Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Prayer Warrior Battle Skills #2...series


Prayer Warriors

Ron Halvorsen

Battle Skill 2- Choosing the Time and Place

"Our deep devotional prayer time, apart and alone with God, stands as the real source of power throughout the day."(pg. 63)
Having a special time and place for our quiet time is very important. My favorite place for my devotion time in at my desk that sits in front of our double window that looks out into our back yard. From this location I can watch my chickens and the birds that come and go. This is a very relaxing place to be. 
It is good to have a special place for your devotional time - but if you are like me sometimes your don't have access to your favorite place of worship.  For me that would when my husband is sleeping late on his days off, than I move my place to the living room. It is ok - you can still have your special time with the Lord. It is just nice if you can have a place that you normally spend with God. In that place I have access to a lot of helpful tools.
I will now share with you the list from the book of important things to remember for your time and place for quiet time:
"1. It should be private and apart from others. Deep communion with God is difficult when others are present and busy at other activities.
2. It should be free from distractions. This is often difficult, but necessary. Let others know that you must not be disturbed. Let others answer the phone or ignore it. Control the tape player, radio, or television....
3. It should be scheduled and regular. Our enemy has a way of interrupting our prayer time with emergencies or other life demands. If we do not schedule a particular time and discipline ourselves to meet with God at that time each day, it is easy to neglect vital prayer time and find ourselves without armor, without strength, without guidance.... "
For me - it works best for me to do my quiet time first thing in the morning. This is a very quiet time and there are very few interruptions, if any. My mind seems to work the best at this time.
We can look to Jesus as an example - He spent time with His Father early in the mornings.
And I have to say - that I do much better with dealing with life when I not only spend quiet time in the early mornings, but also if I make time to spend in the evenings as well. Any time is a great time to spend with Jesus- so what ever time you can spend with Him is wonderful.


  1. Great reminder that we need to spend time with Him. Thanks.

  2. Mmm such a good reminder. I have been very lax in my quiet time lately and really need to get through my thick head that it's IMPORTANT! Thank you!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)