Sunday, April 30, 2017

Talking Hold of Christ...Keeping Hold....Not Letting Go

For the last month or so I have earnestly been praying about several things going on in my life. Situations that I have no control over. A couple of weeks I was praying about these things and all of a sudden the verse- Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord came to my mind. I was sure that I would soon see a solution to two of the main things I had been praying about- if not at least one of them. I was sorely disappointed when it seemed that neither situation had improved.
This morning I again approached the throne with these thing that weigh heavy on my heart. I wondered that maybe I had misunderstand the message I had received. In all reality - it does not seem that things are improving in the areas of concern.
Then it was my devotional and I read the below devotional. It really touched my heart and I felt that it was the answer to my concern. Things may not seem as though these prayers are being answered - but I will not be going by what I see - I will continue to hold onto God's promise. He is going to take care of these things- I just need to stand still.
Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are (James 5:17).

Thank God for that! He got under a juniper tree, as you and I have often done; he complained and murmured, as we have often done; was unbelieving, as we have often been. But that was not the case when he really got into touch with God. Though "a man subject to like passions as we are," "he prayed praying."  It is sublime in the original--not "earnestly," but "he prayed in prayer." He kept on praying. What is the lesson here? You must keep praying.
Come up on the top of Carmel, and see that remarkable parable of Faith and Sight. It was not the descent of the fire that now was necessary, but the descent of the flood; and the man that can command the fire can command the flood by the same means and methods. We are told that he bowed himself to the ground with his face between his knees; that is, shutting out all sights and sounds. He was putting himself in a position where, beneath his mantle, he could neither see nor hear what was going forward.
He said to his servant, "Go and take an observation." He went and came back, and said--how sublimely brief! one  word--"Nothing!"
What do we do under such circumstances?
We say, "It is just as I expected!" and we give up praying. Did Elijah? No, he said, "Go again." His servant again came back and said, "Nothing!" "Go again." "Nothing!"
By and by he came back, and said, "There is a little cloud like a man's hand." A man's hand had been raised in supplication, and presently down came the rain; and Ahab had not time to get back to the gate of Samaria with all his fast steeds. This is a parable of Faith and Sight--faith shutting itself up with God; sight taking observations and seeing nothing; faith going right on, and "praying in prayer," with utterly hopeless reports from sight.
Do you know how to pray that way, how to pray prevailingly? Let sight give as discouraging reports as it may, but pay no attention to these. The living God is still in the heavens and even to delay is part of His goodness.
--Arthur T. Pierson

Each of three boys gave a definition of faith which is an illustration of the tenacity of faith. The first boy said, "It is taking hold of Christ"; the second, "Keeping hold"; and the third, "Not letting go."

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Beloved Names of God...series "Shiloh"



"The sceptre shall not depart from Judah,
nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come;
and unto him shall the gather of the people be.
Genesis 49:10 KJV
  • Name of God the Son
  • "Shiloh" appears thirty-three times in the KJV, most often as the place name.
  • Shiloh means "his gift" or "he who was sent or wished for." In place names it indicates a peaceful resting place.
  • When Judah, the son of Jacob, was proclaimed as the greatest of his father's sons, it was said that he would rule until Shiloh (the One who was sent or wished for) arrived. In other words, there would be no one greater until the Messiah came.
Israel must walk in darkness under law, until the year may seem eternity, but Shiloh comes at last, and peace. Has Shiloh come to you? And has the peace that passes understanding , the peace He made, entered into your soul? For Shiloh came and conquered every foe that could harass you and stands today offering peace. Have you received it? Begin today and "in every thing by prayer and supplication....let your request be made known unto God(Philippians 4:6 KJV). 
Next week we will look at the name "Ransom"~Hope to see you then. 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Biblical Portrait ....series

"Every wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."
Proverbs 14:1
Few women are aware of how much influence they have on their surroundings.
Regardless of our marital status or living arrangements, all of us as women have some type of "house." That "house" may be our immediate family, or neighborhood, our workplace, our school, our church, or our nation.
Through our attitudes, our words, and our behavior, we have the power to bless and build the lives of those around us; we also have the power to tear them down and destroy them.
On the following pages, you will find a series of contrasting statements that suggest specific ways we can built up or tear down our homes. Check the statements that best describe your attitudes, words, and actions towards those that God has place in your life.
Ask God to reveal whether  you are wisely helping others by building them up, or foolishly hurting and hindering them by tearing them down.
DO not let the enemy discourage you by what you may see. Rather, as you become aware of attitudes, words, or actions that are tearing down your home, agree with God, confessing your foolishness. Then, in each of those areas, ask Him to make you a wise woman and to help you build a home that will bring great glory to Him.
Do my Actions "build up"....or "tear down"?
  • I set an example for my children and others by obeying my authorities with a right heart attitude (Titus 2:4-5)
  • I often disregard authority and do whatever I want to do.
  • I am diligent in serving and meeting the needs of others with a willing heart attitude(Galatians 5:13).
  • I am often lazy and reluctant or unwilling to serve others.
  • I am faithful in caring for the practical needs of my family and home (Proverbs 31:27).
  • I neglect many of the practical needs of my family and home, due to lack of planning, discipline, or desire.
  • I take time to renew my mind with the Word of God, so that I can be transformed into the likeness of Jesus(Romans 12:2).
  • I indulge my mind in suggestive books, magazines, television programs, or movies.
  • My behavior with men is discreet, chaste, and above reproach(1 Thessalonians 4:3-7).
  • My behavior with men is sometimes aggressive, bold, or flirtatious.
  • I look for opportunities to minister in practical ways to the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:20).
  • I am so consumed with my own needs that I don't have time to reach out to the poor.
  • My home is a place of ministry and encouragement to others outside my family. (1 Peter 4:9).
  • I seldom invite others into my home.
  • My behavior in the presence of others is reverent, sober, and self-controlled (Titus 2:3-4).
  •   I often seek to draw attention to myself or to gain acceptance through loud, boisterous behavior.
  • I am actively involved in teaching and disciplining my children and/or other women in the ways of God (Titus 2:4-5).
  • I am not personally involve in ministering spiritually to others. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

My Best Deal....this week

This weeks addition of "My Best Deal" will come earlier than usual - because it is what I would like to share with you today.
On Sunday afternoon - my sister(knowing that I was at home alone because my husband and sons went on a fishing trip) asked me if I would want to go thrift store shopping- well of course I would love to go. We don't usually go on the week ends- we are usually too busy. So this was a special occasion for sure.

