"Measure your value through God's eyes, not your own."
This is a statement that really hit home with me. This is a lesson that God has been working on teaching me this past year. The world's way of evaluating our worth is set on a standard that most of us can't even measure up to. I know what I am fixing to say might offend some people but I don't say it to offend - just think about it for a bit.
We hold movie starts and sports heroes up high on pedestals - they get paid mega bucks. I mean seriously, it's nice to sit and watch a movie every now and then but I really don't think that what they do is worth millions - it just goes to show how off kilter our world really is.
Back in Bible times, Shepherds were considered low - like just above the status of a thief - and yet God uses a Shepherd as an example of who he is to us - his sheep. And I think that this is just one example of how God's value system is SO much different than the value system of this old world of ours.
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life." Psalms 23:6a
"And what follows the word surely? " goodness and mercy." If the Lord is the shepherd who leads the flock, goodness and mercy are the two sheepdogs that guard the rear of the flock. Goodness and mercy. Not goodness along, for we are sinners in need of mercy. Not mercy along for we are fragile, in need of goodness. We need them both. As one man wrote, "goodness to supply every want Mercy to forgive every sin. Goodness to provide. Mercy to pardon. "
page 144 + 145 from Max Lucado's book - Traveling Light
This was just too good not to share. May God bless each and every one of you and may you recognize God's goodness and mercy in your life in a special way today and every day! :o)
Thank you for sharing this--I was greatly blessed!