Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Link to a Great Series of Meetings

This past week-end our church hosted the Empowered Living Seminar by Jim and Sally Hohnburger. Here is what the flier tells about the seminar:

Jim and Sally were young, educated, had a successful business, a beautiful home, expensive vehicles, and a great reputation in the church. But underneath the veneer of success, Jim’s life was busied, pushed, and stressed. His marriage was troubled, his Christian experience was superficial, and he didn’t really know his children. Convinced that the pursuit of the “American Dream” was robbing them of an authentic walk with God, the Hohnbergers sold everything and set off for the Montana wilderness in search of the “Enoch experience”. What this family found forever changed their lives. And yours could be next! If you are hungry for practical Christian living and desperate for God to do a new thing in your life, you’re ready for what they have to say. Must you sell everything and move to Montana in order to find what the Hohnbergers found? No. But as you take the experiences presented and make them your own, you will learn to walk in God’s presence and develop a willingness to obey His voice no matter where you live. Through Jim and Sally’s experience you will learn that less is more, how to make time for God and your family, and how to live every day, hour and moment to the glory of God.

"Family First” - Jim “From Religion to Walking With God” - Jim “Parenting by the Spirit” - Sally “How to Live With a Difficult Man” - Sally “Wounding Their Spirit” - Jim “Slow Down, Christian” - Jim

Visit their online store at or call (406) 387-4333 for a free catalog. It’s About Walking With God!

And the good news is you too can hear these meetings!! If you will go to the link below - you will see the titles of the meetings and you can just click on the one that you want to listen to. Here

I was happy to see that these meetings were recorded because I do not like large crowds and we had a few things planned for this week-end so I did not make it to any of them. But last night I listened to "How to live with a difficult Man" It was very good and I would highly recommend it to any married woman out there. And I am sure that I will be listening to more of the meetings over the next couple of days! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :o)


  1. Thanks for posting the link to listen. I would love to have attended...but a little to far for me to drive :) We have attended a few of his campmeetings.

  2. I had plans to attend the Sabbath meetings but it didn't work out- we were needed at our church. I DO plan to come for the Mountain Media meetings at the end of the month.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Milestone or Moments? part 3

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