Friday, May 16, 2014

Catching Up and Encouragement

Sorry I have not posted much. I have been busy this week - with my normal stuff- plus some extras like mowing the yard and taking my Mother in law to see a Dr.
I am doing pretty good. I would sure like my energy level to be up higher but I really can't complain- because it is just going to take some time.
Wanted to share a little bit of something that happened today.
My husband and I were at On the Border eating lunch- and a mother with her two children walked past. The little boy - who was probably only about 4-5 years old - looked at me and then started laughing at me. And made some comment about my hat. I could hear the mother tell the little boy that girls wear hats too. But that is about all of the conversation I could hear. Although I realize he is a small child and does not understand - it really did hurt my feelings. Thinking ok - if this child thinks I look funny (and you would not think that children go around looking for reasons to make fun of people) then I must really look funny. And to top it off- I had one of my favorite hats on - one of the hats that I get the most compliments on. Anyway I know I look kind of dorky in what ever hats I wear- cause just the way I am made- I have broad shoulders and I am plus sized - so my head - being bald makes me look even larger. Trust me - some women are beautiful bald - I am not one of them. Anyway I thanked God that this had not happened at the beginning of this "adventure" because that would have made this whole thing harder for me to handle. It still makes it hard for me. It makes me question- just one more time- why? But I am trying to continue to trust God. That He knows what He is doing - and when it is all said and done - I am hoping this can be said of me.  
But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.
Job 23:10
Just wanted to share my "Streams in the Desert" devotional for today. I think it is good to be reminded that there are reasons for delays to our prayers. And this explains one of them.
Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days. 
Dan. 10:12, 13
We have wonderful teaching here on prayer, and we are shown the direct hindrance from Satan.
Daniel had fasted and prayed twenty-one days, and had a very hard time in prayer. As far as we read the narrative, it was not because Daniel was not a good man, nor because his prayer was not right; but it was because of a special attack of Satan.
The Lord started a messenger to tell Daniel that his prayer was answered the moment Daniel began to pray; but an evil angel met the good angel and wrestled with him, hindering him. There was a conflict in the heavens; and Daniel seemed to go through an agony on earth the same as that which was going on in the heavens.
"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers… against wicked spirits in high places" (Eph. 6:12, margin).
Satan delayed the answer three full weeks. Daniel nearly succumbed, and Satan would have been glad to kill him; but God will not suffer anything to come above that we "are able to bear."
Many a Christian's prayer is hindered by Satan; but you need not fear when your prayers and faith pile up; for after a while they will be like a flood, and will not only sweep the answer through, but will also bring some new accompanying blessing.


  1. Aw...on the hat thing! As for prayer and fasting, thank you. I am beginning on these and God has given me someone to do this for.

  2. I'm so sorry about your experience with that child's actions towards you. Sending you a big hug!

  3. So sorry you had that experience...I am self conscious about it too. It is easier to hide the fact that I no longer have breasts than it is to hide my bald head...and I do not look good bald, I have a pointy head!
    But, soon this too shall pass.
    That is a good teaching...someday we will be refined like gold...someday.
    Blessings and love..((hugs))~Lisa

  4. Hi Lisa! I'm so glad this happened to you at a later point too. Children have very limited life experience, so they really don't know what to make of half of what they see. Which doesn't help you much... I'm so sorry it put any kind of a dent on a fun time out at a restaurant.

    I am fascinated by the fight between the good and the evil angel. And how Daniel suffered during the fight. That is an amazing thing to reflect on. God may want to send good things, but evil is trying it's best to hold it up. Hmmm. Very interesting thoughts...
    Have a good weekend my friend :)

  5. Wonderful post, love you my beautiful friend.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)