The first place we went - neither of us had any luck at all.
Oh well we had a few other places we wanted to check out anyway.
At the second place - a place that we usually don't go to - we both had some luck.
I actually found 3 tops and the coolest part - is that 2 of them were brand new with tags!!
This was my best deal by far-
A brand new with tags- Sonoma top - for only $2.99!!!
Yep - you read that right!!
This is the reason I thrift shop. Well that and it is hard - and getting harder to find the styles of clothing that I like at stores for brand new. Places are using more and more polyester - and I really do not like polyester in my clothing.
Here are the other two tops I found. This one is a gnw brand- which I am told is sold at Kroger's. Any way I thought this would be a very nice top to where with my black skirt. Or other skirts- could where with jeans or capris as well.

This is the other brand new top with tags still attached to it. It is a Lane Bryant top. This one I paid $5.99 for. The color is actually a bit brighter blue than this photo shows. It was getting dark when I was taking pictures - that is all I can figure out as to why the color is not accurate. The blue and what top does not show the color as perfectly as I would like either- the blue is a navy blue(like a denim blue) and it is cute as can be.
And both of these tops will be fitting me very soon!!!
I don't always have this much luck but when I do, I am super happy!
It was a real blessing from God - for sure!!!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Are You in the Midst of Trouble?

This was my devotion for yesterday morning and I wanted to share. It is very reassuring to read - especially if you are in the midst of trouble.
"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me"
(Ps. 138:7).

The Hebrew rendering of the above is "go on in the center of trouble." What descriptive words! We have called on God in the day of trouble; we have pleaded His promise of deliverance but no deliverance has been given; the enemy has continued oppressing until we were in the very thick of the fight, in the center of trouble. Why then trouble the Master any further?
When Martha said, "Lord, if thou hadst been here my brother had not died," our Lord met her lack of hope with His further promise, "Thy brother shall rise again." And when we walk "in the center of trouble" and are tempted to think like Martha that the time of deliverance is past, He meets us too with a promise from His Word. "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me."
Though His answer has so long delayed, though we may still continue to "go on" in the midst of trouble, "the center of trouble" is the place where He revives, not the place where He fails us. When in the hopeless place, the continued hopeless place, is the very time when He will stretch forth His hand against the wrath of our enemies and perfect that which concerneth us, the very time when He will make the attack to cease and fail and come to an end.
What occasion is there then for fainting?
--Aphra White


Fear not that the whirlwind shall carry thee hence,
Nor wait for its onslaught in breathless suspense,
Nor shrink from the whips of the terrible hail,
But pass through the edge to the heart of the gale,
For there is a shelter, sunlighted and warm,
And Faith sees her God through the eye of the storm.
The passionate tempest with rush and wild roar
And threatenings of evil may beat on the shore,
The waves may be mountains, the fields battle plains,
And the earth be immersed in a deluge of rains,
Yet, the soul, stayed on God, may sing bravely its psalm,
For the heart of the storm is the center of calm.
Let hope be not quenched in the blackness of night,
Though the cyclone awhile may have blotted the light,
For behind the great darkness the stars ever shine,
And the light of God's heavens, His love shall make thine,
Let no gloom dim thine eyes, but uplif t them on high
To the face of thy God and the blue of His sky.
The storm is thy shelter from danger and sin,
And God Himself takes thee for safety within;
The tempest with Him passeth into deep calm,
And the roar of the winds is the sound of a psalm.
Be glad and serene when the tempest clouds form;
God smiles on His child in the eye of the Storm.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

My Best Deal Last Week

Ever so often I find such great deals that I just have to share. Last week was one of those times. For the last couple of weeks between my appts and my mother-in-laws appts and everything else I have been very busy. And it came to the point that I needed a mental health day.
 I decided to hit several Goodwill's and a couple of thrift shops. I actually went to 4 Goodwill's without finding a single thing. That is unusual, but I am trying to be particular and not but stuff unless I love it. And in the middle of weight loss - you have to be selective about what you buy.
Next I went to a favorite thrift store - it is about a 30 minute drive from my house, but well worth the trip- most times I go. That is when I found my best deal of the week! A pair of Gap Jeans. When I looked at the tag and it said 99 cents - I was like - ok what is wrong with these jeans. I looked them over really well. I noticed on a tag inside - it had the date they were made 2010. That is not a big deal to me. If I like something - I don't really care when it was "in style." I also noticed that on the bottom of the legs in the back it looked like the jeans had been too long on the previous owner and they had walked on the jeans fraying them.  But when I tried on the jeans - I found they were also too long on me - which means I will hem them up and they will look nice. There is only one issue with these jeans. They are a size and a half smaller than I am now. Actually they at the size I was when I got married 28 years ago. So the truth is it was a bit of a gamble to get these jeans. There is not a guarantee that they will fit me when I lose the rest of the 18 pounds I want to lose- but I really think they will. I can get them on - just not zipped at this point. So it was a gamble worth taking - and for only 99 cents- how could I go wrong. Hopefully by next winter I will be able to wear them.
Now I also need to add a few little things. It is not always best to buy the cheapest things - sometimes there are valid reasons why the item is so cheap. So any time you find a really good deal - look the item over - you may find out why it was priced so cheap. And then again you might find that the reason is something that you can easily fix. Sometimes when I have found something cheaply listed - I have never figured out why.

Would love to hear about the best deals you all have found. Have a great day! :O)

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Beloved Names f God...series "Prince of Peace"

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given....
and his name shall be called...The Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6 kjv
  • Name of God the Son
  • Jesus is referred to as the "Prince of Peace" once in the KJV
  • The name Prince of Peace assured God's people that despite dire times, God promised to send a Savior into the world whose reign would be just ad refreshing.
  • The prophet Isaiah predicted dire times for Judah and Israel. The people had turned from God and their leaders had led them to ruin. Despite all this, he was convinced God had not abandoned them. God would eventually send the Prince of Peace.
The title Prince of Peace doesn't sound as intimidating as Lord of War, but don't let the gentle nature of the word peace fool you. The world has been taken to at in the past, but no one has ever been able to lead the whole world to peace. Jesus has the strength and power to do what no other leader ever has. Now that's impressive.
Come back next week when we will look at the name "Shiloh" 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Biblical Portrait....series

"Every wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."
Proverbs 14:1
Few women are aware of how much influence they have on their surroundings.
Regardless of our marital status or living arrangements, all of us as women have some type of "house." That "house" may be our immediate family, or neighborhood, our workplace, our school, our church, or our nation.
Through our attitudes, our words, and our behavior, we have the power to bless and build the lives of those around us; we also have the power to tear them down and destroy them.
On the following pages, you will find a series of contrasting statements that suggest specific ways we can built up or tear down our homes. Check the statements that best describe your attitudes, words, and actions towards those that God has place in your life.
Ask God to reveal whether  you are wisely helping others by building them up, or foolishly hurting and hindering them by tearing them down.
DO not let the enemy discourage you by what you may see. Rather, as you become aware of attitudes, words, or actions that are tearing down your home, agree with God, confessing your foolishness. Then, in each of those areas, ask Him to make you a wise woman and to help you build a home that will bring great glory to Him.

