Wednesday, May 31, 2017

John 15 ...series

I have a new book that I am reading that has given me new insight into this special passage in the Bible. And because of this - I have decided to do a study and a series on this passage of Scripture. I thought to begin with I would share the section with you and give you a chance to read it. This is from the New King James version. This is John 15. At this point we will just be looking at the first 14 verses.

1 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 
2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.

4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.

7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

9 "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.

10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.

11 These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.
~John 15:1-14

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

My Best Deal OR My Motivation

Best deals aren't always the cheapest deals. This is something important to remember. Sometimes you have to pay more for quality. And especially if you are able to get a good deal from the original price. This is the kind of deal I got last week. But before we go on with my deal I need to address the other part of the title to this post.

A week ago I went into the local consignment store to check on a pair of capris- I knew I loved them because I have a pair- plus with the pink piping on all the pockets - how could I resist?! I couldn't remember if they were once size down from the pair I have or two. So I went to check. Sadly they were 2 sizes down and already seem to be sized a bit smaller than their sizing. So I passed on them. 

While I was there I looked through the dresses. I love dresses and need to replace dresses that I have had to get rid of because they no longer work for me. I pulled several out to try on. When I put on the black one with polka dots that were smaller on the bodice that gradually increase in size to the bottom of the dress, I realized that I loved it! The length was great! And I loved the fabric! The sizing of it worried me a bit. Would I be able to fit into this dress nicely when I lose the rest of the 15 pounds that I want to lose or would it still be too tight? That's when I noticed the price tag- or should I say the two price tags- it was brand new with tags! Tags that said $79.99! Wow! The tags from the store said $14.99- which by the way is more than most dresses their. Usually the prices are about $9.99. I had never seen a dress that high there before. But with the original price being almost $80.00 I couldn't be that surprised. 

Well I actually did not get it that day. I was concerned as to if it would look nice and it- since it was a smaller size than I am thinking I'll be in 15 pounds. Later that week I had taken my MIL to an appointment and after wards we stopped by the consignment shop and sure enough it was still there. I tried it on again and this time I was confident that it would probably be my favorite dress by the time I loose the rest of the weight. So I bought it!! And it will just be a little motivation for me to continue on in this journey towards being healthier. 

So best deals aren't always the cheapest deals! Sometime you have to pay a little more for great quality. I'm very happy with my purchase! It brings me great joy just looking at it!! 

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Goal Setting

Last week ended up being a busy week in which I got much less exercise than what I would have like. So it looks like this week I need to again set some goals for myself.

So the weather app right now is showing a chance of rain almost every day. I'm hoping that some how I can still fit in at least 2 walks, more would be great but I'm trying to set reasonable goals here. And the fact that Campmeeting begins on Wednesday night and Thursday and Friday I have seminars that I want to attend will could limit the number of walks I can go on~ I'll just have to play it by ear.

So I'm planning to try to get at least 2 walks in, 2 workouts with weights and 2 workouts without weights. These are the goals I am setting for myself.

Last week I only got to walk once, workout with weights once, workout without weights once, and weeded the garden and picked produce. Yes I'm claiming this as exercise- if you could feel how sore the back of my upper legs are- you would know I got a good work out!

What I notice is the weeks I don't get as much exercise in are the weeks I don't see much change on my scales. And because I know that the week after this week will be a very busy week again I really need to focus on trying to lose this week.

The weight is coming of slowly, which can be frustrating sometimes, but it is actually the best way to lose weight. It's easier for your body to adjust to. And when you add exercise I believe it also helps your body firm up and look nicer after the weight loss. You lose weight too fast or without exercise and you will likely end up with a bunch of loose skin and that's not the results that we want. So slow weight loss can be discouraging at times but don't let it stop you from making progress. Continue on in persistence. If you continue on- you will see results! And it will be SO worth all the effort you have put in!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Beloved Names of God.....Lord of Hosts

Beloved Names of God

Lord Of Hosts

"Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of host in Jerusalem,
and to pray before the Lord."
 Zechariah 8:22 KJV
  • Name of God the Father
  • God is referred to as "Lord of hosts" 243 times in the KJV.
  • Lord of Hosts is often taken to mean commander of the armies of heaven." However, the phrase hosts of heaven is sometimes taken to mean everything- down to the lowliest creature.
  • God proclaimed through Zechariah that through Jerusalem's rebirth, He would speak to(or conquer) all nations and they would come to worship Him there.
Time and again, we read in the Bible of battle lines drawn and armies facing off, with God directing the endgame for Israel or Judah. But what about the private battles we wage, the ones confined to the four walls of our lives? As believers, we're privileged to have God, the Lord of host, on our side. Through the Holy Spirit, He can give us the words to say to assuage a headed or sticky situation.
~Taken from "The Top 100 Names of God" Ellyn Sanna
Next week we will look at the name "Amen"  This should be very interesting because I had not idea that the work Amen was a name of God. Be sure and some back to see what we learn. :O)  

Friday, May 26, 2017

The Attitude of Gratitude.....series

The "attitude of gratitude" is something that desperately needs to be cultivated in our hearts, our homes, and our society. Its presence brings in its train a host of other blessings, while its absence has profound, lethal repercussions. Consider with me some of the contrasts between a grateful heart and an ungrateful heart:

A grateful heart is conscious of God and others,

while an ungrateful person is self-conscious and self-centered.

