted to watch a movie- so I let him use the ipad. Anyway today went good. I actually got some good news. I had been telling the Dr and her nurse about the Emergen C stuff that I have been taking and the Dr asked when I started taking it and I told her. She said that my blood count was really good- the blood work that shows that I my immune system is working well. She said she wishes she could share some of my good blood work with some of her other patients who are not doing so well. I told her that it could be due to the Airborne stuff that I had been taking. Another thing that I thought of later was that I am having a good amount of blueberry/banana smoothies for breakfast. And I am guessing that that might be really helping my blood work as well. Then there is the Alive Vit. that I have been taking - not every day cause I forget sometimes. And then there is, of course, the prayers - ALL the prayers of so many prayer warriors praying for me. And praying that damage is not done to my healthy cells. That is the problem with chemo- is that they are meant to go and destroy fast moving cells- the grade 3 cancer cells but they end up killing healthy cells along that way - just something that you have to live with in order to get rid of that nasty cancer. I continue to pray that God will protect my healthy cells. And to give me wisdom of what to do to help me get through this as healthy as possible.

Last night was a rough night. I had taken my steroid but had forgotten to take my evening primrose and my black kohash - which are my menopause pills. I really think that they make a difference in me being able to sleep. So by the time that I realized I had forgotten them - it was about 11pm. I got up and took them. And the good thing was that a friend had sent me a message letting me know that her family needed prayers. When I realized that - I knew that me forgetting my pills was not an accident - I needed to be up to get this message and to pray. Anyway I finally got to sleep and finally got some decent sleep. Not enough though - I can sure tell.

We are home now from chemo - I am very thankful to be home. I am very tired. I am going to go take my pills when I get this finished so that I can have a chance to sleep a little better tonight.

****One more thing that I would like to share - just in case someone else has a problem with neuropathy - I have read and then asked my Dr about it today and she said yes - that it would be a good idea for me to try it since I am having some problems with the tingly and numbness and pain in my feet and calves- some in my hands too- mostly the 2 week of my chemo cycle. So here is what is good to take - L Glutamine and B complex - she said a B6 would work too. So keep this in mind if you or someone you know has a problem with neuropathy.

I hope you all have had a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

Something floating around Facebook.


  1. Today was chemo day for us too - and the start of our monthly 5 day steriod 'pulse' (5 days of heavy steroids). Steroids keep my little one up at night, so I'll be depending on Alive vitamins to get through next week! :)

    He is not allowed to take any vitamins or supplements at all, so I have to do what I can with nutrient-dense foods. Foods high in potassium help my son with steroid side effects. Beet greens, swissh chard, sweet potatoes, black strap molasses, TVP, fortified orange juice, V8 splash, bananas, etc.

    Wishing you sweet dreams and good night's rest. You have my love and support!

  2. Happy Sabbath, and a good rest to you! I am praying for you often. Thank you for sharing what you did about there being a purpose in being up late the other night. I had a similar experience this week, and I want to remember to use time like that to pray more as well.

  3. My prayers for you will never stop, love you.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)