Monday, October 24, 2011

Seek Him First

"There are many whose hearts are aching under a load of care because they seek to reach the world's standard. The have chosen its service, accepted its perplexities, adopted its customs. Thus their character is marred, and their life made a weariness. In order to gratify ambition and worldly desires, they wound the conscience, and bring upon themselves an additional burden of remorse. The continual worry is wearing out the life forces. Our Lord desire them to lay aside this yoke of bondage. He invites them to accept His yoke; He says, "My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." He bids them seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and His promise is that all things needful to them for this life shall be added. Worry is blind, and cannot discern the future; but Jesus sees the end from the beginning. In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief. Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service and honor of God supreme will find perplexities vanish, and a plain path before their feet." The Desire of Ages pg. 330

This morning - I was looking in my bookcase to see what books I have of a set and what books I needed to get. As I pulled my "The Desire of Ages" book off of the shelf - I remembered how long ago - when I was about 8 years old - I had won this book at a series of meetings that my family and I had been going to. As I looked at the book - I noticed on the back page- it written, "page 330" So I turned to 330 and next to an underlined section on the page was a pencil drawn star. As I read the section - I was blown away. This was just what I have been learning during this past couple of years.

This is a treasured book in my bookcase and will be read a lot more in the years to come. It is part of a 5 book series called "Conflict of the Ages"

"Patriarchs and Prophets" book 1

"Prophets and Kings" book 2

"The Desire of Ages" book 3

"The Acts of the Apostles" book 4

"The Great Controversy" book 5

If you would like to check out any of these books or others by the same author - Ellen G. White -just click Here
When you get to the page you can find what ever book you want to check out and click on the title of it. It will take you to the table of contents and then you can start reading.

This is the same author who wrote the book - "Steps to Christ" my special treasure in a red box - that I have been reading. I have been so blessed by what I have read so far. It speaks of the indescribable love that God has for us. And as I have read this book - I have felt that love and I have felt closer to Him than ever before. And to me - and if a book does that - it is well worth my time.

As you can probably remember that last year I read through "The Little House on the Prairie" series. Well as much as I enjoyed it - I am sure that reading through this series - "Conflict of the Ages" will profit me SO much more. In this day and age - we need to be doing what ever we can to get to know our Lord and Savior more and more.

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“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

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