Grateful people think and talk abut others, but ungrateful people tend to focus on "my needs," "my feelings," "my hurts," "my desires," "how I have been treated, neglected, failed, or wounded." An unthankful person is full of himself; his whole world revolves around himself. He seldom pauses to consider the needs and feelings of others.
As a result of this preoccupation with self, ungrateful people are typically grasping, demanding people, while grateful people are free to be giving and caring.
Grateful people are loving people who seek to gratify and bless others, while ungrateful people are bent on gratifying themselves.
One o the most common end results of ingratitude is the sin of moral impurity. The manor woman who is not thankful for the way God has met his needs, easily begins to falsely accuse and find fault with our good God. In rejecting the provision God has already made, the ungrateful person is only one small step away from seeking to get his needs met in illegitimate ways.
Be sure and come back next week. This is an excellent series. It has stepped on my toes a bit - as it has opened my eyes to areas in my life that I need to change. Well that I need to allow God to change.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

My Best Deal

This weeks Best Deal - will be a deal I actually got last week but didn't get it posted - so I will be sharing about it.

I love to find Tupperware when I am thrift store shopping! I love Tupperware period! But when you order it brand new through them - by the time all the charges are assessed the item - which might have been reasonably priced to begin with is expensive. Too expensive for me to buy anyway. So you can just imagine how excited I was to find this little gem!
It's a small shaker. My husband has a small salt shaker and he wants me to find him the pepper to go with his salt shaker. Well I continue to look for it - but got this for him to use till I can find him the pepper shaker. Then I am hoping that I get this cute little gem!
I was looking up on Ebay how much I could get these for - well it seems that the cheapest that I could get it - and it was for a set - was about 8.95. And while I was looking I found the cutest set ever!!!
They are called Salt and Pepper Smidget shakers! I love them! But it looks like they run around $20.00 or more a set- and I can't do that. They have all sorts of colors! Hopefully some day I find some at a thrift store!!

Oh I almost forgot to tell you how much I paid for my little shaker- 10 cents!! Yep! You read that right! 10 cents!! That price could not be beat. You have to be careful with Tupperware - sometimes when you open it up and smell - it stinks. Lucky for me - this did not stink! It was in very good condition!! :O)
Can't wait to find the next best deal! If you find great deals - don't hesitate to tell me about it. I would love to hear about your good deals as well! :O)

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


I don't watch commercials very often- I find them boring most of the time, but last week I got into a project and wasn't paying attention to the TV and I started hearing a voice like from a GPS saying "recalculation" over and over. I walked over to where I could see the TV and proceeded to watch. It showed scenes of what the plan was and how sometime happened and caused the person to recalculate their plans.

As I was watching I caught my mind pondering the fact that the goals we set act as a GPS in our lives.

I have struggled with the idea of setting goals in the past and over the last year I've really come along ways in this area of my life. As a teen, young adult, I had some goals - some I had believe in for a long time - but decisions I felt I had to make led me in the opposite direction of my goals. And to be frank, it really put a damper on even wanting to set goals. I mean it's really disappointing when you want something or to do something and then your dreams are dashed.

For a long time - a really long time - I did not allow myself to dream. But in August of 2015 a new spark began in my heart- and I believed that part of my cancer journey led me to that place. It started with not having any hair for 4 months. And the dream began- to have hair again! What a simple dream - but that is what made the difference for me in retrospect. And as my hair grew- I grew - my ability to dream and set goals grew as well.

I had found a pretty journal.
And I began this Hopes and Dreams journal- The first several pages actually tell my story of why I stopped dreaming and how I began to dream again. It didn't mention the hair part- I don't think I realized that my hair played a big part of what contributed to my increased ability to dream. But I get it now!

Dreaming and goal setting helps us evaluate the best course of action to take in order to reach our destination. And as I evaluate my journey towards losing 50 pounds by 50 years old, I realize that a key component to success is the fact that I have set a goal.

