Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thrifted Outfits... Appointment with the Consignment Store

Last week I had an appointment with the local consignment store. I had some clothes that I knew I would not be wearing and decided that it would be best for me to try to sell them instead of holding onto them. That way I could make some money to put towards clothes that I love and will wear. So the top that I am wearing today is actually a top that I bought on a shopping trip after my appointment with my oncologist last week. After that dr visit - a shopping trip is always in order as a reward- if at all possible. Anyway I had not had a chance to wear this top so today was the day. The capris - I found last year and wore quite a bit last year.
I had stopped by the consignment store yesterday to pick up hangers(they like things to be brought in on hangers and provide the hangers if you need them). I found an awesome top - that is red with white and blue embroidery. Anyway when I went in for my appointment today one of the ladies there said - oh you aren't wearing your new red top. Well actually I had thought about saving it to wear on Monday for Memorial Day. So I will try to get a photo of it then - if not - I am sure you will see it soon!

Onto the outfit details:
Top ~ No brand tag - and doesn't look like it ever had one - it had a size tag that told the fabric content on side seem - I paid $4.94
Capris~ Gloria Vanderbuilt -$ 4.79
Total outfit cost: $9.73

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Another Useful Use for Clothes Pins- This time in the Garden

OK - Finally the long awaited promised blog post to share another useful use for clothes pins!
So a couple of weeks ago a friend from my Quilt Guild shared some plants with me. While I was at her house picking up the plants I asked her if she knew any secrets to keeping squash bugs away from my squash plants. My Dad had told me long ago that the best way to get rid of them is to squish them and kill them. Well I don't know about you, but that is gross. So I wanted to learn another way to protect my plants.
My friend said what she had learned from her parents was to use clothes pins to kill them!! It is much easier then squishing them between your fingers, even if you have a paper towel or something like that to help.
My tip for you is to have two clothes pins with you when you are going after squash bugs - because sometimes its hard to get a good hold of them with one and you have to get the other one to really get it. Sometimes I get the bug somewhat on the clothes pin and then I can use the other pin to actually get it and kill it. I love these heavy duty clothes pins that I bought- they are bigger and stronger for this job. I just keep my bug killing clothes pins separated from the others - thinking I will mark them just in case. I would hate to hang up clean clothes with them. Yuck.

I hope this helps someone out there.
I have little tiny yellow squash growing and I am SO happy! Yeah - we got a late start on our garden this year. Will have to do better next year. By this time last year I was eating stuff from the garden.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Just Like School.....

It's just like school to me, and I love it! I am talking about the seminars that are offered during a local camp meeting that will happen next week. I did not have the opportunity to further my education. It seemed the door closed and then when I attempted years later - the door closed again. So that was just not in the plan for me. But I am blessed to have Camp Meeting roll around once a year that offers awesome seminars that I enjoy going to.

 I finally got a list of the seminars and was thrilled with the choices offered! They have several different seminars offered at each time slot so you have to just pick what you really want to go to.
I have a number of seminars that I am looking forward to going to. I have them all written out on paper and have reminders on my phone calendar so I don't miss any of them.

But what really thrilled my soul is when I saw the last name Bryce as a speaker for one of the seminars. That name might sound familiar to any of you that have been keeping up with my blog for a while because back in about 2011- or 2012 I was blessed to be able to go to one of his seminars that he put on which really inspired me to better health. What I like about him as a speaker is that he not only tells you healthy things you should do - he explains the whys behind it all. He shares the benefits gained by following a healthier lifestyle and I really appreciate that.

You can rest assured knowing that I will be taking notes and I will be sharing any helpful information with you all that I think will be a blessing to you. That way those of you who are not able to go will still have the benefit of gaining more knowledge in health and wellness.

I can't wait to get to go to these meetings. The main meeting starts Wednesday night and the seminars are Thursday and Friday during the day and then a few Sabbath afternoon as well. Be watching for posts the following week. :O)

Monday, May 28, 2018

Thrifted Outfits...Spiritual Health Day

It is getting HOT here in Texas, in fact, I think summer has arrived. In just a couple of days (probably starting Wednesday) our temperatures will be in the triple digits...ugh...When the temperature gets this warm - I usually stick with sleeveless tops. I am hot natured already and so I am just much more comfortable wearing sleeveless.

Well I drifted off my normal when getting dressed on Sabbath morning because I just recently found this awesome top and just had to wear it before it got any hotter. I am wearing the same skirt I wore last Sabbath. And I am wearing my $1.00 black shoes.
Top~ Just Be - $3.93
Skirts~ Venenzia- $4.79
(although I really think I paid more like $2.99 for this skirt a few years ago)
Total outfit cost= $8.72

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Beyond the Norm

So a week or so ago I told you about my new goal. I have been working towards my 50 by 50 goal and to be honest losing this last 20 pounds has been a challenge. So I decided to set another goal - something that I could work towards that would also lead to better health and help with my 50 by 50 goal as well.