Do my Words "build up"....or "tear down"?

  • I frequently express gratitude for the benefits that I have received from God and others (Colossians 3:15).
  • I frequently grumble about having what I don't want or wanting what I don't have.
  • I build others up with words of praise, appreciation, and admiration (Ephesians 4:29).
  • I often hurt others with criticial, belittling words. I am quick to point out the failures of others.
  • I am quick to humble myself and seek forgiveness when I have wronged someone (Matthew 5:23-24)
  • I tend to defend or justify myself rather than admitting when I am wrong.
  • I am faithful in praying for God to work in others' lives(i.e., husband, children, friends, pastors, etc.)(Ephesians 6:18).
  • I spend more time talking to friends and counselors about the needs in the lives of those around me, than I do in fervent, intercessory prayer on their behalf.
  • I seek to speak only wise words that point people to the Word and ways of God (Proverbs 31:26).
  • I am quick to share my own opinions about matters, rather than consciously pointing people to the Word and ways of God.
  • My words encourage others and minister health and life to their spirits (Proverbs 12:18)
  • My words tent to make others feel discouraged and defeated.
  • I am careful to speak words that are absolutely truthful(Ephesians 4:25).
  • I sometimes shade or exaggerate the truth for my own personal benefit.
  • I am quick to hear and slow to speak. (James 1:19).
  • I am not a good listener. I tend to dominate conversations and want other to listen to me.
  • When provoked, I generally respond with a gentle answer(Proverbs 15:1).
  • I am easily provoked and tend to respond with harsh words.
  • I restrain my words ( Proverbs 10:19, 17:27).
  • I talk too much.
As I read these and type them out~ it gives me time to reflect on each statement. And it gives me a lot to think about. I have found bits of myself on either side. I am so thankful for the Word of God and the wisdom we can glean from it when we take the time to study.

Next week we will be talking about our Actions. See you then. :O)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Unyielding Faith to the Promises of God

Just a couple of awesome quotes that I read this week about prayer.

The first one about Jacob really spoke to me - because I feel I have a lot to learn from Jacob. I feel their is hidden gems in the story of him wrestling with the angel and I can't wait until the Holy Spirit reveals more of what I am to learn from it.

"Jacob prevailed because he was persevering and determined. His victory is an evidence of the power of importunate prayer. All who will lay hold of God's promises, as he did, and be as earnest and persevering as he was will succeed as he succeeded. Those who are unwilling to deny self, to agonize before God, to pray long and earnestly for His blessing, will not obtain it. Wrestling with God- how few know what it is! How few have ever had their souls drawn out after God with intensity of desire until every power is on the stretch. When waves of despair which no language can express sweep over the suppliant, how few cling with unyielding faith to the promises of God." GC621

"When thick clouds of darkness seem to hover over the mind, then is the time to let living faith pierce the darkness and scatter the clouds. Truth Faith rests on the promises contained in the Word of God, and those only who obey that Word can claim its glorious promises." EW72,73

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

How Weight Loss Surgery Has Affected My Life

With all of the health information that I have shared - I bet you are surprised that I am going to bring up the issue of weight loss surgery. Well don't be too surprised - I have not had weight loss surgery and I am NOT considering weight loss surgery but it has affected my life.

In my small circle of people I know there have been at least 11 people have a weight loss surgery, a sister-in-law, 3 going to be 4 cousins, a woman who goes to church with me (who I never thought was heavy enough to qualify for weight loss surgery, and several other people.

One of my cousins had the surgery just about a week ago and she said that in 3 days she had lost 7 pounds! What?! To those of us like me - who have been working on losing weight for 10 months- it is frustrating to hear of someone losing weight that fast. Once I heard that they removed 80% of her stomach and that when she works up to eating normal food - it will only be about 1/2 of a cup of food at a time... who wants to eat such a little amount? And how in the world will she get the nutrients needed?

A lady I know who runs a local consignment center shared with me how she had a weight loss surgery several years ago. Afterwards they found she had kidney cancer- and now is cancer free. The sad news is that she is anemic and has a super hard time getting the nutrients that she needs. And she may end up having to have a blood transfusion - to help the anemia. - and all of this is because of the weight loss surgery and the fact that she has a super hard time getting nutrition since her surgery.

Three people I know have gained back all the weight -some more than they weighed before.

I have another cousin who as soon as she can get the insurance to ok her having a weight loss surgery will be having the surgery. I wish these people would look into eating a more plant based diet. I wish that they realized the importance of getting nutrition through the foods we eat. Our bodies need the nutrition and when we make poor choices in what we put into our bodies, our bodies suffer. And sometimes it take quite some time to see the results of the abuse you put our bodies through.

It may be because I have been having to wake up at 4:40am -but I was doing alright when I was messaging my cousin (who just had the weight loss surgery) but when I found out that another cousin is seriously considering having the surgery- it really bothered me. I have worked quite some time and have lost a total of 32 pounds. And my cousin and others having these surgeries will lose that amount of weight or more in a month. And it just makes it a bit more challenging for me - especially during the times that I am struggling with being on a plateau. Or when life is so busy that I don't have the time to get the exercising in, or the times that my heal hurts so bad that I am struggling with being able to exercise, or the time my knees were really bothering me(still bother me a bit but nothing like they were). I am thinking through all the important health information that I have learned and realizing that the best way to take care of me - is to continue to work towards health.