In the past, I have set out to lose weight - but never had a goal in mind. I would work and work and lost a decent amount of weight and then something would happen and when I stopped losing weight I would give up. I had nothing inside of me saying - you know where you want to go and you know that directions you need to take in order to be successful. It might be hard right now but you only need to recalculate and keep moving toward your goal. It might take a lot of recalculating and that's ok. I know where I want to end up - I know the basics of how to get there. I just need to allow the Holy Spirit to be my GPS system and I need to be quiet and listen to the Still small voice that says - recalculating when I make a wrong turn. Asking for wisdom for the best course to take to get back on track.

And this is great advice for anyone - with any goal. When your goal is in the will of God for your life - you can be "...confident of this very thing....

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Be Kind

This photo gives the idea that the older we get the less we care about what we look like, but it seems to me that for some people that older they get the less they care about if their words hurt others or not.
Some people lose their ability to check their thoughts and make sure that their words are not hurtful. Sometimes we might need to say tough things to people but we can always say those things in love.
I had a situation happen to me that totally left me without any thing to say in response. And after I saw this photo on Facebook - I was glad I didn't respond.

I am sitting across the table from a family member at a restaurant- we both got a salad to start our meal. As I finished my salad, I noticed that she still had some food left, I was not surprised since she had done most of the talking. All of a sudden she notices my salad is gone. She looks at me shocked and then she says, "what....did you inhale it?" as she made a sound like someone sucking up food. I was shocked. It really hurt my feelings.

Just because people are tacky and rude does not mean that we have to respond in like manner as much as we would like to do so. Sometimes it is very hard to do. But we are reminded in 1 Peter - to have a gentle and quiet spirit.

As Christians, as we age we should be reflecting Jesus more and more. But the only way to do so is to have a personal relationship with Jesus. By studying the Word of God and praying and being quiet in order to hear what He has to say to us, are we able to develop a relationship with Jesus. And by beholding we become changed.
God desires to change us into His image. All we have to do is ask.
So please - let this be a public service announcement- please remember that our words need to be kind. It doesn't matter our age - we never have the right to be unkind to others.

A good question to ask:  

If not- We need to humbly seek Jesus and ask Him to change us - and He is faithful! He will finish what He has started with us.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Sometimes Even when we haven't prayed for it....

The following is the devotional from Streams in the Desert for May 13th.
Please take note of the underlined area- that is the one that really dug deep in my soul. I have had an experience like that this week. Will be sharing about it soon - so that maybe someone else can learn from my experience.
We know not what we should pray for as we ought (Rom. 8:26).

Much that perplexes us in our Christian experience is but the answer to our prayers. We pray for patience, and our Father sends those who tax us to the utmost; for "tribulation worketh patience."
We pray for submission, and God sends sufferings; for "we learn obedience by the things we suffer."
We pray for unselfishness, and God gives us opportunities to sacrifice ourselves by thinking on the things of others, and by laying down our lives for the brethren.

We pray for strength and humility, and some messenger of Satan torments us until we lie in the dust crying for its removal.

We pray, "Lord, increase our faith," and money takes wings; or the children are alarmingly ill; or a servant comes who is careless, extravagant, untidy or slow, or some hitherto unknown trial calls for an increase of faith along a line where we have not needed to exercise much faith before.

We pray for the Lamb-life, and are given a portion of lowly service, or we are injured and must seek no redress; for "he was led as a lamb to the slaughter and… opened not his mouth."
We pray for gentleness, and there comes a perfect storm of temptation to harshness and irritability. We pray for quietness, and every nerve is strung to the utmost tension, so that looking to Him we may learn that when He giveth quietness, no one can make trouble.

We pray for love, and God sends peculiar suffering and puts us with apparently unlovely people, and lets them say things which rasp the nerves and lacerate the heart; for love suffereth long and is kind, love is not impolite, love is not provoked. LOVE BEARETH ALL THINGS, believeth, hopeth and endureth, love never faileth. We pray for likeness to Jesus, and the answer is, "I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." "Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong?" "Are ye able?"
The way to peace and victory is to accept every circumstance, every trial, straight from the hand of a loving Father; and to live up in the heavenly places, above the clouds, in the very presence of the Throne, and to look down from the Glory upon our environment as lovingly and divinely appointed.

I prayed for strength, and then I lost awhile
All sense of nearness, human and divine;
The love I leaned on failed and pierced my heart,
The hands I clung to loosed themselves from mine;

But while I swayed, weak, trembling, and alone,
The everlasting arms upheld my own.

I prayed for light; the sun went down in clouds,
The moon was darkened by a misty doubt,
The stars of heaven were dimmed by earthly fears,
And all my little candle flames burned out;

But while I sat in shadow, wrapped in night,
The face of Christ made all the darkness bright.

I prayed for peace, and dreamed of restful ease,
A slumber drugged from pain, a hushed repose;
Above my head the skies were black with storm,
And fiercer grew the onslaught of my foes;

But while the battle raged, and wild winds blew,
I heard His voice and Perfect peace I knew.

