Friday, December 21, 2018


Recently I called my aunt. We had a wonderful conversation that lasted well over an hour and by the time I got off the phone I knew that I needed to call her more often.

She shared a little store that got me thinking about the word perspective.

When she was in the 8th grade her family moved to Lincoln Nebraska in order for her Daddy to finish college. They only stayed a year but she hated it the whole time they were there.

Several years later she went back to Lincoln for college and this time she loved it!

In our lives there are many things that we may look at one way until things happen that changes our perspective.

Before my hysterectomy 5 years ago, I was reading all of the side effects that could happen because of the hysterectomy. One of them was thinning hair. Oh that worried me. Fast forward 2 months to when I totally lost my hair. I remember saying to my husband - Here I was concerned about my hair thinning , now I'd be thankful to have hair even if it was thin. I am now so thankful for my hair.

Sometimes it just requires a change of perspective. :O)

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“Light Shines in the Darkness” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 3...

Installment #3 Be blessed :O)