Monday, June 29, 2015

One Year Ago

Wow- Can you believe it has been a whole year since I decided to no longer wear hats?
We had gone camping for the weekend and while we were in a small town where no one knew us - I decided to take off my hat here and there because it was so hot. And on the way home I did not wear the hat and I just decided it was time to put that hat down and just face the world. It was not easy all the time and there were times that I felt anxiety - like going to places for the first time. And the first time people I knew saw me. That was challenging to me - but thankfully I have a lot of great people around me and everyone was very supportive!
It's a good thing that I was realistic about how long it would take for my hair to get back to where I am used to wearing it- because even though it has been a year it is still not back to the pre "adventure" length yet. The front is - but the back is not. But that is fine. I am so thankful to have hair - and to feel it blowing in the breeze. You just don't realize how good that feels until you experience not having any hair. I am thankful that - that "adventure" is behind me.

Here is a then and now photo.
Just as last year I came to a point where I knew I had to make a change- by no longer wearing the hat. I think I might be at another one of those points in my life.
You know I told you all about how my right eye lashes - half of them curl up and some of them basically just go straight out if not a little bit of a downward turn? Well I have prayed about it that it would clear up and go back to how they were before - but that prayer has not been answered with a yes yet. I have tried to wear mascara and kind of make it look decent but I am tired of the top lashes kind of getting tangled with the bottom lashes - so I have decided not to wear mascara- at least for now. I have actually worn just lipstick and eye liner that last couple of days. And might continue that. I might eventually go to less make up than that. Who knows. I have to get alright with seeing myself like that so right now I really like to at least wear those two things - that is all I have on in the "now" photo. Eventually I may go back to wearing more make up but for now this is working for me. You gotta do what you gotta do, that's what I am figuring out.
Well I better close for now. I am trying to get some caulking done around the backsplash in my kitchen. I have a list of things that I really want to get done before July - so that July I can spend focused on SweetPea and the things that I have to do.
****Oh and by the way! I made my goal of walking 30 miles for the month of June!! I did other exercise things like working in the yard, etc. But I wanted to at least track 30 miles for the month. Next Month won't be as much due to the increased responsibilities that I will have but I will still be- being active. Let me know how you guys are doing on getting more exercise.
Oh one more thing - I was watching a health show today and they said that for people that sit 8-10 hours a day - that it increases their chances of dying in the next 3 years. And if you sit even longer - the chances increase. They suggested trying to get up at move at least every 2 hour to help yourself be more healthy. Just wanted to share those things to help encourage you all to get exercise ~ It's good for you! :O)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

God's Promises ...series... 1 John 1:7

God's Promises



John Bradshaw


"But if we walk in the light as He is in the light,
 we have fellowship with one another,
 and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."
1 John 1:7
When I was a little boy, a television commercial that advertised a cleaning product said to contain the cleaning power of  "liquid lightning." When the commercial showed the cleaning being poured into a bucket of water, lightning would flash dramatically. My Mother has never let me forget the day I watched with great expectation as she poured some of the cleaner into her bucket, and asked her in full disappointment, "Where's the lightning?" Unlike the TV commercial, there was no flash, and I was utterly deflated.
Although not marked by anything as dramatic as a flash of lightning, the Bible says that God has a cleaning agent so strong that it can wash away the stains of our sins. In 1 John 1:7, it says, "...the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin." There's only one thing that can remove the dirt of our sin, and that is the blood of Jesus. Christ's death on the cross is a great enough sacrifice to purchase our eternal pardon. No matter how dark the spot, no matter how deep sin has penetrated, Jesus is able to forgive and cleanse us. Take your sins to Jesus. Even though there might not be a flash of lightning, you can be sure His forgiveness will be real. He has promised.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Key Limes and Me

