Friday, December 6, 2013

5 Lessons Learned and More

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.   
Psalms 23:4-6
 Last year my friend had a book club/prayer meeting- from the book by Beth Moore- "A Woman's
Heart- God's Dwelling Place." I was so blessed by this book. I found a place in my journal of the lessons I had learned from this study so far- and at the tend of this post I will post that list. But first.... 
After our meeting right before we took a little time off for Christmas - my friend asked me to stick around a bit after the meeting. After everyone left - My dear friend asked me if I had ever been anointed. I said no...not that I know of. Well she said that she had been led by God to anoint me. She also gave me some special verses. She said that when God let her to anoint someone that He also gave her special verses to give to the person. Well do you know what the verses that I got were? Yep - the ones posted above. Psalms 23:4-6.
Posted in my journal - after telling about the above I wrote:
"I still don't quite understand what these verses mean but I'm hoping that in time that God will reveal the meaning to me."
Today I had remembered about the anointing and looked up the verses to make sure of which ones they were and found that section of my journal. God has been preparing me for this part of my journey for a while now. 
I'm not saying that I think this all will be easy - I am only sharing that this reassures me of the fact that God is in control and like another good friend told me - Nothing happens that surprises God. Remember that - I think it is important for us all to remember - especially when things come along in our lives that knock us to our knees. But remember - if you are knocked to your knees- you are in the perfect position to pray.
Ok- now for the list of 5 of the things that I learned from the above book study and was reminded of today as I read them.
1. God has brought us out of sin (Egypt) but many times we desire what the world has to offer us. And because God is a god of free choice He will allow us to make our own choices even if that means allowing us to sin and sin until we are sick of what the world has to offer.
2. God is faithful even we are not.
3. We need fresh manna from Heaven every single day - 1st thing in the morning.
4. Suffering helps us to be more compassionate to our fellow man.
5. Sometimes we need help from others in this journey through life.
All of these are very important but number 5 was a lesson that I seriously needed to learn- and it is becoming more and more important and needed in my life right now.
I hope you all are safe and doing well. We have ice/snow/sleet covering the ground. My son tried to get to work and ended up in a ditch. Praise the Lord he is fine but the car was damaged. We found out about our son right before my husband left for work and thankfully he changed his mind about going. My other son did not have to go to work. So we are all basically staying home this weekend- as the temps are not expected to come above freezing till maybe Sunday afternoon. I am thankful that we have electricity - many have lost power. And I am extra thankful for a fireplace - just in case.


  1. Lisa, can you send me yalls address to put on my Christmas card list....
    OOF are you getting it bad there?Jeff,and Jacob drove up to store,and said a truck ran off into a ditch but managed to get out. Praise the Lord Jacob works now 3 blocks away,he has to work tomorrow night..

    1. Renee- I can't find your e-mail address so could you send me a message at and then I will send you the address. It is really icy down here. Glad to hear that your son works nearby - so he can get there safely. I figure we will be home at least till Sunday afternoon- may not get out then. Be safe :O)

  2. Oh man it is icky out side, jacob works from 4-9:30 tonight. Ok I will send you my address, My email is coming from

  3. I really enjoyed your listing the things you learned. Especially the part about needing new manna every morning,

    1. Susan- I am glad that you enjoyed it. I am thankful that I wrote it all down- so I could be reminded of it. :o)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)