Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Manners.....part 3

Love Favorably Interprets Another's Motives—Charity “doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil” (1 Corinthians 13:5). Christlike love places the most favorable construction on the motives and acts of others. It does not needlessly expose their faults; it does not listen eagerly to unfavorable reports, but seeks rather to bring to mind the good qualities of others.—The Acts of the Apostles, 319 (1911).

I keep running across quotes on Facebook that speak of manners. So much more to these quotes but I do see a theme lately. :O) 

Monday, December 30, 2019

Manners....part 2

Christ's love is deep and earnest, flowing like an irrepressible stream to all who will accept it. There is no selfishness in His love. If this heaven-born love is an abiding principle in the heart, it will make itself known, not only to those we hold most dear in sacred relationship but to all with whom we come in contact. It will lead us to bestow little acts of attention, to make concessions, to perform deeds of kindness, to speak tender, true, encouraging words. It will lead us to sympathize with those whose hearts hunger for sympathy.—Manuscript 17, 1899.

Maybe you don't see the connection - but I do. Ponder it a bit - maybe you will see it as well. 

Friday, December 27, 2019

My Book Study Groups Currently

Right now my Sabbath School is reading Morris Venden's books "To Know God"  Clicking on this link will take you to Amazon where you can check it out - give you the opportunity to get it on Kindle as well. Here is another place you can get a newer copy of the book To Know God  at the Adventist Book Center by clicking on it. And of course - if you would like a book but don't want to order one from either of these places - if you leave me a comment and let me know you would like one I would be happy to send you one. :O)

And when we get done with the book "To Know God" we have already picked out our next book~ Let God Be God .   You can click on the link to check the book out at Amazon. No I don't get any credit or what ever if you click - I just wanted to give you a link just in case someone wanted to check the book out. You can look through the photos that they give and it gives a table of contents. The chapters look very interesting. I think it will be a great book to read and discuss. 

I am still working through the Elijah book that we are doing at my Woman's Wednesday Morning group. This book is by Melissa Spoelstra  you can click the "Elijah" and it will take you to the Christian book. com site to check out this book. It has been very interesting and it has expanded my knowledge of Elijah and how I can apply these lessons to my own life. We are on a bit of a break - beginning again on January the 8th I believe.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


"Manners: making others comfortable around you" 

 I found this written on a piece of paper in the last book we were studying in Sabbath School. I can't remember why this came up - but I do know that when someone said this I thought it was profound. 

Look up the word Manners on Google and this is what you will find: 

 1a way in which a thing is done or happens.

a person's outward bearing or way of behaving toward others.

You also find questions like:

What are 10 good manners? 
What are some good manners? 
What does having manners mean? 
What are good manners? 
Bad manners? 

I think the quote above best answers the questions - what does having manners mean? 
If we have manners we will make others comfortable around us. So it could also be said that having bad manners make those around us uncomfortable. I think this gives us all something important to think about. Are we behaving towards others in a way that makes them comfortable or uncomfortable? We need to be willing to look honestly at how we treat those around us and how they feel around us. What do we need to change in order to use good manners? These are just some of the things that I am pondering at the moment.  

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

There's a Story Here

This was me back in  Jan. 2014. I had 3 favorite hats that I liked to wear. I bought several more but none of the others worked for me. 
Day after day I would pick which hat worked the the best for that day. In June I was starting to get some hair growth and it was awfully hot wearing a hat so on a camping trip I took it off and never wore them again. 

Several times in the last 6 years I would try the hats on to see what I thought. Each time I just didn't feel like I felt good enough in them to wear them. Then Friday I I just happened to look behind my bedroom door where they are hanging and grabbed this one and put it on. I took some photos and I thought - hey this doesn't look to bad. 
Then I switched to my black denim one because it went with my outfit better. I thought this was the perfect thing to wear on that drizzly, cold day. So I did!! That night was the church choirs Christmas program and I wore my black hat to it. I think I am rockin' the hats now! Might not wear them all the time but I am sure I will pull them out from time to time! 
I have changed a lot over the last 6 years. I am so glad I am able to see and experience the changes.
Hope you all are doing well.

 *By the way- I am not that white - I just had the bright lights on in the bathroom so I could get a good photo.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Some Rules Have Changed

I'm not the same person I was a year ago. So much has happened this year, I had no choice but to learn some hard lessons. I am a pretty naive person- sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much. Sometimes it just takes me an awful long time to pick up on things. Especially things that are foreign to me.

The last year has caused me to change some of my own rules for myself- rules I wished I had have picked up years ago- it would have saved me a lot of heart ache for sure. This is one reason why I just haven't posted as much lately because I have been processing my thoughts and feelings.

"But if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given him." James 1:5 NET Bible 

I love how the NLT puts it:

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." 

I pray that I comprehend the important lesson that I need to ask God for more wisdom.

I love how this verse points out that God will give us the wisdom without reprimand or rebuke. HE knows we are only human and He wants us to go to Him with all that we need and He will provide.