I am realizing that the desire for instant gratification is what lures people to have these surgeries - God teaches patience. If you don't believe me, why don't you look in the Bible and see all the verses that mention "waiting on the Lord" will notice it happens more than you would like. We are to wait on the Lord. Instant gratification does not teach us anything. We don't have a chance to learn lessons when we get what we want- when we want it. It teaches us to want everything instantly. Patience really is a virtue. If you need to lose weight - I would highly recommend you look into healthy living. Be patient and allow God to help you get to your goal. He will supply all your needs.

One more thought- one of the comments by a weight loss patient was - "instead of eating a whole bag of chips- I will eat just a couple and be satisfied." Their desire is to be satisfied. This is another area in which we need the Lord. He will satisfy our souls. Food and weight loss will not satisfy our souls. That is what God will do for us. Let's depend on Him.

I hope this makes sense. And I hope that if I can help support one person to approach weight loss in a healthy way - it would mean the world to me. Please consider your health. Value it. Protect it. Instant gratification will not get you what you want.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

made into a covering for you and me

On Easter Sunday - I read a fantastic section of this book that I thought was perfect for Easter. And I had hoped that I would have time to get it posted that day but I was very busy with other things and did not get it done. I still wanted to share it with you all. I hope you are blessed by it as well. 
A section from this book : "Sanctuary Secrets to personal prayer" by Carrol Johnson Shewmake

"The sacrifice most often offered on the altar in the earthly sanctuary was a lamb, representing Jesus. God once gave me an illustration of that sacrifice, which took me several years to understand. But once understood, I can never forget it, for it touches my heart so deeply.

Several years ago my husband surprised me with the gift of fluffy white lambskin seat covers for my little red Buick skylark. The contrast of the white seat covers with the maroon interior and the red exterior of my car pleased me.

A few days after we had installed them, my 4-year-old granddaughter Kimi went for a ride with me. Kimi likes new things- and pretty things- so after I had safely installed her in her car seat, she investigated my new seat covers. In silence she surveyed them, fingering them.

"Grandma," she asked, "did they have to cut a sheep to get your seat covers?"

I gulped. I hadn't thought of it in that light before. It doesn't hurt a lamb to remove its wool, but lambskin cannot be removed from a live lamb. In order for me to have lambskin seat covers for my car, a lamb had to die.

"well, yes, Kimi," I finally managed to say. "Yes, I guess that someone did have to cut a lamb to make these seat covers."

She sat in silence, looking straight ahead as I started the car. "Grandma," she finally said, looking at me sadly, maybe sternly, "I don't think God likes you to cut sheep to make seat covers."

Suddenly I didn't like my new seat covers anymore. They didn't wear well either, and I was glad when I finally could replace them with man made fleece covers.

That was years ago. Kimi is now grown up. But God taught me a lesson from that story. Here is how it happened; I was listening to a tape. The speaker began to pray. In his prayer he thank the Lord for dying and for giving us His fleece. I had never heard anyone word a prayer just like that. In my mind's eye my lambskin seat covers appeared, and I saw that they represented the fleece of the Lamb of God. Unless a knife was applied to the Lamb, I could not be covered by His fleece. His death made my covering possible.

In my imagination I was back in Eden. The first sinners had just discovered that they were naked. And innocent Eden animal was brought forward, killed, and from its skin God Himself fashioned garments for Adam and Eve. They could never forget that an animal had to be cut so that they could be clothed.

Jesus Himself was the Lamb slain for my sins, the Lamb without spot or blemish. His beautiful fleece, His perfect righteousness, was made into a covering for you and me."

Sunday, April 16, 2017

$413.00 Lesson Learned

So I mentioned a 413.00 lesson that I learned last week. I am sorry I just didn't have time to share about it then. Last week was a very busy week and emotionally draining. In and of themselves -each of the things I had to do were not that bad - but when you put them altogether in the week along with the fear of hearing the "C" word again- and it made for a stressful week.

I don't think that those that have never been diagnosed with Cancer can really understand. And I think that it takes more than just being diagnosed with cancer. I think that it's once you have been diagnosed with cancer and have to go through treatment that you really realize how very powerful cancer is and how scary it is. Once this happens to you - there seems to be a dark cloud hovering over you. The further you get out from treatment- and the more you trust God the smaller the cloud become and the less it bothers you. But~ when something happens like you find a lump where it shouldn't be and then your Dr finds another one - that is when the cloud that had shrunk seems to grow and cause more stress and emotional distress. With this emotional stress along with all the other things going on during the week- it really became a very stressful week for me.

I received my phone call from the place that would be doing my mammogram telling me I had an appointment for 10:30am and 11:00am. That scared me a bit - I had not realized it would be taking me that long. Then I got a phone call that told me that since this was a diagnostic mammogram - that it would cost me $177. for the mammogram and $413.00 if they had to do the ultrasound also.

Well sure enough I had to do both. The mammogram was more intensive than a regular mammogram. They do the regular pictures and then they use a smaller paddle and press firmer to see better- this put more pressure and was more sore than just a regular mammogram. But still not as painful as what some people explain mammograms to be. Then I sat in the room for a while at least 15 minutes or more while they looked at the pictures they had taken. Then I was told that yes I would be having an ultrasound and taken back to a waiting room to wait for the next crew to get me. The Ultrasound took a lot of time. Then they left me to go talk to the radiologist. I knew that he would be coming in to look for himself and also talk to me. As I laid on the table and waited for quite some time - that is when the emotions tried to really over take me. I was alone in the room and laying there left only to look at the ceiling. I began to do the only thing that I could - try to recite any and all Bible verses that I have ever memorized. It was calming to my soul and I soon gained my composure. Then the radiologist came in and wanted to look around. This seemed to take quite a while as well. Apparently, come to find out, they were having a hard time finding the knot that my Dr had found. And in the end - I was given the all clear! What beautiful words!! I was told I did not have to come back for a year! Hallelujah!

So where is the lesson? Because I had felt a lump and mentioned it - then it became a diagnostic mammogram which is not free with your well woman - like usual. Nope. Because it is diagnostic you have to pay for it. SO - I wish I had have not said anything and seen if they found anything to be wrong. I know it is better to be safe than sorry, but mammograms are suppose to find problems.

