Friday, December 27, 2013

The Beatitudes..Sermon on the Mount...Summary So Far

"Christ knows that in many ways we struggle with the same temptations that the people were confronted with back then. His sermon on the mount is just as beautiful and powerful now as it was 2,000 years ago."—Ted N. C. Wilson, "Living With Heaven in Our Hearts," 2013 Week of Prayer readings, AR

"Jesus turns ordinary human ideas about happiness upside down. Contrary to general opinion, it is not the go-getters, the tough ones, those who bend the rules, who are the real successes. The truly happy ones are those who recognize the spiritual poverty(verse3) of self- reliance and learn to depend wholly on God."
Eerdmans' Concise Bible Handbook pg. 264

If you have missed any of the postings during this series - Here are links to each of the posts:

The Beatitudes Sermon on the Mount part 1

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Foundation Work

Blessed are those who Mourn

Blessed are the Meek

Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst

Blessed are the Merciful

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Blessed are the Pure in Heart

This series was started a while back and I remembered that I had these quotes that I wanted to share with you all. So I thought I would do a post - listing a link to the different posts.

I am hoping to get back to finishing out this series but that will have to wait until God inspires me again. I don't want to just share what I think - I want to share what God inspires me to share.

I am hoping to be able to doing posts about great things I have been learning - but right now I have just not felt inspired. About 3 weeks ago - I found out that I had cancer and so much has happened over the last 3 weeks. And so much that I am going to go through over the next 6 months.

I am trying to work through the different emotions that I have been feeling. It's been hard to get a good nights sleep since the port was put in. What is sad is the week before it was put in - I was starting to be able to sleep on my stomach - my favorite way to sleep and had started sleeping better. But it will take a bit to get to that point again.

I talked to my oncologist's nurse today - and asked her if it was normal for me to be so sore- in some ways - I am in more discomfort than when I had the hysterectomy. She said it is normal - and that it would probably be sore for about 2 weeks- tomorrow will be one week since it was put in.

Anyway I just wanted to get this posted - and round out the series. I may have missed

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand how sometimes you just do not feel inspired and feel like you have nothing to say. That happens to me sometimes--and then other times I have things I want to say on my blog but no time to say it in! You have so much going on in your life just now. Take care of yourself--feel better. When you have time or feel like you have something to share, we will be happy to read it. Just take each day with Jesus. Hugs!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)