I have shared in the past about how I make my Key Limeade.
And I think that I shared that what I was doing was processing all the key limes at once and putting each 7-8 key lime juice into a small Tupperware container and putting them in my fridge till I was ready to use it.
Well I have found a better way to do it and I wanted to share it with you all.
I found these adorable little ice cube trays for a quarter a week or so ago. I had no idea what I was going to do with them but they were so cute I could not pass them up.
So what I do is I process my key lime juice and then pour it into the ice tray - I pay attention to see about how many ice cubes makes one batch. Then I put foil over this and put it in the freezer. The next day I get the squares out and I put the number of cubes that I will need for a pitcher of limeade into sandwich bags. And then put all the sandwich bags into a quart sized freezer bag and put it in the freezer. Then I am able to get a bag out and make up Limeade when ever I want to and I am not rushed to use it up. When it is kept in the refrigerator I am worried about it getting sour so we would go through it faster. Anyway it's great to find better ways to do things.
I got a hair cut this week - and I wanted to share a photo with you all since I have not shared one in a while. I was going to wait until Monday to share these photos but I decided to do it today.
The reason I was going to wait until Monday is because it will be the one year mark since the day I decided I was NO longer wearing a hat. And here is a photo of where my hair was at that point:
My hair is no where near where I would like it in length in the back as what I would like it to be now- but maybe in about 6 month to a year and it will be there again.
My hair is still finer than what it was before- it was more coarse before.
Anyway So I am SO thankful to have hair again. It is great to feel it blowing in the wind. It is great because my hair is long enough that I am again using a thinner towel as a hair to dry my hair- for the past year or more I have just used one towel because there was no need for a second one. Now I use my thinking one for my hair and it is great to be needing to use it again.
This week I have walked the last 5 days in a row. Tomorrow I will not be going on a walk in the morning - but I have errands to run and groceries to get so I will still be getting exercise and that is good. My goal is to have at least 30 miles logged for the month of June and I am shooting for 12-15 for the month of July. It will be a more challenging month for getting walking in - but I will do the best I can.

I hope you all are doing well. :)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Surprises and Treasures

OK - So you have been waiting long enough - longer than I had planned on, that is for sure. But I had some important things to take care of this morning. Then I was looking through my pile of papers that I need to file - looking for a receipt. Well as I am looking through the pile I figure that it was as good as time as ever to divide out the papers into piles and then to file the papers. So then that led to having to go through some of my files in my filing cabinet and clean out some stuff that is no longer needed- to make more room in the drawer to add the stuff that I had gotten sorted out. Talk about a "give a mouse a cookie" situation... if you are not familiar with that term there are some cute kids books that talk about how one thing leads to another.
So this past week end my husband and I put hay out in our chicken bins in there chicken coop. Monday when my husband went to close up the chickens - he was happily surprised to find an egg! Our first egg from this batch of chickens!!!
We were so excited. They are just over 4 months old so I was very surprised because I was thinking that we would be lucky to have some of the chickens lay before the end of July.
We were SO hoping that they would start laying in July so our granddaughter could go gather eggs!
Oh and while I am here taking a break from all the things that I want to get done today - I wanted to show a treasure that I found yesterday on my treasure hunt.
So I am wondering how many of you are familiar with melty beads.
This is what they look like; however, they usually come in a bag all jumbled up.
Here is a photo that I borrowed from Hobby Lobby site. If you click on the link you can check them out and some of the other stuff they have with these beads. No - I don't get anything at all - just wanting to add the link for those who may not know what these beads do.  
So while I was at Goodwill - I found a bag that was marked $3.99.
In the bag I got some cool things!
All of these:
And these: 
 Notice how large these patterns are - it will take some time to fill them up with beads.
Ok notice how each of these pieces have little things coming up out of them. Those are to put the beads onto. So you can choose what ever design you want to make - you choose the color beads you want to use. That is why I think that one of the first things my granddaughter and I will be working on is to sort out the large bag of melty beads that I have for her, so it will be easier for her to decorate the pieces.

