Monday, December 31, 2018

365 of 365

On this - the last day of 2018 I just wanted to share a few things. First of all I am thankful and grateful that God brought me through another year. 

And as we embark on a new year it is time to look at our lives and prioritize the things that are important. And to set New Year's Resolutions.
Here is an example - a friend of mine on Facebook shared this and I thought it was too funny not to share: 

Many times we set goals for the new year and then end up failing. But that is no reason not to even try. We need to ask God to guide us as we set our goals _ all goals - all the time, not just New Year's Resolutions. And if they are God led then He will give us the strength and courage to reach said goals. Spend some time today praying and allowing God to guide you as you set some goals for yourself. I have not totally done this yet - so some time today will be dedicated to this important task. 

Friday, December 28, 2018

A firm foundation, even when the dirt has been swept out from under us

Recently when I was trying to plant some flowers, that were given to me, in a new flower bed I discovered roots from a nearby tree blocking me from planting my flowers. Then as I was 
 at the park where I walk I noticed this tree and its roots And thought it was interesting to be able to see them. Most the time we are not able to see the roots. 

 Then I noticed these roots. 

I noticed also that half of the ground under this tree was gone but the tree was still standing. 

Along our journey through life we experience this as well. Sometimes experiences in life causes part of the ground under our feet to be swept away. At those moments we really learn how strong the roots that we have really are. In order to grow our roots we need to feed on Jesus Christ; by spending time with Him our roots grow stronger. And when the trials of life come along and wash part of the ground out from under our feet we will be able to stand because we have made Jesus our foundation. 

This brings glory to God. There is a lady at my church who has recently found out that she has cancer that is so advanced that surgery was not an option. Her spirits are good and she continues to come to church with a smile on her face even though she doesn't have much time left. How is this possible? Because she is so grounded in Jesus Christ that her roots are well established. And she is able to shine for Jesus. What a great example. Let's drink deep from the well of Jesus Chrust today and everyday that we too may stand firm no matter the situation.  

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Healthy Tidbits series...

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We did but since one of our sons had to work we had to wait till he got home before we could have supper and then open presents. We had a great time but I got to bed too late considering that I had to wake up at 4:45am. Oh and did I mention that my husband and I spent several hours at the ER on Christmas Eve day because we both have an upper respiratory infection along with bronchitis. So to say the least I am super tired this morning. I would appreciate prayers that the day goes well. I will be taking care of my granddaughter all week. And I'd like to have enough energy to play with her. I hope you all are well. Now on to the little tidbit I am sharing today.

"Iron is needed for healthy blood. It helps in protein metabolism and to promote growth. Iron is found in many plant foods, including dark leafy greens (such as collards and kale), lentils, raisins, soy products and many iron-fortified foods."
~A little tidbit from a new book I have called "Healthy Food Choices - a pure vegetarian recipe book" by Leona R. Alderson, M.A.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

My Favorite Christmas Song and Why

Merry Christmas!! Today I wanted to share with you one of my most favorite Christmas songs. There are several reasons why it is my favorite! First of all when I was a little girl a group of people from my church would go ingathering. For those of you who may not know what ingathering is - it is where we would go around neighborhoods and sing Christmas carols while a couple of people would go door to do and ask for funds. I am not 100% sure where the funds went(if I am wrong someone please correct me) but I am thinking it was for the mission fund. I really enjoyed singing - especially this song. This is how it became my favorite but there is a second reason why it is my favorite. Take some time to listen to this song and then to read through the lyrics and then I will come back at the end and share the second reason why this is my favorite Christmas song.

God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
In Bethlehem, in Israel
This blessed Babe was born
And laid within a manger
Upon this blessed morn
The which His Mother Mary
Did nothing take in scorn
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Fear not then, said the Angel
Let nothing you affright
This day is born a Savior
Of a pure Virgin bright
To free all those who trust in Him
From Satan's pow'r and might
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy

There is a second reason why this is my favorite Christmas song and that is because it doesn't just focus on the birth of Jesus but it goes through the reason why Jesus came to this earth. It tells the gospel that Jesus came to save us from sin! I am especially happy when I hear this song while I am out in public because hearing this song my be the only gospel some people ever get to hear!! And I am thankful for that! Not only is it fun to sing but it tells the gospel story! Praise God for songs that tell that story! 