I thank Thee, Lord, Thou wert too wise to heed
My feeble prayers, and answer as I sought,
Since these rich gifts Thy bounty has bestowed
Have brought me more than all I asked or thought;

Giver of good, so answer each request
With Thine own giving, better than my best.
--Annie Johnson Flint

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Beloved Names of God....Consuming Fire

Beloved Names of God

Consuming Fire

"Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear; for our God is a consuming fire."
Hebrews 12:28-29 KJV
  • Name of God the Father
  • God is referred to as a "consuming fire" three times in the KJV.
  • A consuming fire will take the whole of whatever lies in its path. Like a forest fire, it devastates the landscape but leaves behind space for new growth.
  • The author of the book of Hebrews tells his readers that God will shake heaven and earth and only that which is unshakable (the faithful) will remain. He encourages listeners to live graceful lives of service- but also to have "reverence and godly fear." 
The image of fire often conjures fear- fear of painful burns, and charred devastation. But God's association with fire is different. While we should have a healthy fear of God's power, we should also remember that God always has our best interest in mind. In His mercy, He destroys the dead, sinful parts of us, leaving behind new opportunities for growth. Despite the pain it sometimes entails, we should rejoice that our wise Father is able to bring out the best in us!

Come back next week when we will look at "Lord of Hosts"

Friday, May 19, 2017

Attitude of Gratitude....series

The "attitude of gratitude" is something that desperately needs to be cultivated in our hearts, our homes, and our society. Its presence brings in its train a host of other blessings, while its absence has profound, lethal repercussions. Consider with me some of the contrasts between a grateful heart and an ungrateful heart:

A grateful person is a humble person, while ingratitude reveals a proud heart.

The grateful person feels a great sense of unworthiness-"I have so much more than I deserve." But an ungrateful person feels, "I deserve so much more than I have."
I can still remember hearing my father respond when asked how he was doing, "Better than I deserve!" He had a grateful heart. You see, he never forgot the waywardness and rebellion that had characterized the first twenty-five years of his life, prior to his conversion. It never ceased to amaze him that God had saved him, and he always felt an enormous sense of unworthiness and gratitude  for even the least of God's favors.  
I have always been impressed by the grateful spirit of Ruth the Moabites. Widowed after less than a decade of marriage, and impoverished stranger in a foreign land, and "condemned" to live with her embittered mother-in-law, Ruth seeks a way to support herself and Naomi. When she is discovered by Boaz, who extends to her the right to glean in his fields, she falls all over herself trying to express gratitude for his gracious gesture:
"Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him,
Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me,
 seeing I am a stranger?" Ruth 2:10 KJV
I have the feeling that under similar circumstances, I might have been more likely to think, or even say to others, "It's the least he could do!" But the humility of this young widow is seen in her response of gratitude to the least little kindness shown her by another.
Henry Ward Beecher said it well:
Pride slays thanksgiving, but an humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grows.
 A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thanks he gets as much as he deserves. 
Come back next week for our next installment! :O)

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Personal Growth

Have you ever had a moment when you realized that you had grown as a person? I had that kind of experience this week and I would like to tell you about it.

Sitting at Dairy Queen eating our lunch one day a little over three years ago, I noticed someone sitting at a booth alone. I told my husband that I just did not know if I would be able to do that. I did not know if I would be comfortable to go to a eating establishment and order food and sit and eat by myself. I really don't know what had caused me to get to the place of not thinking I could do it- but I truly did not think that I could.

Well yesterday after my appointment with my oncologist- I decided to do something fun for myself- to go thrift store shopping. It gave me something to look forward to. Going for that kind of an appointment ever six months is not that fun- so it is best to pick something fun to do after wards as a reward. So after my appointment I went to two thrift stores up in that area. And I was hungry - I went over to Wendy's and I got myself a side salad and a sour cream and chives baked potato. After I got done eating - I went and got myself a small frosty for a treat. As I sat there and enjoyed my treat- I looked out the window and I felt refreshed and really enjoyed myself. As I thought of my oncology appointment it hit me about the time a little over 3 years ago - several days after one of my hardest days of chemo when my husband and I had went to DQ. And all of a sudden I thought - you have grown! Truth is that this was not the first time that I had done this- but this was the first time that it registered to me that I had come a long ways. I am now able to go some where and order myself some food and go and sit down and eat it and enjoy it. And that is great new. I am thankful that God has brought me this far and I look forward to where He will be leading me to learn next. I have some ideas of some things going on in my life right now as to some of the lessons- and I have to be honest some of them are painful. One of them has to do with a meal shared earlier in the week - that wasn't as pleasant as the one by myself- maybe that is another reason why this time it really stood out to me. Be looking forward to the post about it- I think it is a lesson that many others need to learn as well - and kind of like a public service announcement- maybe by me sharing I can help save some others from having to deal with the pain than I experienced.

