Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Power that is Behind Prayer

Good Evening~ Well it is 10:20pm here in Texas. And guess what I am doing? Eating....
Do I normally eat at 10:20pm? Nope...but tonight is different. I was told I could not have anything to eat or drink after midnight- and won't be able to eat until after my 11am procedure. So I decided to drink a lot of water this evening and then all of a sudden I felt hungry - so I decided - I will eat. It will be hard enough for me to go that long in the day without even drinking water. So I cut 2 slices of homemade bread that a sweet lady from my church made and brought to me today. That was so thoughtful. It is delicious bread. It makes me want to get back to baking my own bread, kind of thinking I might have to wait on that for a while- like maybe 4-6 months. But at least I have something else now to look forward to doing. I also got myself 2 "halo" oranges. I love cuties - but they did not have them so my sweet husband bought me some halos. They are pretty good.

Anyway so I wanted to check in here and let you guys know what was going on and to ask you to be praying for me. I know that God will give me the strength and courage that I need. I know I have shared this promise with you all before - but wanted to share it again.

 As your days, so shall your strength be.   
Deuteronomy 33:25
But what kind of makes me more nervous is that fact that I am going to have this procedure done at a hospital that I have not had anything done at before - nor has my husband. So that makes me a little more nervous- like finding a parking space- it is a hospital in a very busy crowded city. And there are many buildings that make up this hospital - so will we find the right place to go. I am sure we will but it is just the not knowing that is a little scary. The unknown. But I will continue to trust that God is in control.
I will try to get on here and update you all tomorrow after I get home.
Thanks so much for the prayers - I really do appreciate them. I am beginning to realize the high value of prayers. I have always known they were important - but I am realizing more and more the power that is behind prayer. And as I realize how many prayers are being said for me - and how far reaching they are - it just amazes me. Not only are people I know praying for me - but there friends and family members of mine that have their prayer chains and churches praying. And if I were to see a map with dots of people praying for me and where all the dots are around the map - I think I would be totally amazed. I continue to lift each and everyone of you that visits this blog. :o) 


  1. What a neat thought about the map to see where all the people are who are praying! Perhaps someday Jesus can show you that map, from the vantage point of heaven. :).

    I would be nervous going to a new hospital, too. I will be praying for the details, like finding a parking place and all that. And I will be praying you will know that the armies of heaven go with you.

  2. I only just saw this, because my Internet connection has been spotty; however, you were - in fact - in my thoughts and prayers. {{Hugs}}


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)