What is your favorite Christmas song? 

So there is a second reason why this is my favorite Christmas song and that is because this song is about so much more than just the birth of Jesus - it goes all the way through what Jesus's purpose was coming to this sinful world. And every time that I hear this song - especially when I am out in a public area - I am so thrilled that many people who don't normally have the opportunity to hear the gospel will hear it. This may be the only way some people hear it and I am so thankful for it because of that!! 

Monday, December 24, 2018

A blessing to me in many different ways

This week I will be sharing this post from this series today since tomorrow is Christmas and I just felt like I needed to do something different for Christmas.

Today's post will actually be the reason that I started this series. It was a blessing to me and as I wrote up the post and was thinking I realized that there were many different reasons that my new church is a blessing to me. I wanted to share with you all just in case it would encourage you along your journey. Maybe God is leading you to make a change maybe He just wants you to notice the blessing that you have at your church. I don't know but I felt led by God to share these things with you.

I really don't like conflict. I don't like to be around it and I try to avoid it. But that is not always the healthiest way to deal with things and my new Sabbath School is teaching me that. In my Sabbath School class we have any where from 10-20 some odd people each week. And so of course there may end up being some people that may not agree with what the book that we are reading has said so they may bring it up. Or maybe they don't agree with a point that the teacher has made. I really appreciate my Sabbath School teach and her ability to listen and stay calm- in fact she says she likes for people to speak up. That might be because she is married to a lawyer. What ever the case she is helping me learn that it's alright to have a difference of opinion and it doesn't mean that we don't like whoever we disagree with, we just disagree.

Anyway I really am happy to have the opportunity to be in a class that has moments that to me and my personality might be a bit uncomfortable, but I am learning slowly that it doesn't have to be a tense moment. We may disagree with someone's opinion but we can still like them as a person. This is just one of the many blessings that I have in my new church.

Come back next week when we will look at the next blessing.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

7 X 70=Unlimited

It has been interesting that over the past week I have heard several sermons on the topic of forgiveness.
  • in a church service I attended 
  • a sermon I heard on the radio 
  • and on a sermon I heard on TV while getting ready for the day 
What really sparked my interest in this topic and led me to dig a bit deeper was something one of the pastors said - basically 
7X70= unlimited 

As I dug deeper I understood why that is so. 

Then Peter came to Him and said, 'Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me,
 and I forgive him? Up to seven times?'" 
Matthew 18:21

"It has been suggested by some that the rabbis limited the times one should forgive another to three; on a false interpretation of Amos 1:3. Fully aware of the fact that Christ always interpreted the law in a broader sense than the scribes(see on Matthew 5:17,18), Peter here seeks to anticipate the degree of patience Christ might be expected to recommend, seven being the number generally thought of representing perfection. But to forgive a person 'seven times' and no more, would be a mechanical sort of forgiveness. Forgiveness , on the part either of God or of man, is much more than a judicial act; it is a restoration of peace where there had been conflict." SDA Commentary volume 5 pg. 448-449 

Peter understood that Jesus gave more mercy and grace and decided to go with seven since it was the number for perfection. But Jesus had an unexpected response: 

"Jesus said to him, 'I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."
Matthew 18:22

"until seventy times seven ~ The Greek is somewhat ambiguous, and may mean either "seventy times seven' or 'seventy seven.' Of course, the number itself is not important being only symbolic. Either number is in harmony with the truth here taught, that forgiveness is not a matter of mathematics or legal regulation, but an attitude." pg449

Jesus wanted Peter and to those of us that followed to understand that forgiveness should not come from a legal regulation of a number of times, but from an attitude of love and mercy. 

"True forgiveness is not limited by numbers; further more, it is not the act that counts, but the spirit that prompts the act. 'Nothing can justify an unforgiving spirit.' (COL251." pg449 

I looked up these verses in my Clear Word Bible. I love how easy this version make it to understand these verses! 