Have you noticed areas in your life in which  you are growing?  Be sure and pay attention. If you surrender your life to God and allow Him to guide and direct you - you will see changes. Some might be painful but they are well worth it when you see growth.

By the way my oncologist said everything looked good. It will be a few days before the results from the blood work comes back. I got see her in 6 months. And I have a really big feeling that I will be moved to yearly visits then! We shall see! :O)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hints at a Redneck Story.... To come?.... Maybe...

So I have a few minutes in the middle of this very busy week and I thought I would get on to do a bit of an update and place a prayer request and maybe vent just a bit.

So last week I had set a goal to work out with weight 3 times- it didn't happen~ thankfully I was able to get 2 work outs in and a workout with out weight, plus I walked 4 times. So overall it was a very good day in the exercise department. That is good news. You can't have fitness unless you put out an effort- it does not just happen. And it doesn't happen over night either- be patient with yourself.

 Be watching for some great posts talking about the "benefits of" the different health laws. I have recently came across some great info that might help encourage you to develop some healthy habits just by some of the info that I will be sharing. Also be watching for a post about a new toy my husband got me for Mother's Day! Something I have wanted for quite some time. Enough about that right now.

I'd appreciate some prayers for me and my family. There is a long drawn out story- a red neck story that I will save you from having to hear- but my family really needs some prayers for a wall- a large wall- of protection to be around my family. I might share some day but right now it makes me sad and a bit embarrassed so I just ask for prayers. God knows what is going on. Also tomorrow morning I will be going to my 6 month check up with my oncologist so I need some prayers for that. Thankfully the dark cloud of cancer has not been as much a bother this time- I might be getting used to it or I'm too busy to worry that much. It could also be that I spent all my worry energy on the breast cancer scare and on this family situation. By the way prayers will be needed on Monday morning for my family as well. Once Monday is behind us I think a weight will be lifted from my shoulders, but I'm a little afraid to hope it will all be gone at that point.

On my burgundy quilt that I am really wanting to get quilted- I have started the quilting- I have made several passes and have figured out a new way to do it that will make the quilts come out nicer. And I am happy about that. But my needle broke and I have had to order more needles- I have order 5 packs of 5 - cheapest way to order them. I don't want to get stopped agon just because I don't have needles.

It's only 6pm and I am exhausted - that's what happens when you have to wake up at 4:45am. I am gonna half to get to bed early tonight. I have to leave my house at 8:30am to get to my apt. Hoping I can get my next apt a little later in the morning. Hope you all are doing well. :)

Monday, May 15, 2017

My Best Deal

So on our last post about "My Best Deal" I told of Goodwill having a 50% everything sale. I went to one of the Goodwill's in the area and I only found one thing- but that one thing was just what I had wanted.

Several months ago I realized that I needed something to put on my desk to hold my books. I wanted something that was not only useful but cute as well. I had a pile or two of books and it just looked messy and not only that - it made it challenging to do my studies there.

I had looked around here and there trying to find something to help my desk be more organized. I had bought a small plastic lidless container and I had placed some books in it - and have it some where other than my desk. This container has books that I want to read - but not the once on my immediate list. So I was still looking for something for my desk. And to be honest - I had about given up. So much so that I had forgot that I was looking for something to help organize my desk.

That is until I was at that Goodwill looking in the last area of the store before I was going to leave. I was looking in furniture and I just happen to notice this little gem!

I loved it because of the hearts. And hadn't really remembered that I needed something for my desk until after I bought it.  
I turned it over and the price tag on it was - $1.99!! 
So with tax - I only paid $1.07 for it!!!

What a great price for something that I had been looking for - for quite some time; Something that would help me organize my desk! I was very happy leaving that store!!

And even more happy when I got home and put it on my desk and found that it was the perfect fit!!!
My blocks are about 12 inches - so you can tell this is only about 14 inches wide. It is small and it is cute, but it is very useful indeed!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

I just want to take this opportunity to say Happy Mother's Day to each of the special Mothers who come by here to visit. Whether it is your own children, fur babies or caring for children- you all deserve a special applause for the love and kindness that you show. Mothers have a very special place in Jesus' heart- just remember some of his last words - they were asking John to take care of His mother. <> to each of you, may you feel the love today and every day! :O)
Image result for happy mothers day images

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Beloved Names of God....Ransom