So although it's been a painful year, with many lessons recognized, I know that I can depend on God to give me wisdom to use the things I have realized this year in order not to have to circle those lessons again. Some lessons are just too painful to have to learn again- it's just easier to implement what I have discovered even though some of them go against what I have done in the past. I am not an old dog that can not learn new tricks. As I continue to seek the Lord He is faithful to teach me the things I need to learn- some lessons are painful but the results in the end will be worth the pain.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A New Addition

Many times you will find an "My Best Deal" post here on Sundays. But today I could not title this post "My Best Deal" because I don't know if I got an awesome deal or not. But I do know that I love this new addition that will go in my workshop area in our garage. The red handles to the right - when turned will open the two piece of wood on the table. It can fold down to fit in my car as I found out after I bought it at a local Goodwill store. 

A couple of years ago my husband and I had a shed built in the back yard - it has a storage area over head and the main floor my husband has taken over as his workshop. Well we have a section in our garage where there is a workshop area. Only problem is that it is overrun with all sorts of stuff. I have already begun working on organizing it. When you have a vision of what you want to accomplish you will begin to take it one step at a time to reach that vision. And this job has certainly taken that from me. It has been overwhelming because the stuff is mostly things like tools, electrical stuff, plumbing stuff and some things I have to take a guess at what it is in order to place it with like things. I can not wait till I am able to get finished this big job. There are a few things I have not figured out how I will organize it or set it up but I am sure that as I work towards having a nice little work area in the garage I will come across things that will help me in my endeavors to organize.  If I think of it I will post photos when I am finished. I just wished I had have gotten photos of it to begin with. It is already about 50% better and I have a LONG ways to go. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Behind the Times

 I don't know exactly when knee boots came about to be in fashion - but I do know that these are the very first knee high boots I have ever owned. About 10 years ago or so I bought myself a pair of ankle boots and I loved them. But I just had never been able to get myself any of these boots before. So this year around my birthday I had a little extra money so I ordered myself a pair from Amazon- well actually I ordered 2 pairs. The first pair did not work for me - but these are great, I love them!!! They are comfortable. And they go very nicely with my birthday velour leggings that I got with the coupon from Lane Bryant for my Birthday. I am very happy to have them. I have 2 other pairs of leggings but they are a bit faded and not quite as fancy as these. When I wear these - I feel like I am dressed up - plus they are warm! Today the temps were about mid 40's when I went to church and I did not have to wear any jacket or anything my great long vest was just the right addition to the outfit for looks and warmth. I bought with from the consignment store that I take my clothes to that I no longer wear. It would have been 7.99  or 8.99 but I was able to buy it with credit - so no money out of pocket. The only problem with this topper is that it has the tags cut out of it -so I have NO idea what the brand is. And I wish I knew - because I love the style of it. I will be on the look out for more pieces like this to add to my wardrobe. I am so happy to  have finally caught up with the times when it comes to having knee high boots! I wonder how many other things I am behind the times in? 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Not Good Enough/ Less Than

We live in a world where the influences of TV, computers, magazines, etc have a way of making us feel like we are not good enough. Sad thing is that sometimes we even get that message from those around us, but I am here today to remind us all that we are "loved with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3b)

"...It doesn't matter if you are Jew or Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters."
 Colossians 3:11 

"But the LORD said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his outward appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 
I Samuel 16:7 

Jesse's oldest son Eliab had an impressive outer appearance but God wasn't concerned with appearances. He isn't that shallow. 

"The Lord looks at the heart" 
"God can give a new heart(10:9) touch hearts(10:26) and peer into the deep motivations of the heart (Ps 139:1) God sees what people cannot see- a person's true character." 
NLT Illustrated Bible notes for 1 Samuel 16:7 

We live in a world of sin where we are constantly being judged by our outward appearance, but we don't need to be concerned with that or let it make us feel like we are not good enough or less than. The One who created us and redeemed us loves us SO much. 

"For this is how God loved the world; He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 

"God's love extends beyond the limits of race or nation, even to those who oppose him." Illustrated Bible notes for John 3:16 

He doesn't get hung up on our appearance and I am So very thankful for that. Our true value comes from the fact that God loved us SO very much that He gave His only son so that we might have eternal life and spend it with Him!!! 

There was a little story I heard once that was about a donkey that got stuck in a pit of some sort. I don't remember all the details but it seems that the owner started to throw dirt into the pit. Those around him thought he was burying the donkey but as they continued to watch they realized that as the donkey moved around he was packing the dirt down and lifting himself higher and higher out of the pit. And soon he was freed. 

In live we will have those around us that toss dirt on us - and it isn't always to help us - but we can still choose to pack it down and rise above. That is one reason I am writing this post today. 

