Sunday, February 5, 2012

Help From the Kitchen

Today my church had some ladies from "Wellness Secrets" come and do a seminar for us. In fact, they will be there all week. Monday - Friday evenings we will have meetings from 7pm - 8:30pm. I look forward to all of the meetings.
Here are some of the notes that I took today. There is some really cool information. I hope it is helpful to you.

Cabbage ~good for peptic ulcers - juice a cabbage - drink about 1/2 cup a day till symptoms have calmed
good for arthritis pains - take a leaf - pound it to bring juices up and then place over area that is hurting and keep there for a bit till pain calms
it can also be used for dental abscesses- place the pounded cabbage leaf over jaw area that is painful

Potatoes ~excellent for burns - just cut a potato and place on burn site - it also will help it not to blister as bad
helps with swelling - you can either slice a potato and place on swelling or you can shred potato and use it that way on an area that is swollen

Ginger ~ upset stomach, morning sickness, motion sickness
use about 1 inch of ginger boiled in water about a cup or two and drink broth

Carrots ~ good for swelling
part of cancer regime - juicing carrots

Garlic ~ antibiotic, anti fungal, antiviral
Garlic tea - 1 clove of garlic 1 cup of water
For lung infections - add 1 tsp of Thyme to the garlic tea
and you can add 1 tsp of oregano - it is also an antibiotic
(dried herbs are fine to use)
A good use of garlic is to steam it in a metal steamer _ or what ever - to help with blood pressure problems

For earaches - garlic oil - dropping a drop in the ear - put a cotton ball and then place a warm water bottle over ear.
Another thing for ear aches - cut an onion in half and get it hot and place it over the ear

If a person has been sick and needs electrolytes - cook potato, onion, garlic, carrot, celery - have them drink broth - if they are feeling up to it you could blend this up and have them drink that

When someone has a fever - cut sliced onions on feet -even left on over night helps bring fever down.

For cough and congestion - put equal parts of lemon juice and honey - you can also include some grated onion into them.
OR - lemon/honey and a drop of peppermint oil or eucalyptus

Celery~ 3 -5 stalks - really help someone with high blood pressure - you can either eat them or juice them - they recommend the 3-5 every day

Great food for Diabetic - Cucumbers and string beans

Flaxseed ~ 1 T. a day - helps prevent constipations - lowers cholesterol- good for depression - to get the most benefits of flaxseed- it is best to buy flaxseeds and grind them in a coffee grinder daily. When not using store in the fridge or freezer - it goes rancid quickly.
when used in a poultice - it helps with swelling

Salt ~ Salt is good to use as a Salt friction - put salt, water and a bit of oil together to make it pliable enough to make a ball or something out of it - then put it on your skin and rub it around - then rinse off - this will leave your skin babies butt soft!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all this! I learned some new things. :) Here is something new that I have learned--maybe you already know it, but maybe not. You can take 1/4 c. of hot water, and put into it 2 T. ground flax seed. Mix it up and let it sit for just a bit, and it will thicken up. You can then use this to replace one egg in lots of recipes. I do this for my whole wheat rolls, I also will use it in any patty recipes, or things like that. Some cookie recipes I might not try it in, but I'm thinking I might do this the next time I make oatmeal cookies. I think it would work great in them--the oats would kind of "hide" the ground up flax just a bit, so it wouldn't look too strange like it would if you were doing it in a plain cookie like sugar cookies. Anyway, I am trying this more and more. Cuts down on fat and cholesterol, and adds good nutrition from the flax seed! :)


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