Beloved Names of God



"The Son of man give His life a ransom for many."
Mark 10:45
  • Name of God the Son
  • Jesus is referred to as 'ransom" three times in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, Elihu refers to a Christlike "ransom" (Job 33:24), and in Hosea, God says, "I will ransom them from the power of the grave"(13:14 KJV).
  • A ransom is traditionally a price paid by one for the freedom of another.
  • James and John asked to sit beside Jesus in heaven. The other disciples were annoyed by this, but Jesus assured them that there would be no hierarchy or position of power to strive for in heaven. 
Christ is set forth as the penalty paid for the sins of the world. As we were sinners under the judgement wrath of God, He took our place and paid the penalty and the price of our deliverance with His own blood. Listen to the drops of blood as they fall from hands and feet and wounded side! They voice the words "The ransom price for my sins and for the sins of the whole world." Would that men and women everywhere would believe in and receive it.
(Taken from "The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord")
Come back next week when we will look at the name "Consuming Fire"

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Attitude of Gratitude....series

This week we begin a new series. This will come from the booklet - "The Attitude of Gratitude.. Developing a Thankful Heart" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss 

I will do my best to have a portion of this book each Friday morning. So please keep coming back to read the next part of this very insightful book. I think we all could do with more gratitude in our lives. What do you think?
By today's standards, she should have been an unhappy, troubled woman. Her father died when she was quite young, leaving her to be raised by her mother and grandmother. As a result of a doctor's careless error when she was only six weeks old, she was afflicted with lifelong blindness.

The tragic and traumatic experiences of this woman's childhood years would have given most people more than enough grounds for a lifetime of pelf-pity, bitterness, and psychological disorders.

Yet, in her autobiography, Frances Jane Crosby wrote, "It seemed intended by the blessed Providence of God that I should be blink all my life, and I think Him for the dispensation."

The doctor who destroyed her sight never forgave himself and moved from the area, but there was no room in Fanny Crosby's heart for resentment. "If I could meet him now," she wrote, "I would say 'Thank you, thank you'---over and over again--for making me blind."

Te blindness that many would have considered at best an accident, and at worst a curse, was considered by Fanny to be one of her greatest blessings. She accepted her blindness as a gift from God. "I could not have written thousands of hymns.' she said, if I had been hindered by the distractions of seeing all the interesting and beautiful objects that would have been presented to my notice."

Fanny's first poem, written when she was eight years old, reflects the perspective that was hers until her death at the age of ninety-five;

Oh, what a happy child I am,
Although I cannot see!
I am resolved that in this world
Contented I will be.
How man blessings I enjoy
That other people don't!
So weep or sign because I'm blind,
I cannot, nor I won't!
For over a century, the Church has reaped the rich benefits of one woman's thankful heart, as we sing "To God Be the Glory," "Blessed Assurance," "Redeemed," "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me," and countless others of the 8000 songs that Fanny Cosby wrote in her lifetime.  
In a world that has forgotten how to be grateful, the example of this beloved, blind hymn-writer seems extraordinary, if not downright odd!
But, oh, what a price we pay for our personal and collective ingratitude. After more than two decades of ministry to hurting people, I have come to believe that a failure to give thanks is at the heart of much, if not most, of the sense of gloom, despair, and despondency that is so pervasive even among believers today.
Furthermore, many of the sins that are plaguing and devastating our society can be traced back to the oft-undetected root of unthankfulness.
Be sure and come back next week as we continue with this book. :O)

Thursday, May 11, 2017

As Long as You Do Not Stop....

So last night my cousins wife posted this photo on facebook and said that this was how she was going to be eating for the next two weeks.
Apparently she will be having weight loss surgery in  2  weeks.
It is kind of discouraging to me. I know I have shared this with you all before just a couple of weeks ago. But really folks- it is hard on those of us who are trying to lose weight the old fashioned way. The last  couple of weeks I have really put out great effort to exercise more than I had been. I have figured out for me to lose weight -  I have to exercise - quite a bit.  And what is frustrating is when you are putting out such efforts and it doesn't seem to be working at all. I know that my body is improving and my health is improving but the scales are not  encouraging  me at all. And it is easy to get discouraged. It really feels like I have to put out so much more effort that most people in order to lose weight. And sometimes it does not seem fair.
 Then I saw this on Facebook and I was encouraged to continue to do what I know is the right way to lose weight. It will all be worth it in the end.

I just refuse to give up. Next week I will go see my oncologist and thankfully I will be down at least 10 - 12 pounds than I was  6 months ago when I saw her last. And I am thankful for that. And I will continue to work towards my goals - and 
If you are working towards better health - I encourage you - don't give up when you don't see results as quickly or as often as you would like. It will happen. It is worth it to take care of yourself.

And don't allow people who have had weight loss surgery to discourage you - there are drawbacks to that - that will make their life's difficult. You may never hear of the problems they have - but just to name a few that I have been told by people who have had the surgeries:

If they eat too fast they end up throwing up or getting indigestion

Just because a person has a weight loss surgery there are no guarentees that the weight will not come back - I know of several people 5 people who have gained weight after the surgeries - several of them are back at their top weights.