There was also a sandwich bag that had about 1/3 of the way full of melty beads.
And then there were these. I have never used these before but these packages are brand new - from Hobby Lobby and the tags say they were 1.99 each! You put this paper over the design once you have all the beads on it - and then you use an iron to melt the bead a bit so that they melt together and then after it all cools down you can take the paper off. 
Anyway I was thrilled with finding this for our granddaughter - I am thinking we will have a lot of fun with this stuff this summer!
Well I better close for now - I have a lot of other things to get done - especially since I went off down a rabbit hole earlier with working on things that yes- needed to get done but were not on the list for today.
Oh by the way _ I tried Napa Cabbage today for the first time! Loved it added to my salad. A friend told me of a recipe that she uses with her napa cabbage and look forward to trying it out. I love trying new things and finding new healthy things to add to my diet.

Oh and I have a post to share with you all about an easy way that I have found to use key limes. Be watching for that.
See you soon! :O)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

An Unintended Lie

I just have to get on here today and clarify something- yesterday I was having a really tough day. And I accidently gave some wrong information. I wish that I had walked 24 hours in the month so far- but no- it is more like I have walked 24 miles. Maybe some day 24 hours will be my goal - but I will have to work up to that. Right now I am walking any where from 1 - 2 miles a day - ususally it is more like 1 1/2 - 2 miles each time I walk. And I am trying to walk at least 4-5 times a week- more if I can.
During July when I will taking care of my granddaughter - I am figuring I will be lucky to get 1 - 1 1/2 mile in each time I am able to go walking. But that is alright - as long as I am continuing to work towards the goal of getting in better shape and getting healthier.
Ok well I am off for the day - I am getting my hair cut today and have a list of other errands to run. Might even go looking for a treasure. If I find any - I will share them with you! Oh and I will also have to share the special surprise that we got yesterday - that will be later today or tomorrow. See you soon. :O)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Struggling and Walking

I dropped by to share my heart with you all. To be truthful, I am struggling. I am struggling with several different issues. Issues like feeling that God was leading towards a ministry- and then the door was slammed in my face. It really felt like that. And then it seems that I am not totally happy about the direction that my life seems to be going. It is causing me to have to depend on God even more to get me through each "adventure" that I am called to do. For Him to give me strength and peace and contentment. So I guess that even if I don't really like the adventures and what I am called to do - I can at least look at the silver lining of depending on God more.

I am struggling with the desire to be appreciated for what I have been doing and it seems to be allusive. It's something that I have really struggled to get from this person- for a long time- so I should not even expect it. Expectations really do hurt us - when we expect certain behavior or what ever- and we don't get it - it really does cause pain.

The good news is that I have been doing good with walking - I have almost walked 24 hours~ (EDITTING this to say it was 24 miles - not hours) this month alone! I read an article that was shared on Facebook- about a study that was done with 3 groups of postmenopausal women and walking- and it showed how walking really benefitted the participants.

Here is my favorite quote from the article:

"Too many people think you have to exercise really, really hard to get a benefit, and nothing could be further from the truth. You're actually getting probably 95 percent or more of the benefits when you're walking as compared to jogging."

It went on to say that in all the groups- energy levels were increased, blood sugar levels benefited by exercise, as was cholesterol levels and benefits to the heart as well. I really enjoyed reading this article.

I have something special to share with you tomorrow. Just too tired tonight to share any more. See ya soon. :)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

God's Promises....series...Isaiah 26:3

God's Promises


John Bradshaw


"You will keep him in perfect peace,
 whose mind is stayed on You,
 because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3


In 1735, John Wesley was bound for the United States aboard the sea vessel Simmonds' when a violent storm broke out. It seemed to the man of God that the ship would be swallowed up by the raging waters. As he feared for his life, he noticed that a group of Moravian Christians remained calm, singing hymns in the midst of the tempest. Later, John Wesley asked one of the German believers if they had been afraid to die. The man replied, "I think God, no." He reported that the women and children in their group were likewise unafraid of death. These humble Christians had what was not possessed by John Wesley--Who was an Oxford graduate and ordained Gospel minister, and who with his brother, Charles was a founder of the Holy Club. The Moravin believers exhibited simple, unshakeable trust in God. 
God promises that sort of assurance to everyone. Isaiah 26:3 says, "you will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." The storms of life can be rampant around you, and God is able to give you peace. Crises, disappointments, failures, and stresses can be pressing upon you, and yet God is able to give you peace. The next time you are faced with difficulty, look to God and expect Him to give you peace. He is well able to do so. He has promised!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Checking In