Shake it off 
Pack it down 
and rise a little higher 
You probably noticed me mention the NLT Illustrated Bible. 
This is my new Bible. I love it!! It is great and pretty reasonable price. I got it from Amazon for a little less than $40. Well worth the money. It is a large Bible measuring about 2 1/4 inch or so thick. Not surprising since it has lots of notes and pictures! 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Trust and Faith

I ended up with bronchitis ~ went to the Dr and have some antibiotic. Hoping I feel better soon. Today there was a great devotion in my Streams in the Desert book that I just had to share: 
Trust in the Lord and do what is right! Settle in the land and maintain your integrity! —Ps 37:3
The word trust is the heart word of faith. It is the Old Testament word, the word given to the early and infant stage of faith. The word faith expresses more the act of the will, the word belief the act of the mind or intellect, but trust is the language of the heart. The other has reference more to a truth believed or a thing expected.
Trust implies more than this, it sees and feels, and leans upon a person, a great, true, living heart of love. So let us “trust also in him,” through all the delays, in spite of all the difficulties, in the face of all the denials, notwithstanding all the seemings, even when we cannot understand the way, and know not the issue; still “trust also in him, and he will bring it to pass.” The way will open, the right issue will come, the end will be peace, the cloud will be lifted, and the light of an eternal noonday shall shine at last.
Trust and rest when all around thee
Puts thy faith to sorest test;
Let no fear or foe confound thee,
Wait for God and trust and rest.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Well Hello There~

I have not totally forgotten about my blog. I have just been so very busy. Oct and Nov had probably about 25-30 appt. that I had to take my MIL since she has been pretty unsteady on her feet. This month I have taken her to 2 appt and she has one later this week as well. And then I will need to set up an appointment with another Dr- hoping it will be the appt that he releases her- it will depend on her CT results- we will find that out on Thursday. With all of that and my own activities and things I have been SO very busy. Anyway this morning I read in my Streams in the Desert devotional to end my quiet time and it was just too good not to take the time to share it with you all. :O)

or this our light and transitory burden of suffering is achieving for us a weight of glory (2 Cor. 4:17). (Weymouth)
The question is repeatedly asked--Why is the life of man drenched with so much blood, and blistered with so many tears? The answer is to be found in the word "achieving"; these things are achieving for us something precious. They are teaching us not only the way to victory, but better still the laws of victory. There is a compensation in every sorrow, and the sorrow is working out the compensation. It is the cry of the dear old hymn:
"Nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee,
E'en tho' it be a cross that raiseth me."
Joy sometimes needs pain to give it birth. Fanny Crosby could never have written her beautiful hymn, "I shall see Him face to face," were it not for the fact that she had never looked upon the green fields nor the evening sunset nor the kindly twinkle in her mother's eye. It was the loss of her own vision that helped her to gain her remarkable spiritual discernment.
It is comforting to know that sorrow tarries only for the night; it takes its leave in the morning. A thunderstorm is very brief when put alongside the long summer day. "Weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning."
--Songs in the Night
There is a peace that cometh after sorrow,
Of hope surrendered, not of hope fulfilled;
A peace that looketh not upon tomorrow,
But calmly on a tempest that it stilled.
A peace that lives not now in joy's excesses,
Nor in the happy life of love secure;
But in the unerring strength the heart possesses,
Of conflicts won while learning to endure.
A peace there is, in sacrifice secluded,
A life subdued, from will and passion free;
'Tis not the peace that over Eden brooded,

But that which triumphed in Gethsemane.
As before - Crosswalk  shares the devotion for each day. It is an excellent book. I really don't like alot of devotional books but this one stands head and shoulders above most of the others. 

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Just in case your are interested....

A few days ago I added a new post to the other blog~ if you would like to check it out click here!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Reminders in Odd Places

Recently I ran across a great little article that has inspired me to make sure the A Charlie Brown Christmas program will be a part of my yearly traditions for Christmas. And once you read this article and the second part of it too - Link found HERE. I think that you may want to as well. Especially if it will remind you to give your fears to Him. 

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Happy Thanksgiving Day to You!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. I really like the concept of Thanksgiving Day. You know taking time out of your busy schedule to really focus on what you are thankful for. I know it is hard somethings - especially with all the food prep that is required, but please take a little time to focus on what you are grateful for- it helps us be more content with our lives when we focus on the things we have to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Another Area of Growth...and....

I have just a few minutes to check in here and say Hello and that I have not forgotten about my blog - just have way too much to do to post much. Some of it may to do with that I just recently had a big birthday and I have been spending some time introspection. As another year came and went I have been pondering things I have learned this year and what I want out of the next year of my life. This has been quite a difficult year for me- probably one of the hardest ones since 2012-2014 another incredibly hard time period in my life. But thankfully God has been with me every step of the way sanding off some of the rough edges - many more of those to go - wish I could learn how to have them sanded off without so much pain involved.

I had already been working on the next goals I wanted to set up for myself. It had been very obvious that I needed to expand my goals to involve many other areas of my life. When we focus too much on the outward man - the inward one many times is neglected. And it is much more important for the inward me to be worked on so my goals will be much different from goals of the past. I need to find where I wrote them down - pray about them and ask God if there are any others that I need to add. I am sure that He has plans for me that I know nothing about - and if I ask Him what I need to work on - then He will give me the wisdom to know what is important. Then as I continue through the year - I need to surrender my life to Him on a daily basis and allow Him to guide and direct. Only by doing this will I follow His plan for my life- and not just my plans.