But I had to put a disclaimer here - if you find a lump in your breast - especially one that does not move or meets the description of what symptom's you would have if you had breast cancer- by all means follow through with telling your Dr and having the special test run. Oh and if you do not have insurance or if like my friend your insurance will not pay for the diagnostic mammogram - don't despair - talk to the imagining place - they may have a grant to help cover the cost. This exact thing happened with a friend of mine. So she will not have to pay anything -which I am happy for her - but it frustrates me that I had to pay SO much for mine and then there is a fund that will pay all of hers. Anyway I would hate to discourage anyone from taking the best care of themselves health wise. I just wish that I had have followed through with my regular well woman appointment and trusted that if there was a problem that God would have it found. That would have cost me nothing at all. Well I have been having to learn trust - and this whole experience has been working with me on this same thing. I wish I wasn't having such a hard time with this whole trust issue. I seem to get it and believe it and then bam - I am feeling that fear creep in - sometime flood in. The good thing is that it seems to happen less and less so there is some improvement ...maybe. And when I do feel the fear I remind myself that I need to return my focus to Jesus! And I pray and ask Him to give me faith, trust, courage and what ever that occasion needs. He is faithful!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Beloved Names of God....El-Elyon



The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded.
Psalm 18:13 KJV
  • Name of God the Father
  • The title "Most High" can be found fifty-nine times in the KJV.
  • El-Elyon is a term believed to predate the time of Moses and refers to "God the Most High."
  • In his psalm of praise, David joyfully recounts how he called on God to scatter his enemies, including King Saul. The terrifying results included earthquakes, fire, the Lord thundering from heaven, and chasing David's enemies with bolts of lightening. David said the Most High rescued him in his time of need because "he delighted in me" (Psalm 18:19).
The term El-Elyon frustrates scholars. They argue and debate over whether it refers to a created god, a creator; one god of two, a god with multiple attributes, a god who died, or the god who took his place.
Sometimes a little education can be a dangerous things, leading to desperate confusion over something the youngest child of faith knows and David most certainly knew- that there is, and could only ever be, one Most High!
Next week we will be looking at "Prince of Peace" :O)

Friday, April 14, 2017

Biblical Portrait....series

"Every wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."
Proverbs 14:1
Few women are aware of how much influence they have on their surroundings.
Regardless of our marital status or living arrangements, all of us as women have some type of "house." That "house" may be our immediate family, or neighborhood, our workplace, our school, our church, or our nation.
Through our attitudes, our words, and our behavior, we have the power to bless and build the lives of those around us; we also have the power to tear them down and destroy them.
On the following pages, you will find a series of contrasting statements that suggest specific ways we can built up or tear down our homes. Check the statements that best describe your attitudes, words, and actions towards those that God has place in your life.
Ask God to reveal whether  you are wisely helping others by building them up, or foolishly hurting and hindering them by tearing them down.
DO not let the enemy discourage you by what you may see. Rather, as you become aware of attitudes, words, or actions that are tearing down your home, agree with God, confessing your foolishness. Then, in each of those areas, ask Him to make you a wise woman and to help you build a home that will bring great glory to Him.

Do my Attitudes "build up"....or "tear down"?

  • I am committed to give to meet the needs of others, regardless of whether or not I get anything in return(Act 20:35)
  • My willingness to meet the needs of others in determined by the love and appreciation they show me.
  • I have a grateful spirit toward God and others for the blessings and benefits I have received (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
  • I chain people to my expectations and get hurt when those expectations are not fulfilled. 
  •  I "esteem all others better" than myself ad demonstrate it by putting their needs and desires ahead of my own (Philippians 2:3, KJV).
  • I often selfishly insist on having my way, and seek to meet my own needs, ahead of the needs of others.
  • I have yielded all my "rights" to God and therefore can respond with meekness and forgiveness when other wrong me (Colossians 3:12-13).
  • I am easily angered when I feel my rights have been violated.
  • I realize that God is the "Blessed Controller of all things," so I can respond to difficult circumstances with a spirit of meekness and trust (Romans 8:28).
  • I often resent and resist the circumstances that come into my life.
  • I trust God to work through the authorities He has placed in my life (Proverbs 21:1; 1 Peter 3:5).
  • I struggle with responding properly to authority because I don't really believe that God is big enough to change the heart of "the king."   
  • I have a submissive spirit towards the authorities God has placed over my life. I am quick to yield and to follow direction that is given, even when it crosses my own will (Hebrews 13:17).
  • I have a resistant, stubborn spirit toward authority, and seek to manipulate or maintain control over my life, my circumstances, and those around me.
  • My life radiates joy, peace, and contentment, because I know God loves me and is in control of every detail of my life. (Romans 8:37-39)
  • I often communicate a spirit of discontentment, bitterness, or fear regarding my circumstances.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

And the Results are In

Just dropping by to say that Praise the Lord -after 2 hours at my appointment for my diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound and talking to the radiologist - I have gotten the all clear. And I do not have to go back for a year. I am super tired and emotionally drained. I am hoping to get back on here soon and tell you all about the $413 Lesson that I have learned. It may not be till Sunday or Monday as I will be quite busy for the next several days. And hopefully able to get a little rest in there to recoup.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

It's Ok

This week a friend of mine said something to me that has really blessed my heart. Some wise words, that maybe we need to use more often. Because I think that important for us to validate peoples feelings I thought I would share these special words with you all.

"It is ok for you to be concerned about yourself."

How often are we worried about others and it seem alright to be worried about them. But then something comes into our lives and we think there is something wrong with being concerned about ourselves. It seems sometimes other people may even say things that give us the idea that they don't think we should be concerned about ourselves. Like there is something wrong with it.

Now I am not saying we need to be totally self absorbed- only thinking of ourselves. That is called being self centered and we all know that it is not healthy to be self centered. But sometimes things come into our lives that do cause us to be concerned about ourselves. And when they do- it is alright to be concerned about ourselves. And then we need to take those concerns to the One who created us. The One who is able to help us. We are told in 2 Timothy 1:7 that "...God has not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and o a sound mind." So fear does not come from God.

God tells us "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them(it); for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

So if you are going through a rough time - know that it is alright to be concerned about yourself - but don't let it consume you. When those thoughts come to you - turn your thoughts towards Jesus and the One who will see you though what ever comes your way. :O)

Monday, April 10, 2017

6 this week and only 1 is mine

So I have a super busy week of taking my Mother in law to 5 apt- I may get lucky and it only be 4 but we will see. Then once all that is behind me I have my own big apt to go to. Please continue to pray that mine is nothing serious. I would really appreciate that. Yesterday I was able to get our garden weeded and our chicken yard weed eater and mowed! All this was great therapy for me. We have a good chance of rain for several days this week so it was important for me to get the yard stuff done.

