Sunday, December 14, 2014

Characteristics...with and without Grace

Lately the idea of Grace has captured my attention. I am intrigued to learn more about it. I was blessed to find an excellent list of "characteristics of people without grace" and characteristics of people with grace" in the latest book that I am reading. I know I have said this several times but it still amazes me how God brings just the right book for me to read at the right time. This time the book I am reading is "Sometimes I Don't Feel Like Praying! Everyone has two faces. One we show the world. One we don't want anyone to see." by Mike Jones. This book covers the author journey through life - how he left the church and came back and lots of topics in between.

This book has blessed me by reaffirming some choices I have made recently. And not only that but also this quote which has been a great reminder to me. "God's in charge- and that's enough!"

Not only those blessings but here I am, not even half way done with this book and just after the idea of Grace has begun to entice me- and I find these great lists. I wanted to share them here with you - just in case you too are drawn to the idea of grace and want a better understanding of it.

A note at the bottom of the page says "You might use this list and the one that follows for some self-testing." They really do give you a lot to think about.
Some characteristics of people without grace:

1.  Selfish and self-centered.
2.  Emotionally needy; impossible to satisfy.
3.  Tendencies towards addictions~ alcohol, drugs, food, sex, work, etc. The Bible says we can be overly religious too (see Ecclesiastes 7:16).
4.  Fight. Argue. May be prone to abuse and violence.
5.  Quick to bail on a relationship and throw in the towel.
6.  Thoughtless. Throws garbage out the car window.
7.  Discourteous in traffic- and in life.
8.  Coarse, crude, rude,. Causes pain.
9.  Overly sensitive, easily upset or hurt.
10. Quick-tempered. Lots of anger.
11. Rarely says "I'm sorry."
12. Slow to forgive. May never forgive.
13. Negative thinker.
14. Superficial, manipulative.
15. Spiritually shallow.
16. Little joy, dissatisfied, unhappy.
17. Restless, always searching for something more.
18. Unpleasant, mean- spirited.
19. Intolerant, unsympathetic.
20. Little elf-control.

Some characteristics of people with grace:

1. Unselfish, concerned about others.
2. Emotionally and spiritually balanced.
3. Loving, kind, joyful.
4. Peacemakers.
5. Balanced. Few addictions.
6. Enduring relationships. Fewer divorces.
7. Thoughtful. Unlikely to little or harm the environment.
8. Courteous, especially in traffic.
9. Refined, gentle, kind.
10. Patient. Even-tempered.
11. Quick to apologize.
12. Accepts responsibility for behavior.
13. Positive in outlook.
14. secure in Christ.
15. Accepting, affirming.
16. A general sense of contentment. At peace.
17. Sympathetic, empathetic, compassionate.
18. A sweet spirit.
19. Healer, rather than causer of pain.
20. Meek, gentle spirit.

*These Lists from the book "Sometimes I Don't Feel Like Praying!"

Tomorrow I will be sharing "Grace Nuggets" from the same book.

I am doing well. Still struggling with the cold which is making it harder for me to get a good nights rest but hoping that it will run its course and will be out of my system soon. I am still sore but healing. Thanks for the continued prayers.


  1. Replies
    1. See the blog post that asks this question. I don't know all the answers, but I did my best to answer this. Thanks ~ Lisa :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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