I have not intended to neglect my blog so much lately but we have been so busy. My husband is remodeling my Mother in laws bathrooms. And we decided that while she was at rehab. that we needed to get over there an do as much as we could to get at least one of the bathrooms finished. That way once we have a chance again - we can begin on the other bathroom. So we have spent a whole lot of time there putting in tile and grouting it. This evening after my husband gets home from work we will go and finish the grouting. And then we have a bit of texturing the wall to do - then paint and put the trim in. We were hoping to be able to be totally finished with that bathroom before she got home from the rehab - but it isn't going to happen. It looks like she will be getting home tomorrow afternoon. I really think that it would have been better if they would keep her at least a few more days but oh well.  I just pray that she is able to some what take care of herself. I am worried about it though. It is just one more thing to give God and trust that He is still in control.

I have continued walking - the last couple of weeks I have only gotten in about walking 4 days per week - but in the little over 2 weeks of this month I have gotten at least 16 miles of walking in! And I am very proud of that. Especially when I have been doing things like weed eating, mowing, working at my MIL house and all of that is extra exercise. It makes me feel good. And I am feeling better as well. Of course, from all the extra work - and not as much down time - I am tired - but having more stamina is good. And I can tell that I am working in the right direction.

Remember the exercise machine that I got last year? Well I have decided after July - I will be selling it. It is just too intense for me. I really need something like a treadmill that I can adjust the speed and challenge myself when needed - but that I can set a timer and walk for a decent amount of time at a time. The exercise machine that I have is awesome and someone who is in better shape than I am - will really benefit from it- I just can't use it for enough time to make it worth keeping around. The reason I am waiting till after July is that my Granddaughter loves playing on it. So I want her to have the option to use up some of her energy on it. Then come August we will be selling it. We are also planning on selling an antique couch that belonged to my husbands Grandmother. We really like it but we don't have any where to put it. And where it is - it does not work the way I would like it to work- I would much rather have some queen ann chairs there -

(photo borrowed from internet)
I would like to have 2 chairs so that I can put my pretty little table in between them and have a nice place to visit friends or do my quiet times sometimes. Anyway so that is another thing that we have going on.
This is the couch that we are going to be selling. This is an old photo - but it gives you the idea.
Well I better close. I am working on trying to get an idea of the projects that I have for Hailee to do next month. And trying to plan a bit of it - so that I am not overwhelmed when July gets here and she wants to do all sorts of projects. I have been lucky to be able to pick up little projects here and there - and I think that I have enough for almost every week day during the month of July! Anyway just trying to organize things and have an idea of what I have and how to best schedule things.

I hope you all are doing well. I hope that each of you have figured out ways to get add more exercise to your routines. Maybe a little walk here or there. Or parking further away from the store you are visiting. Or perhaps taking stairs when possible. Make little choices here and there that will end up being the best thing for you. When you make those choices- you will find yourself feeling better and better. :O)  

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Grateful or Ungrateful

There are two kinds of people: grateful and ungrateful. I have found it is much easier to do nice things for those who are grateful for my kindness. But I am learning a new lesson that I hadn't quite understood before. God calls us to be kind and thoughtful - even to those who aren't grateful. WE need to show the love of Jesus even to these people. In fact, there is a good chance that they may need to see Jesus' love in action even more.

There is something else that this has taught me. It has helped me to more understand how Jesus must feel. Thank about it, He gave up His life in heaven for a time to come down to earth to live here among men to give us an example of how to live and then He gave the ultimate gift- the gift of salvation. By dying on the cross for our sins He has made a way for us to receive the gift of salvation. And although there are many who are very grateful that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, there are some who don't really care and are very ungrateful. I think this is because they just don't realize what a wonderful gift salvation really is!