So last week I was able to get a walk in on Monday and Tuesday  - each of those around 2 - 2 1/2 miles each. Wednesday morning as I was walking with the challenge to walk at least 3 miles - I begin to think of the fact that I have a garden that is in desperate need of being weeded. Last week we got ALOT of rain and so my garden has been too wet to get into so I have put that job off. I realized that I will need to get that job done sometime soon. And decided that I needed to start that job on Thursday morning so as I approached 3 miles of walking I decided to just go for my goal. So I continued to walk. I decided to listen to an awesome song that I knew would help me along the way. If you would like to listen to this song click Here to hear Every Praise this link will take you to the post that I shared a link to this song a week or so ago. This is an awesome song!! When I finished listening to this song - I went to the songs on my phone and pulled up Mandisa's Overcomer.  This seemed like a very fitting song to listen to on this special morning that I was challenging myself to reach a goal I had set for myself. Four years ago this month I was finishing up 6 rounds of chemo - and Overcomer was a song that I listened to many times. As I walked on this Wednesday morning I felt a bit emotional as I thought back to that time period and how I would have never thought at that point that I would be walking 5 miles at a time! What an accomplishment.

An older lady I know who is a nurse said it isn't very often that a person who has been pulled down with health issues is able to get back to the state of health before what ever health issues caused the downhill trend to happen - but it was even more rare for a person to improve on the health/fitness they had prior either. I am working hard at challenging that theory. It can be done - it just takes perseverance and determination.

Anyway I am VERY happy to report that I did indeed walk 5 miles!! I was SO proud of myself! I am going to continue to challenge myself maybe once a week to walk the 5 miles so I can keep up this health/fitness level. Oh by the way - it took me just under 1 hour and 40 minute to walk 5 miles. I am thinking the next time I challenge myself - I will have a sermon to listen to - and then I can go to my helpful songs towards the end when it is beginning to be a bit more challenging.

You will never know what you are capable of until you challenge yourself beyond the norm. :O)

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Beloved Names of God...series "Morning Star"

Morning Star

 I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
Revelation 22:16 KJV
  • Name of God the Son
  • Jesus refers to himself as the "morning start" twice in Revelations.
  • The morning start is traditionally recognized as the bright, distinctive "star" ( actually the plant Venus) that appears just before sunrise.
  • In the book of Revelations, Jesus affirmed His lineage from King David. He also said that those who obey His commandments will be rewarded with eternal life while those who didn't would be left outside. Almost as a seal upon this promise, and perhaps signifying the dawning of a new way, He calls Himself "the bright and morning star."
Traditionally Venus is referred to as the morning star. The planet often appears in the eastern sky as the brightest "star," most visible as night fades and morning approaches. For people across the ages, Venus signaled that night was over and the new day had come. Jesus fulfills the same role for us. His life signified the end of dark times when sin reigned supreme, and the beginning of new life in the light of God's forgiveness.

Next week we will look at "Horn of Salvation"

Friday, May 25, 2018

Devotional Steps...Step Three

Trusting God

Bible Reading: Numbers 23:18-24

18 This was the message Balaam delivered: “Rise up, Balak, and listen! Hear me, son of Zippor.
19 God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?

20 Listen, I received a command to bless; God has blessed, and I cannot reverse it!

21 No misfortune is in his plan for Jacob; no trouble is in store for Israel. For the LORD their God is with them; he has been proclaimed their king.

22 God brought them out of Egypt; for them he is as strong as a wild ox.

23 No curse can touch Jacob; no magic has any power against Israel. For now it will be said of Jacob, ‘What wonders God has done for Israel!’

24 These people rise up like a lioness, like a majestic lion rousing itself. They refuse to rest until they have feasted on prey, drinking the blood of the slaughtered!” 
 ~Numbers 23:18-24

We made a decision to turn our will and our life over to the care of God.

It is not uncommon to link our perceptions about God to our childhood experience with people who played powerful roles in our life. If we have been victimized in the past by people who were capricious, abusive, distant, uncaring, or incompetent, we may now anticipate these qualities in God.
Just because God is a power greater than we are and the people who victimized us represented a power greater than we were, we must not conclude that God will harm us if we entrust our life to Him. Jesus tells us that he didn't entrust himself to men because he knew what was in their hearts. Nevertheless, he voluntarily turned his life over to the will of God the Father. "It is better to trust the LORD than to put confidence in people" (Psalm 118:8).
We may have learned in the past that putting confidence in people brings only pain and disappointment. We can't let this keep us from ever trusting again. In working through Step Three we can make a healthy decision to turn our will and our life over to the only one who is wothy of being trusted. The Bible tells us, "God is not a man, that he should lie. He is not a human, that he should change his mind" (Numbers 13:5). And God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5).
We know that we can't make it all alone. But now we can stop being the victim. WE can turn our life over to Someone who is really able to care for our needs.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thrifted Outfits....Mental Health Day