Well I better close I'm gonna try to get a walk in before the first two dr apt for me MIL later today. Y'all have a good day! :0)

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Beloved Names of God...series...Rabbi



"The same came to Jesus by night and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him."
John 3:2 KJV
  • Name of God the Son
  • Jesus is called "Rabbi" four times in the KJV.
  • The word Rabbi is often taken to mean "religious teacher," but it can also be interpreted as 'great one" or "master."
  • In John 3:2, Nicodemus, a wise Pharisee, has met Jesus for the first time. He wasn't yet ready to declare himself a disciple, but he immediately gave Jesus the respectful title of Rabbi. Nicodemus would speak up for Jesus at HIs trial and help prepare His body for burial.
To be a teacher is a wonderful things. But Jesus was the Son of God and the Messiah. The title of Rabbi, or teacher, is surely one of His humbler designations.
However, two centuries after His death, countless books have been written about His life and His teachings.
Come back next Sabbath as we look at "El-Elyon" :O)
Why? Because Jesus was, and still is, the greatest teacher the world has ever known.

Friday, April 7, 2017

I Love Fridays!

So this is a first for me - well a first in quite some time. A little free time on a Friday afternoon is pretty rare for me. It seems like I have been so busy and most Fridays I meet sundown- having things left on my to do list that I had really wanted to get done. To be honest - I do have a few things left to do today but I have enough time that I am taking a break.
I love Fridays! Especially Fridays that I am able to stay home and clean up my home and get ready for Sabbath. It is the time for sheets to be washed and beds made freshly. That way when you climb into be on Friday night - you get to experience freshly cleaned sheets. It is a favorite thing for me.
This week while I was at Walmart ~ I bought myself a new set of weights. I have been using 3 pound weights but felt like it was time for me to get heavier weights. So I bought some 5 pound weights. And when did my work out program with weights - I used these at least half of the time with each exercise. I would start off with these heavier weights and then when I was struggling I would go to my 3 pound weights- and once I put these down -the other ones felt so very light! I am so surprised because when I first began using weights I never thought I would ever use anything heavier than the 3 pounder I had.
 This week while I was at a favorite little thrift store nearby - I found this cute little set.

Well this is the plaque that came with the set. It also has a 6 ounce mug that have this same quote on it with the same beautiful flours and design. I know the set was probably kind of old- who knows- but I threw the tea away - but love the rest of the set. They are favorites for sure. And right now I needed this reminder that God will never leave me. I found this awesome set on Tuesday the day before I realized that I would need this message. God really does time things nicely.

I would like to say that I am totally confident all of the time that God has this and that I don't have to worry - but the truth is that fear creeps in ever so often. And I keep having to return my focus to Jesus. Sometimes I have to say out loud, "Lord ~ Help me keep focused on You!"

I made some new bread today - it is called Banana Breakfast Bread! It is a yeast bread that has bananas and walnuts. I have not had a chance to taste it yet- but I think I am going to really like it. The recipe called for banana extract - well I didn't have any so I used vanilla instead. If I am not totally satisfied by the bread _ I may buy some banana extract - but for now I am content with using the vanilla.

We are having some gorgeous weather here - the house is opened up and the breeze feels wonderful. It got cool enough that even running the oven for the last hour - the house still feel very good! The sun is shinning and it is just a wonderful day. In the forecast for next week - is rain. And I am praying that the rain holds off when I have to take my MIL to 5 Dr appt. I really don't want to go driving around the big city to places I have never been before in the rain. But for now I am enjoying the sunshine and breeze. This week end promises to be beautiful as well. My husband and I have a good sized list of things we want to accomplish. Slowly, but surely we are making headway. And I am so happy with the progress we have made. Our yard is more and more a place I love to be!

Well there are things that I really need to get busy doing so I will close for now. Hope you are all well. :O)

Biblical Portrait....series

This week we are back to our Biblical Portrait of Womanhood series. Sorry to have missed a week or so there. This week I have specifically dedicated time earlier in the week to get this typed out to make sure it is up Friday morning. I think these things are important for all of us women who want to live our lives in God's will.
"Every wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."
Proverbs 14:1
Few women are aware of how much influence they have on their surroundings.
Regardless of our marital status or living arrangements, all of us as women have some type of "house." That "house" may be our immediate family, or neighborhood, our workplace, our school, our church, or our nation.
Through our attitudes, our words, and our behavior, we have the power to bless and build the lives of those around us; we also have the power to tear them down and destroy them.
On the following pages, you will find a series of contrasting statements that suggest specific ways we can built up or tear down our homes. Check the statements that best describe your attitudes, words, and actions towards those that God has place in your life.
Ask God to reveal whether  you are wisely helping others by building them up, or foolishly hurting and hindering them by tearing them down.
DO not let the enemy discourage you by what you may see. Rather, as you become aware of attitudes, words, or actions that are tearing down your home, agree with God, confessing your foolishness. Then, in each of those areas, ask Him to make you a wise woman and to help you build a home that will bring great glory to Him.
  • I am quick to extend mercy and forgiveness towards those who fail (Matthew 5:7).
  • I keep a mental record of the offenses of others and see for ways to get even.
  • I have an attitude of reverence and respect for my husband, as my spiritual head (Ephesians 5:22-23,33).
  • I communicate a attitude of disrespect toward my husband.
  • I remain loyal to my husband, regardless of his failures or shortcomings(Prov. 17:9; 1 Corinthians 13:7-8a).
  • I am openly or subtly critical of my husband when he fails. 
  • I genuinely love other people, and seek to meet their needs ahead of my own. I am more interested in the welfare of others than I am in my own (2 Corinthians 12:15, Philippians 2:4).
  • I really love myself more that I love others, and seek to protect and defend my rights, my possessions, my time, and my reputation. I am more concerned about being happy than about making others happy.  
  • I am easily content with whatever God provides for me (Hebrews 13:5).
  • I struggle with a spirit of discontent about my circumstances, my health, my physical surroundings, or my material possessions
I think we will stop here, be sure to come back next Friday when we continue examining our hearts. See you then! :O)

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Raw Honesty

Lately I have been thinking a lot about my recent weight loss. I have wondered now and then why it seems that although I have lost enough weight that it is very obvious why it doesn't always seem obvious to those around me. It seems like in times past that I have craved compliments about weight loss and how it would help propel me on to be able to continue on in working towards weight loss. And this time I have also wanted the "way to go's" but I have been learning that my progress is there whether it is acknowledge or not.