Some of the surgeries  - cause your body not to be able to get nutrients from your food. And one lady said she has had all sorts of problems with low iron- and has had to have transfusions - and will probably have to have another one in the near future.

There are health issues that arise in those who have had the surgeries because of the stress it puts on the body - especially those who have the surgeries that prevent the body from being able to take nutrients from the food - I think it is the gastric bypass surgery that causes this.

Take good care of your bodies  - get exercise. Get plenty of rest. Do the things you know you should do to take care of you - and  work towards health! :O)

My Best Deal

This weeks "Best Deal" is actually from last week. Goodwill had a 50% off sale -and so I decided even though I was very busy to try to hit at least one store. I didn't find any clothing at all there. I did find a little treasure and will post about it next time. Well I didn't feel like going all the way to another Goodwill but there was another thrift store just down the road - actually the one that I got the 2 brand new tops with tags - so I thought maybe I will get lucky again. You never know. So I looked through stuff and I found a great pair of capris. They are a size down from where I am now-and the size I am thinking I will end up in. Which will actually be the size I was when I got married! That would be awesome!!!
Anyway I found these cute Faded Glory capris for only $1.74. I thought that was a great deal!! Finding things for that cheap is fun! Especially when they are cute and you know you will love them.
You always have to keep in mind - cheap is not always the best deal though. You have to make sure it is something that you like and is in pretty good condition.
Hopefully I can get back on here and do a little post about the other great deal I got on this same shopping trip. It was only 1.07 and something very useful and helpful to organize my desk. Ok - there were enough little hints to hold you over till I can get the photo and post together.
Hope you all are doing well. I have a dental appointment this morning. Pray for me - I have to get a tooth fixed and then a cleaning. :O)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Fear of the Lord

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:
 a good understanding have all they that do his commandments:
his praise endures for ever.
Psalms 111:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge:
but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7
By mercy and truth iniquity is purged:
and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
Proverbs 16:6
The fear of the LORD prolongs days:
 but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
Proverbs 10:27
 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life,
 to turn one away from the snares of death.
Proverbs 14:27
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever:
the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
Psalms 19:9
The fear of the LORD tends to life:
 and he that has it shall abide satisfied;
 he shall not be visited with evil.
Proverbs 19:23
By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honor, and life.
Proverbs 22:4

The fear of the LORD is to hate evil:
 pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the fraudulent mouth, do I hate.
 Proverbs 8:13

"My conclusion is that the fear of the Lord is a basic ingredient for living a righteous life, the foundation of spiritual infilling. " Sanctuary Secrets Pg. 53

"The fear of the Lord is reverent submission." Sanctuary Secrets Pg. 54

I delight to do your will, O my God: yes, your law is within my heart.
 Psalm 40:8

Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;
Hebrews 5:7

Just wanted to share a little from what I am learning from this book that I am reading right now.
I am guessing this is just the tip of the iceburg about what the Bible says about "the Fear of the Lord" and one of these days I plan to do a deeper study on it.

I have ordered a great book that I look forward to reading and I am sure will be sharing some of what I learn here with you all. The book is called "Love God and Do As You Please: A New Look at the Old Rules" I am always blessed by Morris Venden's books - they draw me closer to God every time. And I like that. Those are the best kind of books to read. I look forward to sharing. :O)

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Some mornings for quiet time - I just randomly pick a verse to read and then try to better understand that one verse. Thankfully I have a great reference Bible that helps me find other places in the Bible that help me have a better understanding. And this is what I did this morning. And I really enjoyed a few things that I have learned and wanted to share with you all.

"Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him,
"If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 
32. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:31-32  
The word truth stood out to me so strongly that I knew I needed to dig a little deeper. Just to let you know I was studying in my Andrews Study Bible NKJV, and so all the quotes that I share that are not from Bible will be from this study Bible. Anyway in the study notes it referred me to the study note for John 4:24 - so I read the verse in order to get a better understanding of my study I went back a verse to read it also.
"But the hour comes, and now is,
 when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:
 for the Father seeks such to worship Him.
24.God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth."
John 4:23-24
"Matthew, Mark, and Luke make little use of the word. Truth~ In John truth is the revelation of the will and character of God in the words(1;17; 3:34) and actions(8:32, 36) of Jesus and in the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit (16:13). ALL other paths to truth are deficient or counterfeit."
"Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me."
John 14:6
"Jesus is the path to God, the revelation of what God is like(vs. 9),
and the source of life (1:4-5; 10:10;20:31)"
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
John 10:10
"The life Jesus brings is not just eternal- it is of higher quality and it begins in this life."
Isn't that just beautiful?!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Did I accomplish My Goals?

Last week I challenged myself by setting several goals. I really needed to get some things done and life had been so busy that I had kept putting jobs off each week. And last week I decided I have got to get this stuff done.