Every once in a while my sister plan what we call a Mental Health day....aka - a day of thrift shop shopping! A couple of weeks ago we were able to get away for the day to go shopping. We had a great day and found some awesome things. I believe that was the trip in which we found the adorable denim skirt that has a ruffle at the hem. Anyway here is what I wore for our Mental Health day:  
Top~ Roz & Ali I bought this top Aug of 2017- for $4.49
Capri's~ Gloria Vanderbuilt - Also bought Aug of 2017 - $4.79

Total cost for outfit~ $9.28

I am sorry that I was not able to get the post up about clothes pins and gardening yet. Hopefully that will be at the beginning of next week - we will see though. I have a couple of other posts that I need to work on before I can get that one written up. Plus last week we got ALOT of rain and my garden has been wet, but it is in great need of weeding-so that will also keep me busy.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Purprose of the Christian LIfe?

"...The purpose of the Christian life is to reproduce the character of Christ in His followers. The purpose of the Christian life- but why? Is the purpose of the Christian life to produce His character so that we can be saved? No, it is to reproduce His character so that there can be honor and glory brought to God. Jesus made it clear in Matthew 5:16 that the fruit of righteousness are for glorifying God. John 15:8 declares that these fruits are for bringing glory to God. John 17:10 states that they are for God's glory. Luck 13:6 says that fruits are for Gods' lorry. Our works, our sanctification, our obedience, our victories, are not for saving us in heaven; they are for bring glory to God.
And if a person is interested only in getting to heaven and not interested in bringing glory to God, we might seriously question whether he can expect salvation in heaven. There is still bigger business than the certainty of our salvation- and that bigger business is to bring glory and honor to God."
What Jesus Said About...... book by Morris Venden in the chapter speaking of sanctification. pg. 59

Monday, May 21, 2018

Thrifted Outfits.... Spiritual Health Day

Today's outfit was not what I had planned to wear. In fact, it took me several....tries to come up with this outfit. I had planned on wearing a pretty dress that has pink roses on it - but I needed to wear my white heels with it but had forgotten to buy panty hose. And in fact - this outfit would have been cuter with hose and my black heels - but here you go - me wearing my black Clark flip flops. My feet really need arch support- I spent too many years wearing cheap shoes on concrete floors and so I have issues with my feet. I can not get away with wearing cute sandals because I have not been able to find any cute sandals that have great arch support. I have not given up hope yet - so hopefully before the year is out I will have found some and can showcase them here.
Top ~ Faded Glory top I got last month for $2.25
Skirt ~ Venenzia - this skirt I bought years ago - like 2012 or so- I don't have exact price for it but I am guessing $4.79 or so- it could have been cheaper than that. I love this skirt- it is an eyelet fabric with a liner.
I have decided in outfit total - shoes will not be included - I will note if I got the shoes for a good deal and will share price if so - but it just won't be part of the total outfit cost.
Total Outfit= $7.04
Be watching for a post about a clothes pins and their usefulness in the garden. Last week I was able to test it out and it worked well. I am hoping that I can get that post written up by Wednesday if things go well. This is going to be a busy week. Fun things but still busy.  :O)

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Insight For Us All From The Rich Young Ruler

Have you ever had questions about the conversation that Jesus had with the rich young ruler? Well the following paragraphs sure answered some questions I have had plus more. They give great insights to an important lesson for us all to learn.

"Now we turn to Matthew 19, the story of the young man who came to Jesus and wanted to know what he could do to enter into life? Jesus said, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is God." Verse 17. Then Jesus told him to keep the commandments. And the young man said, "I have kept all of these." Then in verse 21, Jesus said, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me."

I had a bit of a problem with that text for some time, because I wondered, How can a person be perfect, and then come and follow Jesus? This is an impossibility. You have to come to Jesus first, before you could ever hope to be perfect. But as you take a second look at this text, you'll discover that Jesus is actually telling us how to be perfect. There are deep spiritual lessons in this passage of Scripture. Go and sell all that you have. This is talking about more than just money. Get rid of what you have. You might be rich in talent. Stop depending on your talent. You might be rich in good looks- you're overcome every time you look in the mirror? Get rid of your dependence on your good looks. You might be rich in brains. Sell it, in terms of depending on it. Sell all that you have. Get rid of all the things that you depend on in any way as a substitute for dependence upon Jesus. Give up, not only on your money or talents or abilities, but on yourself. This is the essence of Jesus' teachings - self-surrender, giving up on self."

