Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just checking in..

So this week I decided that I need to start working towards having more energy. So on Tuesday I had to run to the bank, on my way home - I stopped at the park and walked. I made myself walk 3 small rounds - equaling 1 mile. I was tired when I was done, but decided to run across the street and vacuum out my car. Later I worked on weed eating some in our back yard.

Today I decided that I would get our yard mowed. I first weed eated around things in the front yard so it would look nice once I was done mowing. Then I tackled mowing. I was doing just fine till I got the lawn mower tangled up with the trampoline... lol. I usually mow everything around the trampoline and then I use the mower to push the trampoline out of the way. Well this time I did not do it quite right and ended up having one tire over the bar of the trampoline. Well thankfully my son was off work and in no time he was here to help me get them untangled. Once that was taken care of - I was able to finish the yard. It was so nice to sit on my back porch and admire our yard. I also got the garden watered and several other jobs around the house. I had wanted to work on cleaning the back porch and that area  -but did not get to that today. That will be on my list for later- maybe tomorrow.
Tomorrows list has - clean the RV and steam clean the carpets in it. I have wanted to do that for a LONG time and just have not gotten to it. It really is a good idea to make up a list of what you want to accomplish. There are days that I have felt like maybe I did not do much - but once I look at my list and mark things off - I am happy to see that I got done much more than I thought I had. Lately my lists have had items that have just been moved from day to day - hoping that I would get around to doing the job. That is how cleaning the carpets in the RV has been. And I know that it will feel good when I finally get that job done and taken care of.

I am tired tonight- don't think I will have any problems going to bed tonight. I have really pushed myself the last two days. But it feels good. I want to be in better shape and I want to have more energy.

Oh just a little funny - So I am talking to my husband about being a little sore- and he said, "Yeah - cause you pushed it too much." I said, "I need to get in better shape." His reply~ "Round is a shape." LOL - He is so funny. I did not take offense to it at all cause he has referred to himself with that same idea. I thought it was funny. But truth is _ I do want to increase my energy level and I want to be in better physical shape.

Oh - one more cool thing. Today my husband went to see our primary care Dr. I had made copies of my blood work to send with him for her- because even though I know that the Dr's are suppose to be working together - they are not. And I knew that it would be helpful for her to know what was going on. So when my husband gave her the blood work - she looked at it and was very surprised that the levels were as good as they were. She even asked if I had any problems causing my chemo's to be put off- and he told her no. She was very happy to hear that. I really have been lucky. It is not uncommon at all for chemo patients to have to post pone a treatment or two do to their blood levels being too low. I am thankful that I am done - cause like I have said before - more of my levels were getting low or high and I don't know if I could have handled another one without having it post poned.


  1. Good for you! I can sure relate to having a list where things just get moved from one day to the next, but it sure feels good to know we've gotten things done, isn't it? It sounds like you are already improving, if you were able to walk for a whole mile. What a blessing!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)