So when I experience times when people don't seem very grateful for my kindness- I can take the focus off of my hurt feelings and realize how Jesus must feel. He gave the ultimate gift- nothing I do for others can ever match the ultimate gift of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. And maybe my kindness I can show just a little of the love of Jesus for others. Hopefully I can learn this lesson and be more willing to be kind and considerate to others - even those who are ungrateful.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

God's Promises...series 1 John 2:1

God's Promises



John Bradshaw

"My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."

1 John 2:1

A billboard I once saw offered this advice to people in trouble: "Get Lawyered Up." In other words, if you're in a bind, you need good legal representation. If you were charged with a crime, you'd want to make sure you have a good lawyer representing you. That old adage states that a person who chooses to represent himself or herself in court has a food for a client. Everyone on Earth is in serious legal trouble. According to Romans 3:23, "all have sinned," and Romans 6:23 says that "the wages of sin is death." How does a person get out of that sort of legal trouble- a death sentence?
In 1 John 2:1, it says, "My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." In other word, if anyone transgresses God's standards and principles, that person has an Advocate- a Lawyer. That Advocate is Jesus. If you had Jesus as your legal representative in trial here on Earth, you'd likely feel confident that your case would turn out well. We have a date in God's heavenly court. Even though we are as guilty as- well, sin- with Jesus as our lawyer, we can be certain that we will receive the most favorable judgment. You can be confident knowing you have an Advocate with the Father- Jesus, the Son of God. He has promised!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Have You Ever Wondered?

Have you ever wondered how much you mean to Jesus Christ? Have you ever wondered how much He loves you? Well just listen to this song. There is no need to make any changes to yourself or your thinking before you go to Jesus- He accepts you just the way you are!!! Open your heart to Him and allow Him to love you and to fill that empty place inside!!

I had never heard this song before yesterday morning- when the alarm went off - just a minute later this song came on and as I laid there I listened to the song and was SO blessed. I have to admit that I have struggled with doubting if I am truly loved by Jesus Christ! And truth be told- sometimes I still find myself with those doubts but I know that those thoughts are from the adversary. Remember he is "seeking whom he may devour"?  And one way he tries to do that is to convince us that we are not truly loved by our creator. But he is wrong. We are loved beyond what words can even describe.

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walks about, seeking whom he may devour:"
1 Peter 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love towards us,
in that while we were still sinners, Christ Died for us.
Romans 5:8

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."  John 3:16


37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,
39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:37-39

Thursday, June 4, 2015

An AHA Moment With Exercise

Something amazing happened on my walk this morning. And I wanted to share it with you all. Maybe it is something that can help encourage one of you as well.

But before I can share that experience with you, I need to go back and start at the beginning. For over 15 years I have had the desire to run..... ok - stop laughing.... I really have. And in fact, a couple of times I tried to run. As I think about it - I think back to my middle school days- I even tried as soon as my 8th grade year. I got up early a couple of mornings and tried to run around the block. The big problem with this block is that no matter which direction you went - you would have to go up hill at least half of the duration of the run. Anyway it did not last long - then again about 15 years ago - I tried again a bit but just got discouraged. Just earlier this week, while I was at the park - a friend of mine from church was running/jogging - then she went off the trail and starting jogging home. I felt a little envious of her as she ran towards home. That same desire was there, but I knew that I had a LONG ways to go to get to the place of bring able to run/jog.

Well I have shared how the whole situation with my Mother in law has inspired me to get back outside and get some exercise. I have been walking - as much as I can. Well I am trying to walk at least 5 times a week. And I know as I continue on this journey to getting in better shape I will not only build up my stamina but I will feel better as well. And I will have more energy and sleep better. And if you have a problem with your blood pressure being too high - exercising will bring your blood pressure down - it has for me in the past.  These are just a few things that exercise can do for you!

