Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Finished Project!

A couple of years ago, my oldest son picked out about 20 fat quarters and had planned on making a quilt - a Turning Twenty's quilt . Then life got in the way and the fabric, in a bag, sat on a shelf for while. Then my son asked nicely if I would make the quilt for him.
There were a couple of the fabrics that I just did not think went with the others so I replaced those fat quarters. I began working on it. I finally finished it. My Mom quilted it for me and then it sat and waited for a while since my schedule got to very busy.

Then last week I finally decided it was time to finish this quilt. So I worked at it and on Sunday I finally finished sewing the binding on by hand. I washed it and then I hung it on the line so I could get a couple of photos of it - so I could share them with you all. I think it turned out quiet nice. I picked out the border fabric and the binding fabric as well. Yesterday I gave the quilt to my son. He was happy to have it and I am hoping that it will be a nice addition to his bedroom!

I love finishing projects. Now it is time to get my Block of the Month block made up. I will have BOM on Friday morning and I need to have that block done for sure by then. Usually I already have it made by this time - but with the way January has been - I am lucky to have finished the projects I have finished. :O)


  1. It's beautiful! You did a really nice job!

    And I can see the quilting in it as well--tell your mom it looks really pretty. :)

  2. Beautiful! I started making my first quilt 5 years ago, for my newborn son....I never finished it, maybe I will someday.

  3. Thanks! Susan~ I will tell let my Mom- she will like hearing that.
    Hilary - hopefully you will be able to sneak some time in here and there to work on the quilt. I sure enjoy it and love hearing of others that enjoy it as well.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)