"Then Peter asked Jesus, 'How many times do you think I should be willing to forgive my brother? Seven times?' 22. Jesus said, 'Peter, it is not a question of how many times, but a question of your attitude. If your attitude is right, you'll be willing to forgive him hundreds of times because you love him." 
Matthew 18:21-22 The Clear Word Bible 

Isn't that beautifully written? Now I understand why the equation is 7 X 70= unlimited 

It is the love of God in our hearts that allows us to love our fellow man and to be willing to forgive over and over if necessary. 

*Disclaimer - Just because I write about things I am learning in no ways does this mean that I have arrived. I am in process of learning and still struggle in many areas. I just enjoy coming here and sharing what I am learning. I really think it helps me to learn when I have to work at how to present what I am learning. Plus it's what I feel I am lead to do. Truth needs to be shared, not buried. 

Friday, December 21, 2018


Recently I called my aunt. We had a wonderful conversation that lasted well over an hour and by the time I got off the phone I knew that I needed to call her more often.

She shared a little store that got me thinking about the word perspective.

When she was in the 8th grade her family moved to Lincoln Nebraska in order for her Daddy to finish college. They only stayed a year but she hated it the whole time they were there.

Several years later she went back to Lincoln for college and this time she loved it!

In our lives there are many things that we may look at one way until things happen that changes our perspective.

Before my hysterectomy 5 years ago, I was reading all of the side effects that could happen because of the hysterectomy. One of them was thinning hair. Oh that worried me. Fast forward 2 months to when I totally lost my hair. I remember saying to my husband - Here I was concerned about my hair thinning , now I'd be thankful to have hair even if it was thin. I am now so thankful for my hair.

Sometimes it just requires a change of perspective. :O)

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Why We Are Sometimes Called Away?

"Many are still tested as Abraham. They do not hear the voice of God speaking directly from the heavens, but He calls them by the teaching of His word and the events of His providence. They may be required to abandon a career that promises wealth and honor, to leave congenial and profitable associations, and separate from kindred, to enter upon what appears to be only a path of self-denial, hardship, and sacrifice. God has a work for them to do; but a life of ease and influence of friends and kindred would hinder the development of the very traits essential for its accomplishment. He calls them away from human influences and aid, and leads them to feel the need of His help, and to depend upon Him alone, that He may reveal Himself to them." PP 126-127

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Healthy Tidbids series

"The Best Way to Avoid a Cold 

Get enough rest. Drink plenty of water - six to eight glasses a day is best for adults. Avoid all forms of alcohol, tobacco, and foods high in refined sugar. Pop should be avoided, but fruit is fine, even several servings a days. Take a got shower or bath at least once a day, finishing with a cold spray for at least thirty seconds. Ordinarily it is not necessary to take supplements when the diet contains an abundance of natural foods. If you feel the onset of a sore throat, drink extra water, apply a heating compress to your neck and go to bed early. Take a walk daily. Avoid virus intake by keeping fingers away from lips, mouth, and eyelids. Fresh air is a must. Light, especially sunlight kills germs."

~Health and Healing Vol. 21 #4

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A blessing to me in many different ways

One of the main things that drew me to my new Sabbath School class at my new church was the sign by the door. It was the cover of the book they were reading, "13 Weeks to Peace."
  I saw it and thought - that sounds like what I need to be reading. And as I saw a lady come out of the room - I asked her about the class. She explained to me what they were doing and invited me to join them. "Yes" I responded and went and got my stuff where I had left it. I had intended on staying in the sanctuary where they have some other Sabbath Schools- but probably not as much of an ability to get to know people as this new Sabbath School.

On Sabbath we discussed the very last chapter. And in January we will start a new book. 
So this new church and Sabbath School has given me the opportunity to read books that I might not have chosen on my own. This last books that we have read - has helped me understand what life was like back in Jesus' day. 

One little tidbit that I will share is something I have just learned last week. So the author explained that during those times it was not unusual to have people say that they were the messiah. And gather a group of people to them - and they would have plans to over throw the Roman government - because that is what a lot of people thought the Messiah would do. And it was not unusual for the Roman authorities to not only execute the so called "messiah" but also his followers. So this helps us understand why when Jesus was taken into custody why the disciples scattered- they had seen what had happened to other followers of "messiahs" and they were afraid the same thing would happen to them. 

