Monday, December 31, 2012

The Best Resolution Ever

It is that time of year again, the time in which many people make New Year's Resolutions. I have to be honest, half the time I don't even bother to make them. Why? Well because I usually have the same results that many other have.


I saw a cute little funny on Facebook last week - wish I remembered who shared it cause I would go borrow it. But anyway two were talking and one asked the other, "what is a New Year's Resolution?" the other one said, " it's a 'To Do' list for January" How true is that? I mean how many times have I made a resolution to lose weight? Well never have I lost weight by those resolutions. And I have discovered that a better way for me to address this issue is to work toward making better choices everyday.

So today as I think of the year 2012 ending and seeing 2013 heading our way - I realize that the very best resolution that I can make is to choose to make a commitment to spending time everyday with Jesus Christ. This is something that I have gotten into the habit of this past year.  And the truth is - my days are always so much better when I spend time with Jesus first.

So this year - Jesus First will be my theme - and not just for my mornings - but for my whole day,  every day. For these is nothing better than to put Jesus First.

And I hope if you don't already spend time in God's word every day, that you will join me in this resolution. May Jesus be our Focus - today and everyday! 

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