Another thing that has come to mind has been - a lot of these same people that I would love to hear applause from about losing weight have, in fact, seen me lose weight in the past - only to put it back on. So to be honest - maybe the thoughts are - "I wonder how long she will keep it off this time." I wouldn't blame them at all. It is only normal to wonder- when that has been what has happened in the past. But there are somethings that are different now- the main one is ME.

I am different now. Once you hear the words "It was cancer" - you change. You are no longer the same as you were before. Once you go through treatment for cancer- the long list of things for that year - I will not bore you with but I have a journal with the list of things and it is long. Those of you who have been around the last 3- 4 years will remember hearing of quite a few of them - I am sure not all - cause I did not share them all here. When you have had cancer - there is a little dark cloud- it hangs around - and without warning- the emotions flood through. Something will trigger a memory or thought and tears will well up in my eyes. Last Sabbath- I heard an excellent sermon - I will try to share it here soon- you would all be blessed by it. It was awesome - anyway the very first sentence out of her mouth was - You get a phone call and the Dr say "You have Cancer" and I almost lost it. Thankfully I pulled it together and was tremendously blessed by the sermon. Anyway back to my point - before when I lost weight I did not have so much riding on keeping the weight off. I did not have so much riding on me continuing to take care of myself and make good choices. Before I was naïve and thought it wouldn't happen to me. Now I know it can happen to me. And if I want good health I have to make choices like I want good health.

I am tired of working towards weight loss and then gaining it all back. I am tired of my efforts being in vain. I am tired of allowing myself to get out of shape and lazy. I enjoy feeling better. I really enjoy the way I eat now. Yes - there I are times I wish I could go to Dairy Queen and get myself a chocolate Chip blizzard. And honestly ever so often I do know - but it is done far between and other choices for the day have been wisely made. It is ok to have treats from time to time - it is important to make good choices most of the time - shoot for 80% of the time higher if you can.

Anyway so yeah - people might be wondering how long is this going to last - let them. I am determined to lose this weight and to keep it off. God has given me the tools in which to do it this time. He inspired me to set a goal - a goal that He put in my heart. A doable goal. Yes- it might take a while to reach this goal but slowly but surely I am making my way towards it. And I am even at the point of realizing that once I get there - I might be working towards a new goal- but I am not even going to worry about that until I reach the goal set before me now. And my way of setting a goal has also put myself accountable to myself in the future. Once I hit my goal - I will hold myself accountable to keep it off. It's what I have to do.

Taking care of oneself is very important. We do not just get health by doing what ever we want to do- no - we have to make good choices. We have to say no to the flesh and choose health. Why don't you choose health today? What steps can you take in order to be healthier tomorrow? It is a one choice at a time - one day at a time way to live. Choose Health.

***Plus - when I went to my Dr yesterday - She was very proud of the progress that I have made! And that made me feel good! I even have it in writing!! :O)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Trying Not to be a Drama Queen

I am really trying not to be a drama queen. It seems like my family and I have had more than our fair share of drama. Sometimes I get tired of how much drama type stuff that I have going on in my life. So when the newest drama crept up - I have tried to keep a lid on it, but it is bubbling up and if I don't get it off my chest I think I am going to boil over.

A little over 3 years ago when I was going through chemo I remember reading in the handouts that when you have the chemo drugs sometimes a side effect is that you have a chance at a secondary cancer. So you can understand when I found a pea sized knot on my left breast that it would freak me out a bit. Well that was several weeks ago - about the time that I had the flu - I was too sick to pursue taking care of it - so once I was feeling like I could face it all- I called and set up my well woman appointment. Today was the soonest they could get me in. So I did not tell the Dr where I had found the knot- and as she was doing her exam - she found another one! Because I have a WHOLE LOT of appointments to take my Mother-in-Law to next week - the soonest they could schedule me for a diagnostic mammogram was a week from tomorrow. I am wishing now that I could have gotten it set up for tomorrow - but I already had an appointment set up to take my clothes into the consignment store and had a couple of things I had to do while I was in town.

So after I left my appointment- I had to take a little time to gather myself together before stopping by the post office to mail a few things out. I had a little talk with God. I told Him - I know that He will not allow anything to come my way that He will not give me the strength to handle...but...... that going through chemo and all of the stuff that goes along with that is still so fresh in my mind and I just am scared. I had to ask Him to help my unbelief- to give me the faith that I need. Thankfully He is faithful. I have had a few bouts with fear creeping up - but I am trying to remember that fear is not from God.

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
1 Timothy 1:7

The thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy the sheep; I am come that they might have life and that they might have it in abundance.
John 10:10
So I continue to choose to put my trust in God. He is in control.
If you would please keep me in your prayers - I would greatly appreciate it.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Just Popping In

Just have a few minutes and thought I would jump on here and say Hello! The next couple of days will be busy for me and not sure if I will get a chance to get on then so taking advantage of my time tonight.

Things around here are awfully green. In fact, it is really beautiful to look at. I wish I could have gotten some photos to show you of all of the wild flowers. We have lots of Indian Paintbrushes, Indian Blankets, Bluebonnets, and Evening Primroses! There are more but those are the ones in most abundance around here. They are beautiful!!

Our yard is another thing that is really growing. That is one of the many things that I need to do in the next couple of days- mow our yard! I have done some weed eating but will need to get it mowed soon. We got quite a bit of rain last week end so I am trying to let the ground dry out a bit before I get out there to mow- don't want a big fat mess.

Another thing I am going to do this week is to consign some of my clothes. As I have been losing weight - I have been getting rid of clothes. I have given quite a few away - but my sister told me about a place in a nearby town that consigns plus sized clothes so I am hoping to get a little money out of some clothes - and that way I can use that money to replenish my closet.

For the longest time I had the size I was wearing - and then clothes that were the next size down and then another size down. It has been great to be in that smaller size. I have a tote with the next size down. And one tote with a few odds and ends of clothes that are actually the size I wore when I got married. And if everything works out how I would like it to - I will be able to get back into that size again! It would be amazing because I have not been that size in...well probably 28 years! I don't have many clothes in that size- so that will mean some shopping - but hey you won't hear complaining from me! No way!!