So as you can see - when we have a better understanding of what the culture was like then we can better understand things like - why Jesus was a revolutionary man. And He really was. In those days women and children were of no value, but Jesus loved them and taught people to value them as well. 

Anyway so this weeks blessing is that I have the opportunity to read books that I might not otherwise read. Then we meet together as a class and discuss the chapter and many times learn even more in our discussions with other people's insights.

Come back next week when I will share another blessing. :O)

Monday, December 17, 2018

Ways To Save

Today I wanted to share another "Ways to Save" post. Several years ago, before I stopped working outside of the home, I started buying this wonderful Meyers Multi-surface cleaner. It was like, and still is, like a luxury item to me. I love that these product don't have as many (if any?) of the harmful chemicals that many cleaners do. And bonus I love the smell!!! So how do you save even on a luxury type items? I am about to show you. 

On the left side of the photo are the spray bottles. as you can see they run $3.98. To the right is the concentrated formula. So I started off buying the spray bottle and then when I figured out which scent I liked the best - I bought the large bottle of concentrated formula. When my spray bottle starts to get low. I mix up some fresh formula. I think I figured it up to take 1 - 2 tsp of concentrate to make up a 16 ounce bottle. The large container of concentrate is 32 ounces - so you can see just how long this bottle will last!!! It will be a super long time before I have to invest in another bottle. Lucky for me I had bought a big bottle before the bakery shut down and I was out of a job. That bottle lasted me a really long time. I have recently figured out that honeysuckle is one of my favorite scents and so that is what I am using now.

Anyway this is just one of the ways I use to save money. Sometimes you have to spend a bit more money up front but the saving comes in not having to buy anything for quite some time-a year - maybe two. Who knows?! :O)

Sunday, December 16, 2018

He will bring good and beauty out of all your pain and tears

Today I wanted to share a recent "Streams in the Desert" devotional. It was just too good to pass up. 
I will give you the treasures of darkness (Isaiah 45:3).
In the famous lace shops of Brussels, there are certain rooms devoted to the spinning of the finest and most delicate patterns. These rooms are altogether darkened, save for a light from one very small window, which falls directly upon the pattern. There is only one spinner in the room, and he sits where the narrow stream of light falls upon the threads of his weaving. "Thus," we are told by the guide, "do we secure our choicest products. Lace is always more delicately and beautifully woven when the worker himself is in the dark and only his pattern is in the light."
May it not be the same with us in our weaving? Sometimes it is very dark. We cannot understand what we are doing. We do not see the web we are weaving. We are not able to discover any beauty, any possible good in our experience. Yet if we are faithful and fail not and faint not, we shall some day know that the most exquisite work of all our life was done in those days when it was so dark.
If you are in the deep shadows because of some strange, mysterious providence, do not be afraid. Simply go on in faith and love, never doubting. God is watching, and He will bring good and beauty out of all your pain and tears.
--J. R. Miller

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Not only knows, but loves us as well

This song means so much to me. I feel like I have struggled with acceptance of who I am for many years. It more than likely stems from my people pleasing tendencies. Over the last 10 years I have come to realize that people pleasing is not healthy. My focus should not be trying to please people.

Jesus and bringing glory to Him should be my focus.

I still struggle with the sting that comes when you feel that you are not accepted. So every time I hear this song it is like a salve to my soul.

God loves us and accepts up as we are but He doesn't leave us there. God is a God of freedom and never forces us to do anything,  that is why it is so important for us to be willing. And if we are willing He will work with us to perfect our characters.

"For I am confident of this very thing,
 that He who has began a good work 
in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." 
 Philippians 1:6 NAS 

As we spend time with Him we will come to reflect HIs character more and more.

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit." NAS 

"As all of us reflect the glory of the Lord with unveiled faces, we are becoming more like Him with ever-increasing glory by the Lord's Spirit." NIV
~2 Corinthians 3:18
(both same verse - just different versions) 

It seems like such a slow process so often but we need not give up hope. We are not only known but also loved by Him! He knows and loves us! I am so thankful!! How about you?