Quote from Morris Venden's book What Jesus Said About..... pg.70-71

This is why I love Morris Venden's books - I gain such insight into the Bible!!! 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Beloved Names of God...series "Gift of God

Gift of God

Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
John 4:10 KJV
  • Name of God the Son
  • Jesus is referred to as the "gift of God" twice in the KJV.
  • Jesus is the epitome of all that God had to offer mankind, and the foundation of a new covenant. A true gift indeed!
  • Jesus was speaking to the woman by the well. His disciples had left just before she arrived (as if it had been planned!). He told her the Messiah stood in front of her. Completely convinced, she became an unacknowledged apostle to the Samaritans.
Do you write a thank-you not when you receive a gift?
There's no denying that God truly blesses us with many gifts: babies, spouses, love, singing, stars, gainful employment, memories, community, etc., etc.
Actually we tend to give God less appreciation than He deserves because almost everything is a gift from God. You couldn't write enough thank-you notes for all why not send Him a thank-you life?  
Next Week we will look at "Morning Star"

Friday, May 18, 2018

Devotional Steps....Step Two

Healing Faith

We came to believe a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Bible Reading: Luke 8:43-48

45 “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. Everyone denied it, and Peter said, “Master, this whole crowd is pressing up against you.”                            

46 But Jesus said, “Someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me.”

47 When the woman realized that she could not stay hidden, she began to tremble and fell to her knees in front of him. The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched him and that she had been immediately healed.

48 “Daughter,” he said to her, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” 
~Luke 8:43-48
(From the New Living Translation)
Faith is key to successfully working the second step. For some of us faith comes easily. For others, especially if we have experienced betrayal, it may be more difficult. Sometimes we must exhaust all of our own resources in trying to overcome our addictive "disease" before we will risk believing in a higher Power.
When Jesus lived on earth, he was so renowned for his healing power that crowds of sick people constantly pressed in on him. One day "there was a woman in the crown who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years. She had spent everything she had on doctors and still could find no cure. She came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his robe. Immediately, the bleeding stopped." Jesus realized that someone had deliberately touched him, because he felt healing power go out from him. When the woman confessed that she was the one who had been healed, Jesus said, "Your faith has made you well. Go in peace" (Luke 8:43-44, 48).
In order to recover we must follow the example of this woman. WE cannot afford to stand back, hoping for "cures," and avoid deliberate action because of our lack of faith. We may have lived with our condition for many years, spending our resources on promising  "cures" without success. When we can come to believe in God, a power greater than ourself, and have the faith to take hold of our own recover, we will find the healing power we have been looking for.
Be watching for a post about the rich young ruler in the next few days - I think it goes along nicely with this devotional.  

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thrifted Outfits... Dr Visit Outfits

Many times my Thursday Thrifted Outfits post will feature outfits I wore to Dr visits. I take my MIL to the Dr's usually at least once a week sometimes more. Ever so often a week goes by without a Dr visit. But that is few and far between it seems sometimes.

This outfit is what I wore to the last Dr appointment she had. I am sorry for the photo not being real clear- but when we went to the bathroom there were several people in the bathroom and did not seem to be leaving any time soon. So I had to get the photo at her favorite place to eat. And the lighting limited where I could be in the photo. This is the best photo I could get.

This post will include something that it hasn't yet. So I need to explain. I did not start keeping track of my clothing purchases until January of 2016. I have some clothes that I had prior to 2016. I have no idea how much I spent on these clothes. I am sure they will be very similar to what I pay for things now. So they are not outrageously priced- I am sure. Every so often I have found like new jeans or capris and have paid $9.99 for them. And I have no problem doing so - because I am still getting an excellent deal and I will get my money's worth out of them.

Top ~ Faded Glory - I found this top in March of 2018 - 4.49.
Carpi's~ Lee easy fit - bought before 2016

I am guessing the capris cost about $4.79 or less - so total outfit cost is $10.00 or less.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Another Goal

Today I would like to share with you another goal I have set for myself. In this quest towards better health and losing weight - I wanted to set a goal that was reachable and had nothing to do with weight loss. And so I did and I am already working towards my new goal.

My new goal is to be able to walk 5 miles at one time. I have been walking for quite some time but usually only walk about 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 miles. Well several months ago while walking with my Mom - we decided to try to get 3 miles in and we did. Ever so often I have pushed myself a bit more and challenged myself to get 3 miles in. Last week I challenged myself to get more than 3 miles in. I succeeded and was able to count 3.66 miles towards my goal of 210 miles for the year. Then I started thinking - I really want to work myself up to where I can walk 5 miles at a time. So Monday when I went walking I challenged myself to at least walk the 3.66 miles but to exceed it if possible. And I am happy to report that I was able to walk 4 miles!!

I think walking 4 miles this week is very appropriate since this week marks 4 years after my last chemo! I have a check up with my oncologist this morning. And if you could keep me in your prayers I would greatly appreciate it. The location has changed. They moved to a brand new building and I am not 100% sure where it is located, or where to park, etc. So a bit more nervous than usual about the visit.