Today I have spent some time working on getting some activities to do with my granddaughter this summer. She really enjoys doing fun things and so I am hoping to set up some lesson plans of fun things that also will teach her things. That is the best way to do it. I have found some great resources, but I ran out of ink for my printer so I will be having to get some more soon. I am hoping to have some really fun things planned - incorporating all sorts of things- crafts, cooking, experiments and so much more. I just have to devote some time to getting things together and making a good plan.

The last couple of weeks my husbands schedule has been messed up - he is having to go in earlier which is really messing with my schedule - it has made it harder for me to keep up with everything around here that I need to do. And has really messed with my sleep schedule. There is no telling how long this will last either. I miss my schedule. The good thing is that I found that I can do the Rise Up workouts from their website- which is great because I had been doing it from Smartlifestyle TV but they have been off schedule the last couple of times I went there to work out. You can click on the link above and go straight to the "watch" page - that will give you the option of 6 different work outs - 3 of which she uses weights! I have really been enjoying my work outs with her - be sure and check her out.

Well I better get off of here. I had a certain reason for turning on the computer tonight and almost forgot what it was - so now that I remembered - I better go take care of it. See you all soon. Take care! :O)

Monday, April 3, 2017

IN the fires...

The devotional for "Streams in the Desert" for today. Hope you are blessed! :O)
Glorify ye the Lord in the fires" (Isa. 24:15).

Mark the little word "in"! We are to honor Him in the trial--in that which is an affliction indeed and though there have been cases where God did not let His saints feel the fire, yet, ordinarily, fire hurts.
But just here we are to glorify Him by our perfect faith in His goodness and love that has permitted all this to come upon us.

And more than that, we are to believe that out of this is coming something more for His praise than could have come but for this fiery trial.

We can only go through some fires with a large faith; little faith will fail. We must have the victory in the furnace.  --Margaret Bottome

A man has as much religion as he can show in times of trouble. The men who were cast into the fiery furnace came out as they went in--except their bonds.

How often in some furnace of affliction God strikes them off! Their bodies were unhurt--their skin not even blistered. Their hair was unsinged, their garments not scorched, and even the smell of fire had not passed upon them. And that is the way Christians should come out of furnace trials--liberated from their bonds, but untouched by the flames.

"Triumphing over them in it" (Col. 2:15).

That is the real triumph--triumphing over sickness, in it; triumphing over death, dying; triumphing over adverse circumstances, in them. Oh, believe me, there is a power that can make us victors in the strife. There are heights to be reached where we can look down and over the way we have come, and sing our song of triumph on this side of Heaven. We can make others regard us as rich, while we are poor, and make many rich in our poverty. Our triumph is to be in it. Christ's triumph was in His humiliation. Possibly our triumph, also, is to be made manifest in what seems to others humiliation.
--Margaret Bottome

Is there not something captivating in the sight of a man or a woman burdened with many tribulations and yet carrying a heart as sound as a bell? Is there not something contagiously valorous in the vision of one who is greatly tempted, but is more than conqueror? Is it not heartening to see some pilgrim who is broken in body, but who retains the splendor of an unbroken patience? What a witness all this offers to the enduement of His grace!  --J. H. Jowett

"When each earthly prop gives under,
And life seems a restless sea,
Are you then a God-kept wonder,
Satisfied and calm and free?"

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Just A Few Little Blessings

So last week I took the $12.00 top back to Walmart. I just could not justify spending that much money on a top that was a bit short and there was not telling how long I would be able to wear it.
I stopped by a little thrift store in a nearby town. This shop runs a bit higher on their prices of clothing. And usually I don't find much of things that I really like anyway. So I was very surprised when I found this cute top - that still had the original tags on it.
It cost me $5.00. I think it is a very cute top. It is a little lower neck than I usually like to wear so I may end up having to wear a cami under it. This is a top that can be worn more long term so it was well worth the money spent on it.

I also found another awesome deal! I found this great cookbook!
On the back of this cookbook it states $24.99 as the original price. I looked it up on Amazon and could probably get it for around 10.00. But I found it in mint condition - for $1.50. What a sweet blessing! It looks like it has some awesome recipes and I can not wait to try some of them!
Today I thought I would share a couple of photos - this first one is actually not a before photo- it is actually a between photo- but it will give you an idea of where I have come from. This photo was takin in mid September.
The photo below was taken this last Sabbath - the church that I went to have a great mirror on the wall in one of the bathrooms. So I decided to get a photo.

This next photo is actually a before photo. It was taken in mid June of 2016. I was tagged in this photo on Facebook- I was not really happy but since the person who posted it was in her last weeks of life I just had to let it go. And the photo was posted in love. I had put the quilt together that we- the cat and I are sitting on and she was posting it on Facebook. Just remember - I must really like you guys to share this yucky photo with it.
Plus - it is really good to have these before photos - to help remind yourself where you have come from. When you are losing weight slowly then sometimes you can forget where you started the journey. When I look at this photo - I am SO thankful that I began this journey when I did. And all the effort is WELL worth it. It may take me an year or more to reach my goal but I an determined to continue to work towards my goal and to work to maintain once I get there.
Oh and I FINALLY saw my first hummingbird for the year on Friday! As I would review my memories on Facebook - every day for the past week - in one year or another it would mention seeing my first hummingbird. Others in the area had already seen hummingbirds- but I had not seen any yet and I was concerned. Friday evening I finally got to see one! I have seen several since them. It was just one of the little blessings that God blessed me with that day! Hope you are noticing how God is blessing you.  :O)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Beloved Names of God...series ... Messiah



He first found h is own brother Simon, and said to him,
"We have found the Messiah" (which is translated, the Christ).
John 1:41 NKJV
  • Name of God the Son
  • The title "Messiah" is used twice in the book of Daniel and twice in the book of John
  • Messiah means "Redeemer" or "God's Anointed." The designation "Christ" is a translation of Messiah
  • Andrew, who had been a follower of John the Baptist, heard Jesus referred to as the Lamb of God. Then John told his own disciples his time was ending and they should follow Jesus. This was significant enough for Andrew to risk ridicule by telling his hardheaded brother, Peter, that the man was the Messiah.
Andrew and Peter were both fisherman; but while Andrew was in the desert with John the Baptist, his brother Peter was at work, possibly supporting a family and certainly supporting a sick mother-in-law. Two different attitudes. But when Andrew found a man who would change everything for them, the very first person he told was his brother.
Have you told your brothers and sisters of the Good News of the Messiah?
Be sure to come back next week when we will cover "Rabbi"

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)