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Released from oncologist

Time really does fly by! Five years ago when I was told I would have check ups every 3 months for the first 3 years and then every 6 months for 2 years I really thought it would never end. But here I was in the exam room after the Dr left and it hit me, I didn't have to go set up my next appointment. It was an emotional few minutes. Some joy and dancing along with some emotions from thinking of all I've been through over the last 5 years.

I got the all clear and told to see my gynecologist in a year. What a blessing to have made it this far!! Last year in November I attended the funeral of a friend who died of a rare combo of two aggressive cancers also in her uterus. In just a couple of weeks I will attend the funeral of a family friend who I've know since I was probably 5 years old. She passed away from breast cancer. Every time someone passes away with cancer the reality of how serious cancers is comes back to me. There are always some emotions to work through. And then there is gratitude that I am still here. It is a true blessing from God. It means He still has a job for me to do or lessons I need to learn. May I listen to His leading and learn the lessons He has for me.

Five years goes by quickly even when it doesn't seem to. And honestly maybe we wouldn't even notice how quickly if we did not have situations in which, like my experience, that you have to see the oncologist for 5 years. Had that not happened I may not have realize how quickly time really does tick by. We need to make our time count. What can we do to make our time count? Just something to ponder.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Healthy Tidbits

Today's Healthy Tidbit comes from a book that I recently found at my favorite little thrift shop - and when the books only run 50 cents - its hard to pass up a book that looks like it might hold some useful information. If nothing else, written by someone who probably understands some of the issues and things that concern me.
"Flaxseeds, ground flaxseed meal, and flaxseed oil are a plant source of an omega-3 fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid or ALA) that may be valuable to help fight cancer. In addition, flaxseeds, but not the oil, are the most concentrated plant source of a phytochemical called lignin that bacteria in our large bowel convert to a molecule with anti-estrogen properties which may be useful in preventing or treating tumors that are estrogen responsive. I use one to two tablespoons of ground flaxseed meal per day. The optimal amount to include in our diets to prevent or treat cancer, and which cancers is the subject of much current research."

*Disclaimer - I have not read very much of the book and not sure if I agree with everything this lady has written - I just thought that this little bit that I read looked very interesting. I also know that freshly ground Flaxseed is very good for you - adds a good amount of fiber to your diet and also helps with the cholesterol levels. I am sure there is even more good about it. But do get the seeds and grind it in a coffee grinder - because fresh is best. The stuff that you buy that is already ground goes rancid pretty quickly - so really not worth it to go that direction.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

A blessing to me in many different ways

I spent about 20 years at my last church. About a year ago or so I began to feel discouraged about my church life. I felt like I needed to make a move. I felt like I had made as many friends as I was ever going to make at that church.

I was a bit intimidated about the idea of finding a new church. I am very lucky to live in an area that has quite a few Seventh-day Adventist churches. In June I decided to check out a nearby church and an amazing thing happened, God worked the details out so perfectly that by the time I went home- I knew that was where God wanted me. Going to this new church has blessed me in many ways and I am going to be sharing with you some of the ways that I have been blessed in a series called "A blessing to me in many different ways."

Today I want to share the first blessing. I have so enjoyed the ability to meet new people and make new friends. It is a very large church and it can feel over whelming at times but I think it is important to be involved if at all possible in order to meet new people. I have attended a "Tatting" class, picked out a Sabbath School class, and helping with the food bank. And it looks as if I will also be helping with funeral meals. Going to this big of a church they have to have several different teams of people so that no one gets burned out.

A couple of weeks ago a new friend invited me over to show me some basics about my new Instant Pot. Not only did she show me the basics but she had made me a binder with a lot of the important basic information needed to use the Instant Pot. She went above and beyond! While I was there she offered to take me to a grocery store that runs awesome deals - this store in about a 45 minute drive and I had never been there before. We also decided to check out the weighing Goodwill. I had never been there either. So last week we spent a good part of the day looking for good deals- in things and food!!

Another lady from my Sabbath School gave me a beautiful fan because I was hot and she said she is not having much problems with hot flashes any more. What a sweet lady!!

Going to the new church opened some doors for me that otherwise would have remained shut. I am so thankful that I followed God's leading. All I had to do was take the first step and He graciously led the way and gave me signs for me to know I was headed in the right direction.