Be watching for when I reach my goal of walking 5 miles at one time. Once I have succeeded with this goal - I will set a new goal of trying to get at least 1 - 5 mile walk in maybe per week or a certain number of them per month- not quite sure. I just want to get to that fitness level and then keep it. That is one thing I have noticed - when you are working towards goals- in weight loss and in fitness- it is not just a journey to get there and then you just stop what ever- you have to continue on. OR you lose the fitness you have achieved or you gain the weight back. That is why I feel it is SO very important that when we try to lose weight - it really needs to be a lifestyle change - not a quick fix. Quick fixes are just that - temporary. You may get results but they don't last. Choose the long term commitment of a lifestyle change and see success come your way. It may take longer to get to your goal but you will get there with better health - when you choose to make a commitment to better health.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Around My Yard

The sun was shining and a breeze was blowing. I rally wanted to go to the park and get a good walk in, but I had more pressing matters to attend to Sunday morning.

This year we got a late start on our garden. I think it was about 2 weeks ago when I finally got it planted. So you can imagine that my garden needed to be weeded and watered. So that took the place of my early morning walk.

Here is a list of what we planted this year:

  • yellow squash
  • okra
  • red bell pepper and orange bell pepper plants
  • cherry tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • sweet potatoes
  • parsley
  • spinach
Here is a list of what we have growing on a continuing basis:

  • multiplying onions or walking onions
  • rosemary
  • sage
  • oregano
  • kale
I love having an herb garden with fresh herbs. I am slowly learning how to incorporate them in my cooking.

As I worked on weeding my garden I was reminded of the character traits that are built and reinforced in gardening. When I planted my garden- a heavy downpour of rain was expected the very next day. I hesitated on planting my garden that day because I didn't want the seeds to be washed away. But I realized we were already late getting things planted and if I did not get the garden planted that day - I would have to wait till the garden dried up enough to plant - so at least a few days to a week. So I went forward with planting. Praying that God would bless my efforts. I had HOPE that planting would be successful and I had to practice FAITH in God. That He would hear my prayer and answer. Sure enough - here we are 2-3 weeks from planting and everything is doing well. One little plant looks puny and may not make it but every other one looks like they are doing very well. I am very happy about it. And PRAISING the Lord!! Which I think it very important. Just like the song I shared last week - Every Praise to our GOD!!

Sunday was a very busy day - my yard also needed to get mowed- so I mowed the front yard, back, and most of the chicken yard. The way our yard is set up some parts have to be mowed by push mower or weed-eated. I love a freshly mowed yard! I will continue to work on getting it all mowed and weed-eated this week.

While I was moving my yard - I decided to mow a bit at the drive way - there is a good slope there - so I went down one side and was going to mow up the other side- the slant made the riding lawn mower hesitate and I looked down just in time to see money before the lawn mower tried to eat it up.
Of course the mower died because I hesitated at going forward. Which in turn caused me to have to sit right by the busy street that we live on until I finally got the mower started again.

Money - found in 3 pieces - all taped up. Good as new-
A little update on my little chickies - they are growing so fast. They love me to bring them grass and tree branches - so they can eat the leaves. I can trim my trees and put the discarded branches to good use now.

Be sure to come back tomorrow as I share a new goal I have set for myself. :O)

Monday, May 14, 2018

Thrifted Outfits.... Spiritual Health Day

If you haven't already figured this out about me, let me share a little secret about myself. I am not one to jump on the newest fashion bandwagons quickly. It fact sometimes it take me quite a while to get on board with some things. Sometimes I never get on board. For example ripped jeans. They do NOT appeal to me what-so-ever and I don't care if everyone in the world was wearing them I still would not want to wear them. With some fashion trends it just takes me a while to get on board.

Pencil skirts is one of the fashion trends that took forever for me to adopt. In 1954 is when pencil skirts came out, a while before I was born. But it wasn't until I was given the skirt in today's outfit that I began to wear pencil skirts. so only for the last 9 months of my life. Yep, it takes me a long, long time to get on board with some fashion trends. And to be honest, I wouldn't get just any pencil skirt but there is something about this one that I love. For one thing it is a bit loose on me- which I like. This skirt is very comfortable. I don't like tight fitting clothes.

Top~ St. John's Bay found at Goodwill in Sept 2017 for $4.49
Skirt~ was  given to me in Sept. 2017 Free - my favorite price
(doesn't happen very often so I really appreciate it when it does)
Shoes~ Whitemt $4.00

Total outfit costs: $8.49

I'll try to wear an outfit next week wearing different shoes. I am still looking for another pair of awesome shoes!

What fashion trends did it take you forever to try?

What Fashion trends will you not get on board with?

