Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today Was Test Day

Well - today was my pet scan/cat scan. I did pretty good. I had an emotional morning and was afraid I would be crying the whole time - but I decided it would be a great idea to get a small notebook out and start writing out Bible verses that really have encouraged me lately. Once I had written at least 10 or more I felt so much stronger. 

A good friend of mine had offered to take me to the testing. I was so thankful. My test was at 1:30pm. I had been told to eat by 7:30am - and I had to eat eggs, cheese, and meat. Well I was not really in the mood for that stuff at 7:30am. I had a rough night- did not sleep very good. Anyway I did eat what I needed to. I was glad my friend took me because I don't think I was thinking at 100% - before the testing and by the time the testing was over about 2 hours later - I was thinking even less.

First they tested my glucose level. If it had been too high or too low they would not have been able to go forward with the testing. I was thankful that my level was good. I forgot to ask what it was. Anyway then they injected tracers into my blood stream. I was then told that I needed to drink this water/iodine solution about 12 oz. - I needed to drink it slowly over a 30minute time period. Once the time went off - I needed to reset it and pour the rest of the solution into my cup and drink it slowly in another 30 minute time period. Once that was over  - I had to use the bathroom and take off my bra - the metal would interfere. Then it was time to go for the scans. I had to lay down- a wedge put under my knees and my arms up over my head- so basically holding my hands right above my head. They Covered me with a blanket and then the machine took me in and the process of scanning my body began. It was so hard not to move. I could breath and have my eyes open or shut - but other than that I needed to be still. This part took about 40 minutes or so. About 3/4 of the way through the test - all that liquid had made it's way to my bladder and I was needing to pee. I handled the small spaces fairly well. There was a time or two in the test that I had to breath deep and pray for some peace. I used a lot of the time reciting Bible verses that I have memorized and praying for people I know that needed prayers. I was so thankful when it was over with. It is nice to have it behind me.

Here kind of what the machine that was used for my testing looked like:

PET Scan

Picture borrowed from This website - I was looking up the difference between PET scan and a CT scan.

I had forgotten to take a snack with me and my friend who drove me there - needed to get back home - so I had her take me back home - instead of stopping for something. I thought I was doing pretty good- until I ate and then I felt like a bottomless pit. I asked my husband if he would make me some popcorn - not the microwave stuff- that stuff I have heard is not good for you. So I am staying away from it- had decided that before this surgery - even before I found out I have cancer. I am thankful that God led me to make some good choices and that I listened to His guidance. How many times have I not though, that is disappointing to me and I am sure to Him as well. God loves us and if we will surrender our lives to Him, He will guide and direct us.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.   
Proverbs 3:5-6
Tomorrow morning at 11:00am - I have a Dr appointment to find out the results of my testing that was done today. Please be praying about this. Praying that the cancer had not moved out of the uterus. I am also praying for a good nights rest - I am tired. Thanks so much ~ Lisa :O)


  1. You're in my thoughts and prayers. {{Hug}}

  2. I am praying for you...

  3. I hope you had a good, solid night's rest, and that your appointment a few minutes from now is one you experience with Jesus right close by your side. I'm praying for you.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)