Thursday, March 31, 2011
It is in the Giving Up, that lead to Failure..Part 2
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
It is in the giving up, that leads to Failure- at least in Weight Lose
Monday, March 28, 2011
Quilting Corner
Sunday, March 27, 2011
What Kind of Camera?
You Put the Love in My Heart
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Sabbath Praise
I had a whole post typed up and switched from edit to compose or something like that and the part I added to this disappeared. I don't know if I wasn't suppose to post it or what. But anyway - here is a great song I wanted to post and a verse.
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: " 1 Peter 5:8
Friday, March 25, 2011
Encouraging Poem
If I can endure for this minute
Whatever is happening to me,
No matter how heavy my heart is
Or how dark the moment may be-
If I can remain calm and quiet
With all the world crashing about me,
Secure in the knowledge God loves me
When everyone else seems to doubt me-
If I can but keep on believing
What I know in my heart to be true,
That darkness will fade with the morning
And that this will pass away, too-
Then nothing in life can defeat me
For as long as this knowledge remains
I can suffer whatever is happening
For I know God will break all of the chains
That are binding me tight in the darkness
And trying to fill me with fear-
For there is no night without dawning
And I know that my morning is near.
...Helen Steiner Rice
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Crossing Things Off of My List
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
My Walking Trail
This is up on the upper circle after I came down a bit. I couldn't get the photo at the top of the hill because there was someone else walking there.
The sun was shining brightly and it felt so good. The wind was blowing a nice breeze. The temperatures were in the lower 80's. I love days like that. You know when the windows are open and fresh air is blowing through. I think we are different than some other people cause there are people I know that have already began to use their A/C's some off and on. We have not turned it on yet - even though the temps have gotten up to about 80 in the house. I leave the windows open at night and hope that it will be cool enough to cool the house own - then it does not get as bad in the late afternoons when it gets so warm.
After I got home from my enjoyable walk - I took a quilt out to the line to dry. And of course my chickens wanted me to throw them so feed. So I tried to get a photo of as many of them as I could. Have I told you guys lately how much I love my chickens?!
Jesus - Carries us Through
The black one is Stewie. He is about half the size of Tiggy. For some reason they do not like each other.
So this morning I fed the kitties, like usual. Then after they were done - Stewie was wanting to go back to my son's room(where he sleeps at night.) Well big Tiggy was standing in the way. I tried to stand between them and let Stewie know that I would protect him as he went by but he stayed still. I then decided to pick him up and take him past - the danger. As I picked him up - I realized that this is something that often happens for me. There are times in my life when I just don't seem to be able to make progress in an area in my life and when I allow God to carry me(turning my will over to Him) then he is able to help me to be successful. God is there and is willing to help us, we just have to be willing to ask for help.
Recently I have shared how I have had a struggle with losing weight. In the past, when I would hit a plateau - I would give up. But I am learning that during these times I need to hold on tighter to God and turn the problem over to Him and then trust Him. It does not always mean that things change instantly- sometimes they do,but sometimes you have to just have faith and wait on the Lord. :o) (photo borrowed from Jesus Photos)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What Life is About
by the years that you live
But by the deeds that you do
and the joy that you give-
And each day as it comes
brings a chance to each one
To love to the fullest,
leaving nothing undone
That would brighten the life
or lighten the load
Of some weary traveler
lost on Life's Road-
So what does it matter
how long we may live
If as long as we live
we unselfishly give."
— Helen Steiner Rice
Monday, March 21, 2011
I think it is so sad that someone who was picked basically to represent our state - is given problems because she gains some weight. They say that the average women in America is a size 14. So in the first place the woman that they chose to represent Texas is much smaller than the average woman. (I think they said she had been a size 2 when they picked her-how many women in real life are a size 2? I don't know if I know anyone that thin?..) And then when she gets almost half way to what an average woman's size then they give her a hard time and want to take her crown away her.
We wonder why so many young girls have eating disorders? And for that matter - I have heard that there are quite a few older women that have eating disorders as well. There is so much pressure to be a certain size or you are not acceptable.