I am SO proud of myself - this is another area of growth for me for sure. Today I got online and ordered a set of tires for my car! I am so excited about getting them. My car has needed tires for probably a year. Anyway I am so proud of myself because in years past - I would leave all of this to my husband. But he has been working ALOT lately and if I were to wait for him to be able to do it - it would be at least a couple of weeks. And I am hoping to get my new tires by next week. I am waiting on a confirmation letter and then I will set up an appointment. And I plan on going and having it done myself as well. It will be awesome to get my new tires. I even picked them out!! I know what brand my husband like us to get and I looked through what all choices I had and found the ones I thought would be great- ran it past my husband, because that is still a smart thing to do. Anyway just another area of growth and it feels good.
I hope you all are doing well. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and don't forget to take some time to think about all the things you are thankful for.
We take TOO much for granted.
Do you have electricity? Be thankful!
Do you have running water? Many don't.
Do you have options of places to get your groceries? Some don't.
You get the idea. Be Thankful- it's good for the soul! :O)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Sabbath Praises

Just the first section of the song that I thought was beautiful: 

Head full of questions, how can you measure up?

To deserve affection, to ever be enough
For this existence
When did it get so hard?
Your heart is beating, alive and breathing
And there's a reason why
You are essential, not accidental
And you should realize
You are beloved

I wanted you to know
You are beloved
Let it soak into your soul
Oh, forget the lies you heard
Rise above the hurt
And listen to these words
You are beloved
I want you to know
You are beloved
You-ou-ou, you-ou-ou, you, you are beloved

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dropping by

I had really thought I would have more time to get some blog posts put up on here but it has been a very busy sweet! In fact right now I am eating my breakfast as I get this typed up and will have to leave my house at about 8am to get my MIL to an appt. anyway I wanted to drop in and say I haven forgotten about the posts I planned to do this week I just haven't had a chance to get them typed up. Next week I'll have my granddaughter so I really don't know when I'll be able to post. I am having some ideas for blog posts rolling around my head- and maybe in this time that I am busy I'll be able to fully  formulate them.
Hope you all are doing well. :0)

Monday, November 18, 2019

Six Years!

Six years ago today I had the surgery that saved my life. I continue to be grateful to God for guiding me through so many decisions and choices that had to be made that entire year after the cancer was found. Each anniversary is a chance to ponder all that God has done and continues to do. In everyone's lives there are special dates that they will never forget. The days that profoundly changed our lives. And truly the year of 2013 that also continued into 2014 truly changed my life in many ways.  Because it is the anniversary of this life changing event  I will be pondering some of the ways that this time period changed my life. Be watching for the posts. See you soon. :0)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sabbath Praises

Just a few of my favorite lines from the song:

You can't add a single day by worrying

You'll worry your life away
Oh don't worry your life away
You can't change a single thing by freaking out
It's just gonna close you in
Oh don't let the trouble win

Friday, November 15, 2019

Victorious Life

Devotion from the Streams in the Desert Book -  copied from Crosswalk.com website 
You can always go there every day and read the devotional for the day. :O) 
For we do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, regarding the affliction that happened to us in the province of Asia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of living. (2 Corinthians 1:8)
But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
God allowed the crisis to close around Jacob on the night when he bowed at Peniel in supplication, to bring him to the place where he could take hold of God as he never would have done; and from that narrow pass of peril, Jacob became enlarged in his faith and knowledge of God, and in the power of a new and victorious life.
God had to compel David, by a long and painful discipline of years, to learn the almighty power and faithfulness of his God, and grow up into the established principles of faith and godliness, which were indispensable for his glorious career as the king of Israel.
Nothing but the extremities in which Paul was constantly placed could ever have taught him, and taught the Church through him, the full meaning of the great promise he so learned to claim, “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Why, Oh Why?

Why, Oh Why did it take me so long to discover what this handy thing can do!?! 
I had tried a curling iron like this years ago - but for what I was using it for - it did not work. I keep the hair on the front half of my head too short for this to work like I would like it to. I find a regular curling iron works best for that. 

Last time I had my hair cut by beautician used a regular curling iron to do some great curls in the back and I really like how it turned out. And had SO hoped I could duplicate it. But with a regular curling iron it is difficult cause if you get your hair in it weird you run the risk of ending up with like 180* curls- like really just folded back with an ugly crease in your hair. Then I was looking at another much more expensive hair tool- watched a video on it and loved some of what it did. But it was like 3 times the amount of money as this. When I was at the store I picked this up and brought it home. it was just under $11.00 and let me tell you - worth EVERY penny!! It is so easy to use and I end up with some beautiful curls for my longer hair!! Such a great discovery. Sure wish I had discovered what this would do years ago!!!! 

We always need to be open to learning new things - we never know when we will find then next great way to add more spice and enjoyment to our lives!!! 

What have you learned lately that has brought joy to your life? 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


I came across this quote in my devotions yesterday morning and just thought that all of these things that I wanted to share with you all went together. 