Come back next week when I share the next blessing.

Monday, December 10, 2018

A Few Minutes of Free Time

This week is filled with what I call adulting Well woman appointment, Dental appointment(was next week - but I have some stressful things going on next week and wanted to get this taken care of and out of the way) and then on Wednesday I have my appointment with my oncologist. Lots to do this week. But thankfully I have had a little bit of time to get onto the computer and get some posts typed up and should have a bit more time here and there this week to get more written. I have finally gotten smart and I have a notebook and I try to write down ideas when I have them and write out the post if I have even more time. Then when I get the things actually posted on my blog - I date it so I know I have followed through. There are many things in the past that I probably have not shared because I thought of it and then thought I had shared it, but didn't. Writing in in my notebook and then marking when I have written a post helps keep things straight.

For the last week my husband's schedule at work has been off a bit- instead of us waking up at 5:30-5:45am area- we have been getting up at 4:45am area. And most of the time I just stay up because once I am up and help get him out the door I am awake and if I try to go back to sleep it takes me quite some time. I even woke up that early on Sunday morning! And I was too awake to go back to sleep. Trust me - when 9pm rolls around I am ready for bed. And something earlier than that if I could. Right now I am very tired. I am thinking I will make sure I am in bed by 9pm so I can get a decent amount of sleep.

Please keep me in your prayers if you don't mind - for my dental appointment tomorrow afternoon and then Wednesday morning for my lab work and dr visit with my oncologist. Praying it all goes well and everything is till clear. Part of me will be relieved to be released from the oncologist - the other part of me is a bit concerned about it. Truth be told there is no time limit to when cancer can come back - it is just usually if a person is cancer free for 5 years - they feel that it is a good time to release them. But on support group sites I have read of people finding out 6- 7 years later. Believe me I have to get off of the support group because reading that kind of stuff just adds stress - and I don't need more stress. I have enough in my life already.

Hope you are all doing well. :O)

Friday, December 7, 2018


A couple of weeks ago we talked a little about the word inspire. The room was quiet as we all thought of how we would answer the question, "What does the world 'inspire' mean?" One lady gave a profound answer that has had me pondering it ever since. She basically said:

"In order to be inspired you have to have an internal willingness." 

This explains a lot of me. When I go to health seminars and learn really good information I want to share it with who ever I can. And I hope that it will inspire them as it has me, but that doesn't always happen.

It's easier to inspire other when you have a passion for something, but unless the other party is open and willing to be inspired- they will not be.

Another interesting point came out in our discussions:

"Inspire don't require." 

This was advice given to a homeschool mother that helped shape the way she taught her daughters. 

Each of the daughters played a musical instrument and when they seemed to be losing interest in playing the instrument she would find a concert or something to take the girls to - to inspire them and it worked! 

Who has inspired you? 

What has inspired you? 

I have been contemplating these questions myself and here are a few things that I discovered:

  • Going to my quilt guilt meetings inspire me 
  • Going to nutritional classes or health seminars inspire me 
  • Beauty inspires me 
  • Reading some blog posts inspire me 
  • Reading my Bible or good uplifting books inspire me  
God gives us beauty to inspire us to worship Him. Just listen to the birds - they love to sing praises to God! 

These are just a few of my thoughts and ideas about the word inspire. 

I wonder what will be the next thing to inspire me? It will be interesting to find out? 

I would love to hear from you - What inspires you? :O) 

Just a note to let you know that it will probably be sometime next week before I am able to blog again. We will have our granddaughter this week end and I want to focus my time on her. Next week I have several important appointments. Pray that they go good and everything is good. Thank you :O) 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

How to use the Instant Pot - Instant Pot 101 for Beginners

I went to my friend Nicole's house to learn about the Instant Pot. She gave me a lot of pointers and told me that YouTube has a lot of helpful videos. So this is one that I thought I would share for anyone who is interested in the basics of using an instant pot. Enjoy! :O)

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Update on a Goal

One day last week the temperature was about 65 degrees at 7am. I couldn't pass up the wonderful chance to get a walk in. It was a great walk.