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Beloved Names of God ....Shield


"For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous;
with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield."
Psalm 5:12
  • Name of God the Father
  • God is referred to as being or providing a "Shield" twenty-one times in the KJV.
  • A shield is a tool of protection, typically in battle.
  • King David must have been having a hard time with double-dealers. In Psalm 5, he prays that God will allow deceitful, evil people to fall by their own misdeeds and that God will protect those who are walking the straight and narrow path as if with a shield.
The verse is also a statement of Kind David's devotion, and a call for those who share it to rejoice in the protection of the Lord.
Baylor University once carried out a survey on attitudes towards religion. In this seemingly increasingly secular world, more than half the adults surveyed felt they had been protected by angels at some time in their lives. Even more amazingly, 20 percent of those who claimed no religion felt they had been similarly protected.
Despite the worlds denials, God is still at work. In many ways, He remains a Shield for the righteous.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Devotional Steps....Step One

Hope Amidst Suffering

Bible Reading: Job 6:2-13
2 “If my misery could be weighed and my troubles be put on the scales,
3 they would outweigh all the sands of the sea. That is why I spoke impulsively.
4 For the Almighty has struck me down with his arrows. Their poison infects my spirit. God’s terrors are lined up against me.
5 Don’t I have a right to complain? Don’t wild donkeys bray when they find no grass, and oxen bellow when they have no food?
6 Don’t people complain about unsalted food? Does anyone want the tasteless white of an egg?
7 My appetite disappears when I look at it; I gag at the thought of eating it!
8 “Oh, that I might have my request, that God would grant my desire.
9 I wish he would crush me. I wish he would reach out his hand and kill me.
10 At least I can take comfort in this: Despite the pain, I have not denied the words of the Holy One.
11 But I don’t have the strength to endure. I have nothing to live for.
12 Do I have the strength of a stone? Is my body made of bronze?
13 No, I am utterly helpless, without any chance of success.
Job 6:2-13
We admitted that we were powerless over our dependencies- that our life had become unmanageable.
There are times when we are so confused and overwhelmed by the pain in our life that we wish we could die. No matter what we do, we are powerless to change things for the better. The weight of the pain and sadness seems too heavy to bear. We can't see why our heart doesn't just break and allow death to free us.
Job felt that way. He'd lost everything, even thought he had always done what was right. His ten children were dead. He had lost his business, his riches, and his health. And all this happened in a matter of days! He was left with a sharp-tongued wife and three friends who blamed him for his own misfortune. Job cried out, "If y sadness could be weighted and my troubles be put on the scales, they would be heavier than all the sands of the sea...Oh , that I might have my request, that God would grant my hope. I wish he would crush me. I wish he would reach out his hand and kill me...I do not have the strength to endure. I do not have a goal that encourages me to carry on. Do I have strength as hard as stone? Is my body made of bronze? No, I am utterly helpless, without any chance of success" (Job 6:2-3,8-9, 11-13_.
Job didn't know that the end of his life would be even better than the beginning. God eventually restored everything Job had lost, and then some. "Then he died, an old man who had lived a long, good life" (Job 42:17). Even when we're pressed to the point of death, there is still hope that our life will change. Our recovery could be so complete that the final lines written about us might read: "At last he or she died, after living a long, good life." We must remember: Life can be good again!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thrifted Outfits...A Long Time Coming

Today's Thrifty Outfit comes to you from what I wore to get groceries last Friday. Friday is my getting ready for Sabbath Day and many times this includes getting groceries. Last Friday was a dreary, rainy day. I do NOT like when I have to get groceries when it is raining. But the way my schedule worked last week - it was when I had to get groceries. The positive about having to get out and get groceries in the rain is that it helps you appreciate the times you are able to get groceries in the sunshine!

"A long time coming" is in reference to when I bought this top - October of 2016. Goodwill was having their Midnight madness sale and my sister and I went. I loved this top but it was a bit snug on me, but I could not pass it up. So I got it. And now I am super glad I did. So last Friday was actually my first time to officially wear this awesome top!

Top ~ Faded Glory - marked $4.49 - but only paid $2.25 because of sale.
Jeans~ St. John's Bay - $8.00 (I am not wearing jeans much any more so when I do these are my go to because they are so nice and new)

Total outfit costs: $10.25
Yes- I could have made this outfit much cheaper - I have a pair of Gloria Vanderbuilt jeans that I only paid $1.25 for - but I don't like them as much as I like these jeans. They are a light wash and I prefer dark wash jeans. Anyway there you have it - what I wore to get groceries.

You too can dress for much less and look nice. Check in your area and see if you have some thrift shops or Goodwills. If so check them out - you might find something that you love. Who knows - it might end up being your favorite place to shop. :O)

By the way~ I have a fair amount of cute things I have found and bought that I have yet been able to wear~ so be watching my Thrifted Outfit series for the sub title of "A Long Time Coming" for more great pieces!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Every Praise to our God

Today I would love to share with you one of my new favorite songs. It is SO uplifting. I think this would be a great song to start each day with! It would help us put our focus where it should be - on praising our God!!  I hope that you are blessed by this song!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Thrifted Outfits~ Spiritual Health Day

Sorry this is late - I had it scheduled for Monday and don't know why it did not post.

Sometimes when my sister and I go thrift store shopping - we say we are taking a "Mental Health Day" since it is beneficial to our mental health. So I decided to name my Sabbath outfit post's Spiritual Health Day - because it is the day that I go to church and by going to church - it gives a chance to be Spiritually refreshed.