Well it ended up being a good thing to set the goals because I actually got some things done last week; but sadly not all.

So I had been so busy I had not been able to exercise as much as I had liked to for a couple of weeks and I knew in order to make progress towards losing the goal of 50 pounds that I have set for myself - I would need to be exercising. I just can't seem to lose weight without exercising. I was able to get my 2 days of walking in along with my 2 days of working out with weights. And I am happy to report that I also was able to do 2 of my Rise Up exercise programs without weights as well. It was great week for exercise!

I was able to get the bird cage cleaned out and thankfully my husband tackled the fish tank without even being asked. I like it when that happens! Not very often but I enjoy it when it does. I also got my friend's quilt repaired! I have not delivered it yet- that will happen this week - probably. I had a burgundy quilt that I wanted to get quilted. Well I was able to get it onto the quilting machine - I got all of the bobbins ready for it and the machine all set up and ready so when I do get a chance I will be able to get it quilted. So hopefully this week I will be able to get that done. I also was able to get my next BOM pieces cut out and some of them together. I still have some work to go but will have it done this week no doubt. It isn't due for a month but the good thing is when I get it done and out of the way early in the month - it frees me up to getting other sewing projects done. And I have several other things I have going. Like blocks for a red, black and white quilt that I have been working on when I get a chance.

So results- I accomplished most of what I wanted to. Only problem is I was pretty busy and as you can tell I was not able to get on here and post anything. Hopefully this week will give me more time to post. Today I have already taken my MIL to an appointment. And I have a dental appointment later this week. Next week will be a busy one with me seeing my oncologist and taking my MIL to two appointments.

So do I have goals for this week? Why yes I do! I tend to do better when I set goals. A person needs to hold their plans loosely because sometimes God has other plans. But setting goals can really help you accomplish what you want to get done.
Image result for sesame seed benefits
(as you can tell this was borrowed from internet but as the website on it- so credit is given)

For this week - I want to work out with weights - not 2 times but 3 times. I already worked out with weights this morning so I am well on my way. And just a side note- I am using my 5 pound weights more and more. I would like to walk at least 3 times too. I would like to get my burgundy quilt quilted. And I would like to get bread made. I found a recipe for some sesame seed bread that I want to try. I have recently read how sesame seed are actually pretty good for a person. And I enjoy trying new things out. Anyway there is yard work - like getting the front yard mowed- and a section on the side of the house, by the RV that really needs to be mowed and cleaned up. I also would love to get in my yard and use my new loppers my husband bought me last week!
So those are my goals. Have you sat any goals? Or did you set any goals last week and find out that it helped you reach the goal? I would love to hear about it.
Oh and by the way - I finally lost another pound by adding so much exercise to my schedule. I have now lost 34 pounds and have 16 more to lose! Slowly but surely progress is being made!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Goals for My Week

It is very important to set goals for your self. It just might be the difference to actually getting where you want to go, or what you want to get done...done and not.

The last couple of weeks have been very busy for me- so busy in fact, that I have not had as much time to exercise and walk as I would like. So because I have had such a problem getting as much exercise in to my schedule, I decided this week I would have to set a goal and work towards it.

Sometimes you have to set goals in order to know what you are working towards. If you don't have a goal it is easier to just let those things slide. I know with my weight loss - there are times that I would probably just decide to stay where I am when I sit at a weight for a while. But because I have set a goal of how much I want to lose- 50 pounds. And I have also set a time period - I am better able to stay on task.

So this week I have decided to challenge myself to walking at least 2 times and working out with weights at least twice. The numbers are low this week because next week end my son will have his daughter and on those weekends it is harder for me to get a walk in. So I have shot low - I will do more if I get a chance. This week I have already added a workout without weights- because it was a day that I had not been able to get out and walk but wanted some exercise. It's only Tuesday and I have 1 - work out without weights, 1 - workout with weights, and 1 walk in! Will I meet my goal- it sure looks like it. And I am sure I will be able to exceed it - but if not at least I have set a goal and will hopefully accomplish it.

I have also set a couple of other goals. I have been so busy that I have let a couple of important jobs slide- things that have been on my "to do" list for several weeks. Cleaning our bird cage and our fish tank. I also have a friends quilt that I need to repair for her. It will involve cutting the quilt into 2 pieces and creating two quilts- there was a rip in the quilt and this way she will still get use out of the quilt. I also have a quilt that I have all the pieces layered - I just need to get it on my quilting machine and get it quilted. So I am hoping to accomplish it as well.

So as you can see - I have set goals for this week and I have things I am working towards. I will try to get on here maybe Friday or Sunday to let you know how the week went and what I was able to accomplish.

Do you set goals? If so I would sure like to hear about it in the comments. :O)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)