For me- I will never be a size 6 - I am lucky to finally be getting very close to a size 16. And that is amazing for me. I was a size 16 when I got married and only made it back to that size 2 times since then. This time - I am hoping that since I am working on not only the outside of me but also the inside of me that maybe- just maybe I can get to a size and stay. When I got to my heaviest - size 24W - I was able to maintain that size for a long time. I think I sat there for several years.
Now I am working slowly to get to where I am suppose to be. I don't know where I will end up but I do know that where ever God thinks is the best place for me - will be the best place for me and I will be happy.
I am learning to like myself and be happy with myself. Those negative thoughts don't do us any good - and in fact they drag us down. So let's get in the habit of looking into that mirror and saying - I like me. I am beautiful- God made me and therefore I am beautiful. You are beautiful! :O)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Change your Brain, Change your Life
You can train your thoughts to be positive and hopeful, or you can allow them to be negative and upset you. Learn how to change your thoughts, and you can learn to change the way you feel.
Negative thoughts are like ants at a picnic—very annoying and can spoil the day. Automatic negative thoughts (ANTS), such as those listed below, need to be crushed or they will ruin your relationships, self-esteem, and your personal power.
•Always/never thinking: Repeating such words to yourself as always, never, no one, everyone, every time, and everything.
•Focusing on the negative: Seeing only the bad in any situation.
•Fortune-telling: Predicting the worst possible outcome of a situation.
•Mind reading: Believing that you know what others are thinking, even though they haven’t told you.
•Thinking with your feelings: Believing negative feelings without ever questioning them.
•Guilt beating: Thinking in words such as should, must, ought, or have to.
•Labeling: Attaching a negative label to yourself or to someone else.
•Personalizing: Investing innocuous events with personal meaning.
•Blaming: Accusing someone else as responsible for your own problems
Isn't this great information? We really need to be careful of what habits we get into. I love how we have great instructions in the Bible of what things to think on. God knew that since we live in this sinful world, that we could fall into traps of bad thinking and He also knows the damage it could do to us.
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things." Philippians 4:8
This(top part) along with the rest of the article is in the March 2011 issue of Signs of the times. If you are interested in reading the rest of the article you can go to and scroll down to "Romancing the Brain." Many other great articles are there as well. :o)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Friday Update
Well it has been a while since I have talked about my weight loss journey and journey towards being healthier. There for a couple of weeks to a month - I had a hard time. I struggled more with being hungry. And I figured out that I needed to make sure that I was getting enough fruits and veggies and to try to make sure that I had a good amount of raw veggies too. So here is something that I have done to help me be more successful. I take my veggies and cut it up and put it into individual serving bags so that when I need a snack or an addition to my meals- I can just grab a bag. Today I cut up carrots an celery to have in the fridge.
When I have these easily accessible -it is much easier to keep eating healthy. And by adding raw veggies - especially with a crunch - it really helps you feel as though you are getting more to eat. I like to start with my raw veggies or fruit and then move onto the rest of the meal. It works better for me that way.
And now that our weather is getting back to Texas normal temps I am trying to get out and get more exercise. This week I had a few extra shifts and then went shopping with my sister so I was not able to exercise as much as I would have liked to -but still got more in than last week. And that is good.
I have lost a total of 42 pounds and I am just letting my body get used to this weight loss and making good choices - most of the time - and hoping to see some more weight loss soon.
Well I said that I was going to meet my sister at one of the local GW's - it was half price day! Well I found 2 great tops for $1.83 each. And they were like new. I also found two pairs of capri's - I really need capri's. Earlier in the week - I had stopped by another GW - and found a great Cato's jean skirt- for $5.99 - s0 my outfit today only cost me $7.82. That is SO cool. That is the way I like to shop.
Well I better close - I have a more things that I would like to get done today. I hope you all have a great week end! :o)
Favorite Things
We have 5 cats - 4 that are inside cats and believe me - this stuff cleans up the messes that they cause- throwing up and hairballs. You can spend a lot of money on a lot of different products but I think this one is most worth the money spent on it. :o)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
A Great Poem of Encouragement
Author: Helen Steiner Rice
And we view what we think is the end.
But God has a much wider vision
And he knows that it's only a bend-
The road will go on and get smoother
And after we've stopped for a rest,
The path that lies hidden beyond us
Is often the path that is best.