At the beginning of the year I set a goal to walk at least 210 miles this year. I am officially at 195 miles walked this year. In order to reach my goal to walk the 210 miles this year - I need to walk at least 3 miles per week.

It felt so good to be able to get out and walk with a wonderful cool breeze. I was reminded of this wonderful praise song:

I think I have already shared this song here but it is such a great praise song and it's always a wonderful time to praise God for all His blessings.

And because it is Healthy Tidbits Wednesday - I wanted to share an extra blessing that comes along with exercising- and that exercise helps support the immune system. When you exercise moderately you help strengthen your immune system. That is just one of the many reasons why it is an excellent idea to get some exercise in as many days as you can!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What Leads to Spiritual Strength?

"The act of praise reminds us that we have so much for which to be thankful. And every time we thank Him, we align our wills with the will of God. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it says, "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"(NIV). 

Even on the best praise will be far less than He deserves. Praise is not an obligation but the privilege of the chosen ones. God commands us to praise Him not because His ego needs the attention, but because we need to praise if we wish to grow spiritually. "The joy of the Lord is my strength," the psalmist said. Praise leads to joy which is the solid rock virtue that leads to spiritual strength." 
~Quote from Kay D. Rizzo's book "Face to Face With Forgiveness~ a look at the Saviour of second chances"

Monday, December 3, 2018

A Beautiful Birthday Gift

I had a birthday a week or so ago. 
This is what my husband got me! 
There has been so much hoopla going around about Instant Pots and when he saw this beautiful one he had to get it for me. I am excited to be able to use it. 

Last week a new friend from my new Sabbath School class invited me over to tell me some pointers about the Instant Pot. She was so sweet! She created a binder that has all the basic information needed to use the Instant Pot in one binder. I thought that was one of those going above and beyond! 

If any of you are interested in the Instant Pot. I will be sharing a bit about it along the way. :O) 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Wouldn't you know it?

Wouldn't you know it - once I went on a blogging break I no longer felt pressured to write and have had a little bit of time here and there to get some writing done. I will still need to get some time to get on here and get stuff typed up but do know that I am working on some posts and have some great stuff to share with you all...coming soon. It may still be Tuesday before I can get back to more regular posting but I will try to get on at least once before Tuesday and get something written up.
I hope you all are doing well. :O)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Taking a Blogging Break

I think I will be taking a bit of a blogging break. Part of it is I am busy and part of it is I just don't feel like blogging right now. I have some ideas of what I want to blog about but haven't had the time to sit down and blog. So during the next few days to a week I will see if I have time to blog - if so I will try to get some things written up and begin blogging. I hope you all are doing well. See you soon. :O)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

It was a great Thanksgiving and more

I hope you have all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. Mine was really pretty nice. We had two thanksgiving dinners to go to. It was great to see so much of our family on one day. Sadly my husband was up at 1:10am on Thanksgiving throwing up and so he did not go to either meal. He has a Dr appointment set up for next Monday. We are hoping that some tests can be run and that they can figure out what is going on with him.

My birthday was on Sabbath and the weather was beautiful! My best friend meant me at my favorite park to walk and we walked 5 3/4 miles! We had a great visit! I also got to see a guy that I hadn't seen since 2nd grade. He was in the area visiting his sister.

At Sabbath School we talked a little about Inspiration and what all it takes to be inspired and I look forward to sharing some of the ideas with you. It was really enlightening!

I can't wait to get a chance to be able to sit down and get some blog posts written up. See ya soon :O)

Monday, November 26, 2018

Some Help Along the Way series...Olive Spread

Olive Spread 

1 1/2 c. walnuts, raw

1 c. sunflower seeds raw

1- 6 ounce can of black olives

1 stalk of celery, diced 

1 small onion, chopped 

1 - 1 1/2 cup of Cucumber Dressing or Dee's Cashew Sunflower Mayo (probably could use the other mayo as well..) Or regular mayo if need be. 

Grind up walnuts and sunflower seeds separetly in a food processor until very fine. Put into a mixing bowl and add chopped olives, celery, and onions. Stir together well and then add Dressing or mayo. Refrigerate. 

~Real Food Recipes by Jurea L. Dawson

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)