"Jesus cares for each one as though there were no another individual on the face of the earth- T5p346 
God brings His people near Him by close, testing trials, by showing them their own weakness and inability, and by teaching them to lean upon Him as their only help and safeguard. Then His object is accomplished. they are prepared to be used in every emergency, to fill important positions of trust, and to accomplish the grand purposes for which their powers were given them. T5p86" 

Here is a great song I would like to share with you today. The lyrics are below. It's important to really pay attention to the lyrics because then we get to full message of the song. 

Why You ever chose me
Has always been a mystery
All my life, I've been told I belong
At the end of a line
With all the other Not-Quites
With all the Never-Get-It-Rights
But it turns out they are the ones You were looking for
All this time
'Cause I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody
All about Somebody who saved my soul
Ever since You rescued me, You gave my heart a song to sing
I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus
I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus
Moses had stage fright
And David brought a rock to a sword fight
You picked twelve outsiders nobody would've chosen
And You changed the world
Well, the moral of the story is
Everybody's got a purpose
So when I hear that devil start talking to me, saying
"Who do you think you are?" I say
I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody
All about Somebody who saved my soul
Ever since You rescued me, You gave my heart a song to sing
I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus
I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus
So let me go down, down, down in history
As another blood-bought faithful member of the family
And if they all forget my name, well, that's fine with me
I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus
So let me go down, down, down in history (Go down in history)
As another blood-bought faithful member of the family
(It's all I ever wanna be) And if they all forget my name, well, that's fine with me
I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus, yeah
I'm just a nobody (Nobody)
Trying to tell everybody
All about Somebody
Who saved my soul (Oh, saved my, saved my soul)
Ever since You rescued me
You gave my heart a song to sing (You gave me a song to sing)
I'm living for the world to see
Nobody but Jesus (Nobody but You, Lord)
I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus
I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus

Monday, November 11, 2019

I want to know, but don't want a phone call

I've gotten a call from a Dr twice in my lifetime and to be honest- they weren't good phone calls. When it is serious business is when you hear from the Dr. These are the phone calls you never forget.
And although I really want the results back like now- I do NOT want a phone call, unless it is just a "I know you were concerned about the results of this test and it's all good." Otherwise I will just do my best to be patient and wait for the results.  I'll get on here and give results as soon as I get a chance once I receive them. This week I have 3 appts to take my MIL to and a couple of things I really need to take care of. Anyway hope you all are doing well. Be back as soon as I get a chance.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Happy 50th Anniversary!!

Remember I told you that I was almost as old as Sesame Street? Well we looked it up and found out that November 10th was the first episode of Sesame Street. And I looked on Youtube and actually found it. I thought I would share it today - since today is the 50th anniversary of the show!! Enjoy! :O)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sabbath Praises

Just a few of the lyrics that really spoke to me!

I'm wishing I could see the finish line
Where it ends, where it lands
Guess I lost my vision when the pain set in
Can I believe when I don't see?
Can I really let it be out of my hands?
When it's out of my hands
This isn't what I'd choose
But it's where I'm finding You

Friday, November 8, 2019

Flooding Emotions

I pulled into the parking lot, that I have been in quite a few times since that time six years ago. But the emotions overwhelmed me this day- almost as if it were that fateful day back December 3rd 2013. The other times I had been in this hospitals parking lot I had not been scheduled to see Dr D, the Dr who had diagnosed the cancer 6 years before. This day; however, I was. And the emotions flooded over me. I was so thankful I had left my house early and arrived early. I sat in my car and cried. Wishing that I had realized how emotional this visit could be. Later I talked to Dr D about this and she said many times patients don't go back to the Dr who diagnosed them because of this very reason. But this Dr is well worth facing this fear. When she first came in she gave me a hug and told me how glad she was to see me. We had a good visit and ended the visit with another hug.

Even though I really like this Dr, I am still SO glad to have this appt behind me. Can't wait to get the results back from the test she did. It was an emotionally draining day and I had to cancel another thing I had planned that afternoon because I needed more time to recoup. Anyway- I had ask y'all to pray for me about this appointment so I thought it only right to take some time to write up a bit of an update about it.

Hope you all have a great weekend. :)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

We May End Up Being Neighbors

Taking my MIL to so many appointments lately has found me in the car a lot. I am lucky to have not only 1 but 4 Christian radio stations in this area! and I listen to one of those four stations most of the time. On my way home one day last week the thought hit me that we better learn to love our fellow man because one day we may just end up as neighbors in heaven. And there will be no hate there. God wants us to work towards being more like Him and He loves everyone!

We don't have the power in and of ourselves to reflect His character but as we surrender our lives to Him - He will have the freedom to mold us and shape us into His character. And since God is Love then we ought to learn to love everyone because they just may end up being our neighbor in heaven.

By the way - I have a VERY important appointment today and I would appreciate your prayers. Thank you so very much!! :O)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Forever Friend

At my new church - the pastor and others refer to us as Forever Family and I just love that. It is so great to know that the relationships that we are building here will someday last forever!! Which brings me to my forever Friend. I am so thankful that I have a forever Friend who will never turn His back on me. He gives me the freedom to take His wisdom or not. And He loves me no matter what. He will never give up on me. When I make mistakes here and there He is always there with His arms wide open - inviting me back!! Our forever friendship means so much to Him taht He willingly spread His arms on the cross for me! His love is endless and nothing can separate me from it!! I am so thankful!!!

