Tuesday, August 26, 2014

This and That

It has been awfully warm around here. It's funny when we are looking forward to it being a bit less hot. We are continuing to add triple digit days to our list of how many for the year. I have not heard an updated number but I am guessing it is over 20. I will try to share once I hear something to clarify that. Anyway even though we have had such hot weather believe it or not - our yard was pretty green for this time of year. And that is only because a week ago from Sunday - we got at least an inch of rain and it was wonderful. Haven't gotten any since then. The weather forecast for this weeks shows at least a couple of days where we at least have a chance of rain. Since had had gotten the rain, I actually needed to mow again this week. Sunday I got the front yard mowed. It is pretty big and since I am using a push mower - it is tiring - especially with our temps being has high as they are. I try to go out and do my mowing in the morning when it is less hot outside. So this morning I finally finished up mowing our yard. I have some weed eating I want to do but I will wait and do that tomorrow morning.

Yesterday I finally got around to making another batch- actually 3 batches of Gluten. I had not made gluten in over 9 months. And believe it or not my husband who was raised eating meat at every meal - loves my gluten! He had actually said something about missing gluten. So I decided to get busy and make up some gluten. You can click on the button above to go to the post that I did about gluten. I did have to add a step in there that I had not realized I needed to do. Which is once you have kneaded the dough and rinsed it in water - till the water about runs clear- it you will set the dough on a cookie sheet - and let the water drain from it. It actually makes it work better. Glad I decided to read through the directions again!

The Broth and Breading for the Gluten can be found here. These recipes - can be changed up according to your likes and dislikes. Sometimes I do different things with min.

So yesterday was the first day of pre-k for our Sweetpea. Sad thing about divorce is that often times the Father and the Father's family are left out of the loop. We found out Sunday night that she would be starting school. We had no idea that they were even thinking about putting her into school. And of course, we do not have a photo of her first day of school. It was hard on us all yesterday because everyone it seemed were sharing their kid's first day of school photos. I wish that when people got a divorce they would use the golden rule - would you want a photo of the first day of school for your child? Yes - ok then share that photo with the parent that does not get to experience it. We are left out of so much.

So on Facebook I "liked" a page that posts these cute - why my cat is sad- photos. And this was one I saw this morning!

Oh I could sure relate to his feelings! So much so that I shared it on Facebook. I have tried to find as much humor in my circumstances through this whole "adventure." It is the best way to go...seriously. Life is hard - and it is best to find the positives and or humor in circumstances. It helps make life more enjoyable.
Oh another thing I did yesterday was make a turmeric paste - in order to make golden milk. It is suppose to be really good for you. If you are interested in it - you can google it. I also made up some golden milk with a bit of my past - and I think it is going to be bearable. It will take a bit of tweaking to get the flavor to where I want it but at least it is doable. I had wanted to try this for a long time - glad I finally did it. Wasn't that hard. I just found a video that showed how to make the paste and then the milk. It happened to be one Facebook - under a posting about golden milk. Anyway wish I had have saved a link to it so I could share it here - but did not. Did not know if I would like it or not at the time so did not know if I would even be posting about it.
Well that is about it for today. I have a list of things I want to get done today so I better get off of here and get busy. Ya'll have a good one! :O)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

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