So rest and relax and grow stronger,
Let go and let God share your load
And have faith in a brighter tomorrow-
You've just come to a bend in the road.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Life is Good but Busy
And speaking of extra money - yesterday I went by Lane Bryant and got measured for a new bra. I got some great news - while my band size went down by 4 inches - my cup size went up a couple of sizes! Yay! That is unusual for when a person is losing weight. Usually woman lose there. Well I am thrilled. And I bought 2 new bra's- in the correct size. They are very expensive but I have not found any other bra's anywhere that I like any where near as much as I like these. Anyway - I was really excited about this information. To me - it confirms that I am doing the best thing for my body.
And by the way - ladies - be sure and and look up the right way to find your bra size - I think there are a lot of women out there that have the wrong size. It will surprise you how amazing good they fit when they are the right size.
Well I hope everyone is doing good. Life is good but busy. This afternoon - I am hoping that my sister will be able to meet me at a local Goodwill - it is half price day! :o)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Being Ready for that Day
When I got home -I posted on Facebook for my friends to be praying about it. Many times when you see that a motorcycle has been in an accident - it is very serious for the person on the motorcycle. I think I am more concerned now about motorcycle riders now that my husband owns a motorcycle and my husband and my son both have ridden them.
Not too long after I posted my request - we heard Careflite flying overhead. It is a good thing that there is a good sized field right there next to the intersection. The traffic was backed up for a while.
We later found out that he passed away. How sad. The family and friends of this young man( I think he was 33) are in my thoughts and prayers. We are not promised tomorrow - we need to make sure that we are right with God. Are our priorities in line like they should be? These are all things that this accident has made me think of. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing - and when it is put at the top of the priority list - we need not fear death. Because the very next thing that we will know is Jesus will raise us from the dead when he comes again for His children. I want to be a part of the group that are resurrected on that day(unless He comes before I die.) Don't you? :o)
"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Sunday, March 13, 2011
A Sunday Afternoon
I threw some grass clogs over the fence to my chickens. Some of them loved it while others were busy with their own conquests.
Our garden area is closer to being a real garden. We probably still need to bring in some sand and see if we can loosen up that clay.
While they tilled - I spent some time weed eating around in the back yard. We are tired now and ready for a break. Hoping you all are having a good week end! :o)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Lesson from a Bird
I think it is so cool how God uses nature in order to teach us lessons that we may not get any other way. Be sure to take notice of the nature around you - what does it tell you of God's Glory?! :o)
*Not actually the bird but a photo close - but you would have to imagine bright sunlight shining on the blue and much closer! :o)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Seeing Myself Through HIS Eyes
This photo was taken when I was like 12 years old. The year before this photo was taken was a rough year. There was no more time to be a little girl - I had to grow up. That is what divorce does to children- that is the plain truth. Adults think it is their life and they can choose to do what ever they want but what they do not understand is what it does to their children. Well that is really not what I meant for this blog post to be about but felt like I was suppose to write it - like someone needed to hear it. And for no other reason - I needed to get it out. You hold on to pain - pain that is so deep that you don't always realize it is there.
So what was this post about - I am still trying to figure that out. But it started with my Mom posting the photo from Christmas. And me - not being smart enough to pick out a slimming outfit. No- I go with a shirt that has fabric that feels so good - but that is sloppy looking on me - I did not figure this out until after I saw the photos. So what have I learned- anytime that I am going to my Mother's house for a holiday - to pick out a great outfit that is slimming, that don't mind having my photo taken in.
I have debated on if I wanted to use this photo or not. But I guess it is part the facts and so I should just post it - even if I don't feel like it is very flattering I need to be real.
Whoops - that is not it- that is just how I feel when I look at the photo.
So here it is- I actually wear a size smaller than my sister at this time - but the photo makes me look like the biggest one in the photo.
