Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Prayer Warriors Battle Skills...#3



Prayer Warriors

Ron Halvorsen

Battle Skill 3 - Preparing for Prayer

"One national poll, sampling from all Christian denominations, records that the average Christian prays one minute per day, and the average minister prayer five minutes. It is little wonder there are so many problems in modern Christianity- so much spiritual coldness." (pg 64)
"Obviously, the first step in preparing for prayer battle is to remove any barriers that have arisen from life stresses or stumbling into sin since your last prayer time. Let's clear up one thing right now: You don't have to wait until your private, quiet prayer time to get straight with God. It only takes a moment to shoot a prayer arrow toward heaven- to face your sin, ask for forgiveness, and receive it. Keep your accounts short and up-to-date with God. You will be amazed at the added strength this brings."
"I have found the most effective preparation for prayer to be one I use regularly. I ask myself five questions.
1. Is there a Sin for me to confess? If so, look it square in the face. Take it to God. Confess it. Receive forgiveness.
2. Is there a Promise for me to claim? Let God lead you to it. Take hold of it and draw it to your heart. Joyfully receive it for yourself, reading your own name into the promise. Write it on a small card to carry with you through the day. Repeat it over and over. Its power is released each time you repeat it. When thoughts of fear, doubt, discouragement, and stress attack you, thrust them back by repeating the promise.  
3. Is there an Attitude for me to change?  Is there a negative emotion or feeling about yourself, others or God that keeps getting in the way of your spiritual growth? Identify and face it firmly. If you can, identify where it came from- then take it to God, releasing it to Him. Choose before Him to have it taken from your life. Identify the positive trait that is its opposite. Ask God to give you that positive attitude or emotion as a gift of grace.
Then do all you can to practice that positive trait. Particularly be aware of such negative attitudes as fear, doubt, unforgiveness, hate, bitterness, pride, and self- righteousness."
4. Is there a Command for me to obey? If we listen closely, the Spirit of God is reminding us of the commandments of Jesus- not only the Ten Commandments, but also the positive commands Jesus laid down in the Gospels ("But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." John 14:26) Choose to follow then in your life. Make that choice known to God and work in partnership with Him in obeying them. Don't get hung up on your failures. Confess them and accept forgiveness and cleansing. Focus with thanksgiving and praise on your successes and victories.
5. Is there an Example for me to follow? Spend time in your Bible, either by reading it or meditation on it through the day. Set the return spring of your mind to swing back to God and His word during any moment you are not occupied. Especially spend time in the gospel story, saturating yourself in Jesus' life. During your private prayer time review what you've studied and open your heart to God's leading. When strong examples in Bible events come to your mind, summarize the attitude or action you wish to possess in your life and present it to God. Thank Him for help to build it into your spiritual life."pg 65-66 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post! If I don't wake and go straight to prayer, my day is not what it should and could be. True peace comes when we are completely right with our sweet Jesus in everything.
    Love to you my blogging friend!


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“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)