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:35-39

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Hazards of a Recovering People Pleaser

I have mentioned several times that I am a recovering people pleaser. But before I move into the hazards of a recovering people pleaser, i feel I need to maybe expand a bit on what being a people pleaser means to me. And this will only be a brief explanation.

For much of my life to this point I have worked to keep peace. And there is nothing wrong with being a peace maker- there is even a blessing connected to being a peace maker in the Bible.

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God." 
Matthew 5:9

The problem begins when the pendulum swings too far to one side causing a person to try to please everyone around them in order to be accepted and loved. Being a people pleaser can cause you to keep quiet even when situations are going on that might need to be addressed. And this is where the hazards come in- because when you are recovering from being a people pleaser you feel the need to ever so often to deal with situations that may have been going on for a while. the problem is that sometimes you deal with them in inopportune times - like not when the boundary is crossed but another time- causing more problems. Sometimes recovering can cause you to feel the need to set a boundary when maybe it was just your reactions to the offense needed to be addressed. In other words, when you are one direction from the healthy mark and work towards being healthy - sometimes you miss the mark and swing to the other side- into another unhealthy area.    In which case may cause some damage to relationships - especially when you have mostly just kept quiet about the offensives in the past. It is quiet surprising to those around you. 

The hope is that the loved ones around you will give you grace and understanding as you work towards healthier ways to communicate and deal with life. Sadly this does not always happen. This experience is helping me see the value of grace. Where maybe before I just didn't understand it. And I feel grace is important for us to understand. Especially when we are looking at the grace God gives. It is something we don't deserve and yet He is "full of grace." John 1:14 

The pendulum was defiantly to one direction as i behaved as a people pleaser. And I have been working on recovering from this - the pendulum has swung to the other direction a time or two or..... God is still working on me. Others may give up on me but thankfully God never will. He has promised to complete the work He has begun in me. I just hope that my friends and family can continue to love and accept me through this journey even if I make mistakes. That's all I can do. I am not perfect- far, far from it. But God is still working on me. And I am thankful even when it is painful. 

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man?
 If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. 
Galatians 1:10

Monday, November 4, 2019

Two Main Reasons...And a New Rule

There were two main reasons why I made public my 50 by 50 challenge that I made with myself. But had I known of the unexpected results I would have totally kept it to myself. Which has led me to a new rule in my life- that I wish i had have made years ago. Stick around and I will cover them all.

The main reason why I made my 50 by 50 challenge goal public was to have some accountability. And to be honest setting this goal has helped me stick with watching my weight through the ups and downs. There were many times I wanted to give up but that goal kept me from what I have done several times in the past~ giving up and ending up gaining all the weight back - sometimes even more than what I had lost.

The second  reason that I shared my goal was to encourage others and to be encouraged by others as we traveled this journey together.

But one of the results of making my weight loss journey public has not been positive. And really it's several things. When you talk about losing weight or the need to lose weight - it causes those around you to feel pressure - like they need to lose weight even if in reality they don't need to lose any weight. I have shared with those around me - sometimes in order to get some encouragement but instead of encouragement- many tend to respond with their own desire to lose weight and to be honest it has made me uncomfortable. Which is, I guess how I made others feel like when sharing my goals with them. I wanted encouragement but that is not what I got. But this is not the worse thing I got. We are working towards that....

It seems to me that among ladies that when someone loses weight it stirs up jealousy- what is really sad is when the jealousy comes from those around you who are at their ideal weight or very close~ meaning sometimes those around you much smaller than you- then to act a bit jealous - by comments they make. I don't understand this at all. I mean looking at me - it is obvious that I need to lose some weight. But why would ladies much smaller than me act as if they are jealous of the weight I lose?

The worst thing that has happened because of my 50 by 50 goal is the lose of a relationship I had. There is so much to this story and truthfully I do not totally understand  why the relationship dissolved to the point it has but I know that this goal had a lot to do with it. And honestly part of it is my own fault- some of my own behavior - which I will go into a bit in another post called "Hazards of a Recovering People Pleaser"

Anyway I was sharing with my Sabbath School leader about some of this situation and she said, "that is one reason why I don't share any thing about my weight lose goals." And it makes perfect sense to me. And it is one reason why I have made the decision not to share any more of my weight lose goal publically. This will be my own private things that I will discuss with my husband only. I really never got enough encouragement to make it worth all of the negative results of sharing anyway.

Learning these negatives to sharing about your weight loss goals have really worked against me. It has caused a lot of pain and a lot of hurt. And I wish I could have learned this lesson a much easier way. I wanted encouragement but really all I got was stumbling blocks of hurt.

So I would like to take this opportunity to say that if me sharing this goal with you in any way caused you discomfort or pain - I am very sorry. That was never my intention. Losing weight for me is very challenging and so I just shared so I could get some encouragement. So yes - sharing the goal did help hold me accountable, but the negatives to sharing it have outweighed the good. So my new rule is weight loss goals will not be shared. Never too old to set new rules for yourself.

