Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sometimes the Answer is "Wait"

Have you noticed how many times it says "to wait upon the Lord" in the Bible? Well there is a good reason for that.

Well as you all know that my son is looking for a job. This has been a long hard road for him and us. His divorce is final - except the problem is that the ex has not signed the papers yet so there is a chance that they might have to go back to court - to find out why she hasn't. That is all a mess- never heard of a judge finalizing a divorce and then someone not signing. But that is not where I was going with this post.

My son is still looking for a job. I had thought that after the divorce was finalized and he could focus more fully on looking for a job that he would find one, but still no job. I have been praying about this for a long time now- 5 months. Well truth be told I have been praying earlier than that - because when he worked for my MIL he needed a better job. Anyway so for a long time I have been praying. It gets discouraging to pray about something for a long time and not see an answer. I have other long term prayers - one I've been praying about for over a year now. But this job one is one that I can talk about. Anyway it just seems like I pray and I have faith that God can and will answer the prayer when the time is right, but nothing seems to happen. I get a bit discouraged but I am still choosing to trust. God's timing is perfect. Sometime we don't understand God's timing - but we can trust that if we surrender our lives to Him and allow Him to do His work in us that His will - will eventually happen. Sometimes His answer is "wait" and we have to learn to trust His "wait." He loves us and wants what is best for us and sometimes the waiting will result in what is best for us. So till the answer comes - continue to pray and continue to stand. Stand on God's Word!

    And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.   
1 John 4:16

The promise for those who wait upon the Lord:
     But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.   
Isaiah 40:31

When I wrote this post - I had quite a few other posts that I had written and wanted to get posted so this one stayed as a draft. And as I was just looking over what I have as drafts - I realized I needed to update this and get it posted -hoping it will encourage someone else.

My son finally found a job. Only draw back at this point is for the first few weeks he does not get full time hours. And truth is with all of his bills and with how much he is being paid - starting out- he needs full time hours in order to pay his bills. But we are Praising the Lord!!! That he got a job. It is enjoying what he is doing and is learning as he goes. We continue to pray that God will continue to provide what is needed so that all his bills can get paid each month.

So God's answer to our prayers may be wait - but He does hear us.
Continue to Stand on God's Word!

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)