So onto my outfit today. Sorry the photo is not that great. I did the best I could - but I am not happy with any of the photos that I took. So this one will have to do.

Dress: Erika brand- I found this dress at Goodwill - the tag was blue the 50% color tag for the day so I only paid $3.50 for it!
Shoes - WhiteMt. Shoes (again- I love them!) $4.00
Total outfit cost including shoes: $7.50

Come back Thursday when I show what I wore to get groceries on a wet, rainy day. :O)

Today is a New Day!

As we journey through life, we need to remember that one failure does not make us a failure. We may make poor decisions one day but that does not mean that we have to continue on in that direction. We may have neglected to take care of our physical bodies one day, but today is a new day.

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV

God's mercies are new every morning! Every day we have the opportunity to make good decisions for ourselves. And when we have difficulties making those better choices - all we have to do is to ask God to help us and He is faithful to do so!!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Brings us to God

 ‘For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God’ (1 Peter 3:18). The sufferings of Christ do not bring God to us, as though He needed to be appeased and moved, but rather bring us to God. He saw nothing at the cross that caused Him to love us anymore than He already did. There was no need for change or movement on God‘s part. He was always where He needed to be, very much in love with us and eager to receive us when we would wake up to his goodness and love.”
~Shades of Grace by Ty Gibson pg. 84

Just a beautiful quote that I wanted to share from a book I read recently. Hope you all are doing well. :O)

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Beloved Names of God...series "Shade"


"The LORD is thy keeper: The LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
Psalm 121:5 KJV
  • Name of God the Father
  • God is referred to as "Shade" once in the KJV.
  • The term right -hand man usually means your most dependable friend or your most able helper. In this instance, God will be close enough to cast a shadow on your right hand, and He is both your Friend and your Helper.
  • In one of the most comforting passages of the Bible, the psalm writer (probably Kind David) assured us that God does not sleep and protects us by day and by night. He will preserve us at our going out and our coming in, He will protect us "for evermore" (Psalm 121:8 kjv)
Shade from the sun is more important, and more subtle, than most people realize. Without the earth's magnetic field being in place, powerful solar winds would have long ago stripped the atmosphere from our planet. And why does the Earth have a magnetic field when it isn't a magnet? Albert Einstein described this as one of the greatest mysteries in physics.
It's either a great mystery, or the Lord is indeed a very great Shade.
Come back next week when we will look at "Shield"

Friday, May 4, 2018

Devotional Steps

Today's post is coming to you courtesy of my "Life Recovery Bible."  I have been going through the devotionals for the steps and decided that since I have been blessed by these devotionals that I would like to start posting one each week if possible. Be watching for these post's under "Devotional Steps"

The way these devotionals work is that they tell you a passage in the Bible to read and then you read over the step that this devotional is speaking of and then read the devotional. So I will also have the addition of the Bible passage for your easy reading. That way you can get the most out of these posts.
Please note that this Bible is the New Living Translation. Making it a bit easier to understand.

Today's devotional is coming from the series of devotionals on step 10. (After todays post's I will be going back to step one and then give you one from each step. Then if I think that it has been a blessing to you my reader - I will go through the steps again sharing new devotionals.



Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 2:1-8

A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus

Timothy, my dear son, be strong with the special favor God gives you in Christ Jesus. 2 You have heard me teach many things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Teach these great truths to trustworthy people who are able to pass them on to others. 3 Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 And as Christ's soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in the affairs of this life, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army. 5 Follow the Lord's rule for doing his work, just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize. 6 Hardworking farmers are the fist to enjoy the fruit of their labor. 7 Think about what I am saying. The Lord will give you understanding in all these things. 8 Never forget that Jesus Christ was a man born into King David's family and that he was raised from the dead. This is the Good News I preach.
2 Timothy 2:1-8
We continue to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
(step 10)

Recovery is a lifelong process. There will be times when we grow weary and want to throw in the towel. We will experience pain, fear, and a host of other emotions. WE will win some battles but lose others in the war to achieve wholeness. We may get discouraged at times when we can't see any progress, even though we have been working hard. But if we persevere through it all, we can maintain the ground we have gained.
The apostle Paul used three illustrations to teach about perseverance. He wrote to Timothy: "Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. And as Christ's soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in the affairs of this life, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army. Follow the Lord's rules for doing his work, just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize. Hardworking farmers are the first to enjoy the fruit of their labor. Think about what I am saying. The Lord will give you understanding in all these things" (2 Timothy 2:3-7).
Like a soldier, we are in a war that we can win only if we fight to the end. Like an athlete, we must train for a new way of life and follow the steps of recovery to the finish line. Like a farmer, we must do our work in every season and then wait patiently until we see growth. If we stop working our program before reaching the goal, we may lose everything we have fought, trained and worked hard for.
Remember next week we will be starting with Step One and working our way through the steps.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thrifted Outfits...Modesty is still important

