Monday, December 23, 2013

Doing Better...A Bit Better

Just wanted to check in and let you guys know that I am doing better. I am still sore- but I am much better than I was yesterday. Today I have tried to be careful with what all I am doing. And when I start to hurt, I just have to slow down. It is hard for me - because there is so much I could be doing and would really like to be doing but I just can't. So I just do what I can am let the rest go for now. It's all I can do...really. And it is best for me - cause when I over do it I experience a lot more pain and burning. And that is very unpleasant.

Christmas has snuck up on us this year. It really does every year. Most Christmas' up to this point - I used to work at my MIL bakery and so was very busy with extra work around Thanksgiving and Christmas. So I was thinking this year would be different. I would have the time to make Christmas extra special - but then all this cancer stuff reared it's ugly head....and now it seems that most everything is getting done - just not as soon or as I'd really like it. But we just have to accept the way things are sometimes.

Well I would like to continue to write but typing is making my port area sore - so I have to stop - see what I mean - this is affecting so much more than I thought it would. I hope you are all doing well. Have a good evening :O)


  1. Take it easy, Lisa.... I saw Ann's comment on another post encouraging you to have the burning and pain checked out. I am not sure if you saw that yet....

    I pray that there will be some way for them to reduce your discomfort.

  2. This is the time for you to rest. Your family values YOU more than anything you "could" be doing. Take it easy, and let Jesus carry you through!

  3. Just want to second TN Quiltbug's comment-beautiful and very true thought! Merry Christmas!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)