I did not like how I felt about myself when I saw this photo. I wish I could learn to accept myself better. I wish I would not be so harsh on myself. So I have a long ways to go on this journey. But putting God in the driver's seat makes it a much better journey. And if God is in the driver's seat then I need to keep in mind of how He sees me - with love and acceptance. And THAT is how I need to see me. :o)
A New Favorite Show/ What I Have Learned
Good Morning everyone. It has been a while since I have updated my blog. Well I have a good explanation - good to me anyways. I was on Netflix updating our Queue and was looking at what other movies were available - when I came across what I thought was a movie and thought that it looked interesting, so I started watching it. I soon discovered that it is a series. Drop Dead Diva. I love it. What an awesome concept - a skinny actress has an accident and hits the "return" button and is sent back into the body of a plus sized lawyer. Maybe it is because I have always been on the heavy side - well at least since I was 12 or so- maybe was not fat but did not ever feel skinny.
So the idea of a skinny person getting the shock of living in the body of one not so skinny is kind of funny to me. So I loved it so much I had to watch at least a couple more episodes each day. I had my list of things to do and would work hard to get a few things done then it was time to watch another episode!
You know that is a good way to get things done on your list that you really need to get done but just haven't felt like it. Speaking of which, speaking of which - I finally got my fish tank cleaned. We had let it go for a while. I had realized that it needed to be cleaned pretty badly but then we had a fish that was not doing very well and I did not want to stress it out. Anyway it passed away so during one of my breaks - I cleaned the fish tank and have promised myself NOT to let it get in that bad of shape again. It is not that bad of a job - if you do it when you are suppose to and not put it off time after time.
Yesterday I mowed our yard for the first time this season. Part of the front yard really did not need it yet but the part that the aerobic system spray onto had gotten pretty tall and was making the yard look tacky. Anyway it felt good to have the job done and get to enjoy a pretty yard.
I have shared in the past how I go to a 12 step program that is held at my church - We go by the 12 step books and some others - like "Hunger For Healing" which is a great book - it is about the 12 steps but from a more Christian point of view - none of the referring to God as your Higher Power - or questions of what your Higher Power would be. Anyway yesterday I finally figured out that when I am dealing with food - I am going to have to apply the first three steps.
1.We admitted we were powerless over food — that our lives had become unmanageable.
2.Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3.Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
This was kind of hard for me to accept. Because somehow I had the image that those that were powerless over food - were like standing at the refrigerator door gorging on food till they could not eat another bite. And I knew that- was not me. But being powerless over food for me - means that when I crave chocolate- going to get it every time I want it. Or eating when I am not really hunger - those things finally helped me realize that I am powerless over food. I am SO thankful that we have a God who understands us and who loves us so much that we can call on Him when we are powerless over things. And when we can become humble enough to admit our problem- we have so much power available to us - through Jesus Christ.
If you are having a problem with something today- He is there waiting to help you - just ask. :o)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Plateau's~ Can they be helpful?
"Long range goals keep you from being frustrated by short term failures." J.C. Penney, Retailer ; )
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Tears of Joy
That tells you that prices are going up. The prices of gas and of groceries can really discourage a person. And you have to remind yourself that God is in control. And ask Him to help you make good choices to best use your money.
Sabbath we took care of our granddaughter - all day(for 10 hours)! This is the longest we have ever taken care of her so we were both kind of nervous about it.
So while my husband went to pick her up - I finished getting ready for church. When he got home - I walked out into the hallway - and at the same time he had SweetPea(granddaughter) walking with help. I got several feet away from her and put my arms out for her and he let go of her and she took some wobbly steps towards me. Let me tell you what - I totally understand what the phrase "tears of joy" mean now. I almost started to cry. It was so neat to see her walking. It just made my day!! My husband was as touched by it as well - since he had not seen her walk before either.
My husband was also happy because he was able to take her to Sabbath School. He loves to take her to Sabbath School and she loves to go. She loves all the songs to Jesus and doing all the cute little activities that the dedicated teachers come up with. We took her by to see Jason's Mom because it was very cold outside and we figured once we got her home we would not get her back out into that cold wind and because the store that my MIL owns is just up the street from our church.
We were even able to get our granddaughter to take a nap- only about an hour but that is about what she normally takes.
Once SweetPea's Daddy picked her up - I got things picked up and did my few chores for the evening. And then we settled in to watch a movie, "The Tooth Fairy" with The Rock. It was a cute movie an we enjoyed it. It was so luxurious to be able to just sit and watch the movie and enjoy it!