Today I would like to share a photo that was actually taken last week when I took my Mother-in-law to the Dr. That's is how these posts will work. When I am able to get a decent photo of outfits I will try to post about them. I have a couple of mirrors here at the house but nothing set up to really get that good of photos. If I don't go anywhere that has a decent mirror then I may have to resort to using my own mirrors. lol

So something I wanted to talk about today is modesty. Sometimes it seems like it is a forgotten art. Really? I have seen ladies at church who are wearing dresses and they don't have a slip on and really - they needed a slip. Or when tops are too low cut. And if you haven't noticed - there are a whole lot of tops out there these days that have very low cuts. A very easy way to remedy this is to buy camisoles. I love to get the cami's that have the lace panels. You can find these in different colors. And before you say it is too expensive - you can find these at thrifts stores as well as slips. You just have to be patient. I have found cami's from 2.49 and I have paid as much as 5.99 for a camisole.

Ok on to todays outfit:

Top: Faded Glory - $5.00
Cami: Cato brand -$5.99
Jeans: Lee Jeans -$4.00

Total cost for outfit: $14.99

Cami's are great investments! Just keep your eyes open for the colors you need and eventually you will find them.
I like to buy the ones that are made of a slick fabric - I really don't like the polyester ones because they tend to stick to what ever I wear with it. So figure out what type camisoles you like and start watching for them. You will be glad you did when you come across a top or dress that is too revealing. Just because an item is made a certain way does not mean that it is best to wear it like that.
I will try to have my Sabbath outfit post up on Monday. :O)

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

You must keep praying

Today I wanted to share a devotional from my Streams in the Desert Devotional book. I thought it was very encouraging. Hoping it is encouraging to you as well. :O)
Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are (James 5:17).

Thank God for that! He got under a juniper tree, as you and I have often done; he complained and murmured, as we have often done; was unbelieving, as we have often been. But that was not the case when he really got into touch with God. Though "a man subject to like passions as we are," "he prayed praying."  It is sublime in the original--not "earnestly," but "he prayed in prayer." He kept on praying. What is the lesson here? You must keep praying.

Come up on the top of Carmel, and see that remarkable parable of Faith and Sight. It was not the descent of the fire that now was necessary, but the descent of the flood; and the man that can command the fire can command the flood by the same means and methods. We are told that he bowed himself to the ground with his face between his knees; that is, shutting out all sights and sounds. He was putting himself in a position where, beneath his mantle, he could neither see nor hear what was going forward.

He said to his servant, "Go and take an observation." He went and came back, and said--how sublimely brief! one  word--"Nothing!"

What do we do under such circumstances?

We say, "It is just as I expected!" and we give up praying. Did Elijah? No, he said, "Go again." His servant again came back and said, "Nothing!" "Go again." "Nothing!"

By and by he came back, and said, "There is a little cloud like a man's hand." A man's hand had been raised in supplication, and presently down came the rain; and Ahab had not time to get back to the gate of Samaria with all his fast steeds. This is a parable of Faith and Sight--faith shutting itself up with God; sight taking observations and seeing nothing; faith going right on, and "praying in prayer," with utterly hopeless reports from sight.

Do you know how to pray that way, how to pray prevailingly? Let sight give as discouraging reports as it may, but pay no attention to these. The living God is still in the heavens and even to delay is part of His goodness.

 --Arthur T. Pierson

Each of three boys gave a definition of faith which is an illustration of the tenacity of faith.
 The first boy said, "It is taking hold of Christ";
the second, "Keeping hold";
and the third, "Not letting go."

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Dry Eyes?

Today's post will be a public service announcement post. This is information that I believe is important to us all. If not for now- it will be beneficial for us to know for the future.

Do you have dry eyes? It can be annoying. But did you know it can lead to a more serious situation? My Mother-in-law has dry eyes and goes to the eye Dr every 6 months to stay on top of it. At this past visit the Dr shared some very important information. You know how your skin can sometimes get dry and crack? Well the same thing can happen to your eyes. On your skin it is not that painful but because our eyes have a lot of nerve endings- when our eyes get so dry that they crack it is painful. It feels like scratches on our eyes. He said that dry eyes start out feeling like sand in in our eyes and if we do not properly take care of them they can begin to crack. When this happens the Dr has to prescribe a greasy type medicine for your eyes- which will of course make it hard to see. And you have to use this medicine long enough to clear up the cracks on the eyes.

Learning this information has encouraged me to get myself some eye drops for the occasional times when I have dry eyes. It is not a problem that you can just ignore and the problem will go away. We need to take seriously the health of our eyes. If you have been having episodes where it feels like sand is in your eyes, you too may want to consider getting eye drops. Using eye drops every now and then may help prevent having to put that greasy medicine in your eyes. I like being able to see. Please take care of your eyes. :O)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)