Oh and another thing - if anyone shares with me about their weight loss journey - my goal will to be as encouraging and supportive as I can - because really that is all we want is cheer leaders to cheer us onto victory!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sabbath Praises

A new favorite song of mine. Hope it blesses you as well.

Just a few of the lyrics that spoke to me:

"Step into a new day

We can rise up from the dust and walk away
We can dance upon our heartache, yeah
So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships
And don't you look back"

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Vintage Treasure ~ Best Deal

Wednesday I took a batch of clothes I no longer wanted to my consignment shop. I had some clothes that did not sell from a previous batch that I was suppose to pick up but I forgot to pick them up on Wednesday. At first I was mad at myself because I forgot to pick the clothes up. But actually it ended up being a blessing!

Thursday I took my MIL to a physical therapy appointment and after I dropped her off I ran a couple of errands. It really is amazing what you can do in less than an hour when you are right in town. I forget that sometimes since it takes me at least 15-20 minutes to get to town in the first place. Anyway so first errand was to pick up the unsold clothes. 6 of the 24 items I had taken that time did not sell. As I walked into the door - and a pendant on a necklace caught my eye. Normally I am not that into that kind of stuff but there was something about it that drew my attention. I picked it up and looked at the robin and as I turned it over I realized it was a pendant that could also be a brooch! I loved it. I am not that into necklaces - especially the shortness of this necklace but I do love a beautiful vintage brooch.

I knew I had 2 more stops to get done before heading back to the PT place so I bought the brooch with my credit and was on my way. After I arrived back at the PT place and as I was sitting in the waiting room I pulled my new brooch out and began to really look at it. I had noticed some writing on the back but had not taken the time to read it. I did not - It was an AVON piece. I love vintage Avon. They have had some awesome things. This is called "Welcoming of Spring~ The Robin" and I love it. I would love to know what year it was sold. I will be doing some research and see what I can come up with.

Anyway as I was looking it up I found that they have a hummingbird one as well and now I want it! I will be watching for it for sure!! 

And I paid $5.00 for it - but like I said I had credit so really no money out of pocket for me!! :O)

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

He will bring us through

So this was the devotional in my Streams in the Desert devotional. I just had to share. I think I would have to say that Annie Johnson Flint is my favorite poet! I hope this blesses you! 

All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me (Psalms 42:7).
They are HIS billows, whether they go o'er us,
Hiding His face in smothering spray and foam;
Or smooth and sparkling, spread a path before us,
And to our haven bear us safely home.
They are HIS billows, whether for our succor
He walks across them, stilling all our fear;
Or to our cry there comes no aid nor answer,
And in the lonely silence none is near.
They are HIS billows, whether we are toiling
Through tempest-driven waves that never cease,
While deep to deep with clamor loud is calling;
Or at His word they hush themselves in peace.
They are HIS billows, whether He divides them,
Making us walk dryshod where seas had flowed;
Or lets tumultuous breakers surge about us,
Rushing unchecked across our only road.
They are HIS billows, and He brings us through them;
So He has promised, so His love will do.
Keeping and leading, guiding and upholding,

To His sure harbor, He will bring us through.
--Annie Johnson Flint
Stand up in the place where the dear Lord has put you, and there do your best. God gives us trial tests. He puts life before us as an antagonist face to face. Out of the buffeting of a serious conflict we are expected to grow strong. The tree that grows where tempests toss its boughs and bend its trunk often almost to breaking, is often more firmly rooted than the tree than the tree which grows in the sequestered valley where no storm ever brings stress or strain.
The same is true of life. The grandest character is grown in hardship.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hit Another Wall...Or Was it The Same Wall...?

The last few months have found me in a heap in front of the newest wall I have stumbled against. Yes- I have stood back up and even began climbing the wall only to be struck by a fiery arrow and knocked to the ground again. But I have resolved not to allow this to keep me down. God is working on some things in my life- specifically the amount of power I have allowed what others have thought of me. God wants me to learn it doesn't matter what others think. He totally understands what it feels like to not be liked. there are many examples in the Bible when ready about the life of Jesus. And we know that Jesus is a mirror image of who God is! He came to this world to show us what God is really like. Anyway I may have hit another wall or was it the same wall as last time... who know...what ever the case I have hit a wall and am fighting to get past it, and it is very painful at times, but I trust that through this time that God will smooth out the rough areas of my life and teach me how to be more like Him. Not everyone liked Jesus so how can I continue to think that everyone will like me. I realize now that my desire for everyone to like me stems from my people pleasing ways. And that is not healthy for me. It is painful to move away from the bad habits we develop here on earth. But God know what we need to learn and He will continue to work with us as long as we are willing to surrender our lives to Him. Correcting some unhealthy behaviors in me has causes me to hit another wall and has caused me a tremendous amount of pain but I continue to put my trust in God and allow Him to guide and direct my steps and through His power and strength I will conquer this wall as well.

