Thursday, September 20, 2012

Starting a New Book

As I said yesterday - since I had finished reading through that series - it was time to find a new book to read. And I think I found just the one. "The Cross and Its Shadow" by Stephen N. Haskell.

I have only read the first couple of chapters but it is oh so good!
Here is just a little sampling of how good this book is:

"The heavenly sanctuary is the great power-house of Jehovah, whence all the help necessary to overcome every temptation of Satan is sent to each one who is connected with it by faith.

The heavily laden electric car, with its slender arm reaching up to the wire above, through which it receives strength from the power-house miles away, is a fitting illustration of the Christian. As long as the connection is unbroken, through the darkest night, the car runs smoothly up and down hill alike, not only shedding light on the immediate track ahead, but casting its bright rays of light into the darkness far and near. But the instant the connection is broken, how great is the change! The car remains in darkness, unable to go forward.

So it is that Christ, our great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, reaches His hand down over the battlements of heaven to clasp the hand of every one who will reach up by faith and take hold of the proffered help. The one whose faith lays hold of that help, can pass securely over the steepest hills of difficulty, his own soul filled with light while diffusing light and blessing to others. As long as he by faith keeps a firm hold of God, he has light and power from the sanctuary above; but if he allows doubt and unbelief to break the connection, he is in darkness, not only unable to go forward himself, but a stumbling-block in the way of others." pages 22-23


  1. This is a good book! I bought it when I visited The Santuary-Messiah's Mansion.

    I ended up giving it away to a friend that preaches because it had so much wonderful info especially about the 12 tribes.

  2. So far I have really appreciated how easy this book has been to understand and how it explains what things mean - what the type and antitypes are in each chapter. It is a great book and worth the read!
    That was sweet of you to share with your friend. I am sure he found it a very valuable book as well.
    Lisa :O)


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