Today we are hoping that it warms up a bit since we really would like to go get some sand and peat moss and such to add to our garden area. Our soil is so clay like - we really need to add somethings to it to help it be healthier soil and easier to work with. It will cost some money but this is an investment - because each year it will be in better shape and able to help us produce some food for ourselves. And with our economy being the way it is - I think that is a great investment.
I hope you all have a great day! :o)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Gardening/Quilting...Just a few of the Hobbies that I Enjoy
by Carla Emery. Sorry for such a tiny photo- I borrowed it from the Amazon page and did not realize it would be so small. So I set up a link so you can check out the book. It is 922 pages long and has all sorts of cool information in it! And I was able to get it for half of the price that was in the seed catalog that I actually found out about it from. These seed catalogs are very informative! I am looking through the Territorial Seed Company. I am trying to decide what we will want to get. We are just now getting into the Heirloom or Open Pollinated seeds. And so the varieties that we are used to getting - are probably the hybrid seeds so we have to pick new things to go with. I am also been trying to decide what herbs I would like to grow. And trying to decide if our flower bed would be a good enough place for the herbs - is there enough sunshine for them? I don't know. I guess this is a try it and see situation. And it is interesting because I have found out that there are some herbs that are annuals, biennial, and perennial.
Well tomorrow morning is my Block of the Month meeting. Here is the block that I just finished last night. This is the first month that I did not finish both blocks. That has a lot to do with us having to postpone our February meeting a week because of the bad weather.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Corn Spaghetti
Corn Spaghetti
1 - 14 3/4 oz can Cream of Corn
1 - 15 1/4 oz can Corn with liquids
1 Cup broken spaghetti - uncooked 1/3 pound
1 1/2 Cup Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
2 T. butter, melted
2 - 4 T. chopped onions
Preheat oven to 350*
Mix all these ingredients together in a bowl -except 1/2 C. mozzarella cheese - to be sprinkled over the top. Place in a 9X13 baking dish. Cover with foil. Cook for 30 minutes. Then uncover and cook an additional 30 minute. Enjoy! :o)
100%/100% NOT 50%/50%
This was a Facebook status of one of my friends. What a true statement!
You know, sometimes my husband can be hard to live with. And he would probably say the same thing about me. It is hard to live with someone else that was raised differently than you were.
And I think that this helps explain why we have so much divorce. People fall into love and as long as they are in the passionate part of love - they are happy but once their relationship loses that newly wed excitement - they think that the love is gone. They were in love with the feeling rather than the person.
Another important thing that people need to remember about marriage is that you each need to give 100% - not 50%/50%. We do not live in a perfect world so I know that many people find themselves in relationships with someone who barely even gives 50%, but I don't think that this relieves this person from their responsibility. And the way we do that is by building a relationship to the one who loves us the most and makes it possible for us to love without expecting anything in return. I know that is hard but we are held responsible for our actions - and I really doubt that God wants to hear us say - well he didn't give 100%. Did it work for Adam to say "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."(Genesis 3:12) Did that excuse him from disobeying what God had said? No- and other people not living up to their responsibilities does not excuse us from living up to ours.
Thank you for letting me share with you all lessons that I learn. This was something that I know I needed to learn and it really helps me work through learning that lesson when I need to type it out for others to understand what I am trying to say.
Well I hope you all have a great day. :o)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Following the Nudges of the Holy Spirit
Stepping out of my comfort zone was not something that I would have chosen to do but I had felt a nudging from the Holy Spirit and it is best to follow His leading. And once I was done - I was glad I did it. I need to have reminders of the fact that the things I do are not because I am so strong or so good - it is only because of the strength that Jesus gives to me - that gives me the ability to do anything good.
I do not like to talk in public to groups of people. I really don't. In fact, even after I had shared half of my story, I started to hear my voice quiver. Anyway I wanted to give God the Glory. He deserves so much more praise than what He gets.
Each time that we follow that nudge and do what we feel we are suppose to do - I think that God gives us the strength and not only that but the next time it becomes a bit easier to do that which we are suppose to do.
"I can do all thing through Christ who strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025
Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)
Yesterday my husband came home from work not feeling good. He still does not feel good today. He is at work and has to work a double shift s...
I have found an excellent resource for healthy living. Here is a link to the site The World's Healthiest Foods . There is a li...