What wall are you facing?
God can help you conquer it as well!!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Best Deal

Today's "Best Deals" were actually great deals I got several weeks ago - I just haven't had a chance to write up a post about them! Plus I have been so very busy I have not gotten to do much thrift store shopping and when I have - I haven't found much. Found a new to me favorite short sleeved top - which is rare. It seems more challenging around here to find great short sleeved tops. Anyway on to today's post. 

My favorite little thrift store has been having an excellent sale on books lately. I think it is because they have so very many books. So when I found this completely revised Texas Gardening book for 50 cents - I jumped on it. I had an older book but there were several things about this book that made it worth the investment - not only is it revised and updated - it was actually signed by the author. And there was a photo of the author in the book! One of my nieces wanted my older copy of the book and so I am going to give her the book and the photo. I think it will mean more to the person she wants to give the book to! 
And the other excellent deal going on at my thrift store is cookbooks for a quarter a piece!!! What an excellent deal!!  

I used to enjoy watching Rachael Ray's 30 minute meals. And had thought it would be nice to have a cookbook. I am thankful that I have not invested a lot of money into them because I have looked through this book briefly and it just doesn't speak to me. But the Taste of Home 5- ingredients cookbook has a different story. I have already tried a couple of the recipes for my husband and he has liked them. It was just the sort of thing I was looking for - some quick recipes that I could make up food for my husband on these busy days of so many appointments and things to do. 

If any of my readers would like the Rachael Ray cookbook - I would be willing to mail it to you if you will email me and let me know you are interested in it and send me your address. 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sabbath Praises

Better late than never for the Sabbath Praises post today. This is a beautiful song that I heard for the first time today at church. Enjoyed it so much I looked it up when I got home. Anyway I wanted to share it with you all. Hope you have had a blessed day
. Be sure and come back by tomorrow for a "best deal " post. :)

Friday, October 25, 2019


A devotion from my Streams in the Desert devotional book. Wanted to share it with you. 
I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument (Isa. 41:15).
A bar of steel worth five dollars, when wrought into horseshoes, is worth ten dollars. If made into needles, it is worth three hundred and fifty dollars; if into penknife blades, it is worth thirty-two thousand dollars; if into springs for watches it is worth two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. What a drilling the poor bar must undergo to be worth this! But the more it is manipulated, the more it is hammered, and passed through the fire, and beaten and pounded and polished, the greater the value.
May this parable help us to be silent, still, and longsuffering. Those who suffer most are capable of yielding most; and it is through pain that God is getting the most out of us, for His glory and the blessing of others.
Oh, give Thy servant patience to be still,
And bear Thy will;
Courage to venture wholly on the arm
That will not harm;
The wisdom that will never let me stray
Out of my way;
The love that, now afflicting, knoweth best
When I should rest.
Life is very mysterious. Indeed it would be inexplicable unless we believed that God was preparing us for scenes and ministries that lie beyond the veil of sense in the eternal world, where highly-tempered spirits will be required for special service.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pondering This

Could it have been that it took Moses 40 years to become obedient and surrendered and that's when God showed up?

This is something I heard a pastor say and I think it gives us something to think about in our own journeys.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Creativity is good for the soul

It has been so warm here in Texas that my latest electric bill was higher than any electric bill for this month since we lived here! Thankfully it seems that maybe fall has finally arrived with a trend of weather nice enough to have the windows open at least half the time or more. And I love that kind of weather!

Several years ago my husband got me a very nice quilting machine. I was able to quilt several quilts and then something happened and I started having issues with it - the stitching would go along nicely for a while and then there would be some very long stitches. Well we have worked with it and worked with it and then about a year ago when I spent ALOT of time unsewing the quilting that I had done to a quilt caused me to just put a sheet over my quilting machine and give up for a while. Although I have been so very busy lately - I decided I really need to get it running again so I can get moving on my quilts - I have 3 baby quilts ready to be quilted along with another quilt. So my husband came up with a great idea! You see the way the machine is on the quilting frame - it makes it hard to really work with the computer part of it. So he decided we would take the machine off the frame and see if I could get the machine to do even stitches that way. So last night I spent about an hour playing with the machine. Turns out it isn't as complicated as I thought it was- when you can get to it - it really is easier. It seems to be working smoothly. So next step will be to put it back on the frame and do a practice run on a small project. And I am praying that the problem has been resolved. It would truly be an answer to prayer if it has!

I also spent some time painting this week end.

Sorry this photo didn't capture the whole thing - but gives you an idea of what it looks like. Yes - i cheated a bit - by using some stencils - but trust me there was still a lot of creativity with this. And it helped restore my soul a bit.

I am trying to spend some extra time thinking on my blessings, especially since I have had some real blows lately that just eat away at my peace. Situations I can not control can cause a lot of pain and discouragement if I let them. And I have struggled with discouragement the last few days. Anyway working on these projects have really helped me alot!

I better close- Will be heading out again shortly to take my MIL to the first appointment of 4 this week! Thankfully I have a fun appointment coming up this week for me as well - And it's fun to look forward to this!  :O) 

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)