So this morning while I was out walking in a great neighborhood near my home, a truck slowed down next to where I was walking and he said "Walking is a great thing to do." I thought that his next words would be, "Keep it up" but he surprised me by saying, "Don't run, keep walking. It's good for your heart." He had a bit of broken English but this is what I understood. I think he wanted to explain more to me but this is what he was able to share. And I know it may not seem like an amazing thing, but when you hear those words after years of thinking that you have the desire to run...well it really reinforces that your on the right path and I just felt like it was God reassuring me - to keep it up and not to long for something different but to enjoy that which I am doing. I know what wonderful results I can get from continuing to walk. I have done it in the past and all of the benefits listed above - I have experienced first hand. And thinking back I just could kick myself in the butt for not sticking to it then. But I guess it is all a part of the journey of our lives. We have to find balance and figure out how important it is for us to take care of ourselves.

On one of my last blog posts about exercising a friend commented how she was walking at least 10 minutes after each meal and that this helped with keeping the blood sugars in check. I had heard this before but had forgotten. I was thankful that she shared because this is something that I too need to work on. I am not diabetic but I do have some precursor to getting it if I am not careful and if I do not take good care of myself.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My New Favorite Song---it describes me!

Yesterday morning when the alarm went off - this was the song that was playing. And as I laid there listening to it I realized that it was describing my experience as of late. I hope you will take the time to listen to this. It has the lyrics so you can read them as it plays.

Since hearing this song yesterday morning I have listened to it many times. It's that great of a song. I hope you are as blessed by it as I was/am! :O)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Keeping Busy ....Keep Moving

The rain has finally moved on-which we are all thankful for. In it's place we have sunshine and very warm weather. With highs in the upper 80's and it looks like we will be hitting the 90 degree mark by the end of the week.

On Sunday morning I turned off our aerobic system outside so it would not spray water around our yard. I did think in an attempt to help our yard get dry sooner so that I could mow. The last few days I have heard the hum of mowers going all hours of the day and even into the evening last night. It has been a long time since we have had a chance to really get our yards mowed. I was happy that I was able to get our front yard and part of the back yard mowed 2 weeks ago.

Well today was the day that I was going to finally get our entire yard mowed! So after I ran a couple of errands and went walking at the park nearby - I came home with the intentions of mowing my yard. Well I began to hit roadblocks here and there. First of all we have some wood leaning on our riding mower - that I had to get off of it - and then had to figure out a way to have the wood stay off of the mower so I could get it out of he leanto. Well I finally thought of a brilliant way to accomplish that! I was proud. Next I needed to get a tire aired up. I have done this several times in the past so I basically knew what to do, however, this time something just was not working right. And I am afraid that we are going to have to take the tire off the mower and take it somewhere to get it fixed. Well after all of that I decided to go to my stand by push mower. So I was able to mow about half of our big back yard. And I mowed some in our driveway area. When I got to a stopping place to take a break, remember it's hot out there in the upper 80's and humid, I noticed 2 our chickens had gotten out of their part of the yard.  - Which reminds me that this past weekend they earned more freedom.

Can you tell in this bottom photo where the fence used to be?  
Anyway So I had to figure out how to get those chickens back into their yard. Thankfully I was able to use the fence that we had taken down to guide the chickens into their pen - once I went back around and ushered them in. Of course it took at least 10 minutes to get them back in. It did not help that I was tired and sweaty at this point. I was finally able to go sit down on the porch and rest a bit with some nice cool water to drink.
So you will be proud of me- I have went to the park the last two days and went walking. I walked a little over 2 miles yesterday and today just over a mile. I knew I had a lot of yard work to do today and since there was a guy mowing at the park I really didn't want to be in his way. After finding out that I would be having to push mow my yard - I was kind of glad that I had not over done it earlier. I turned on my runtastic for the first time that I mowed and racked up another mile that time. Then went and mowed some more after a bit of a rest and cool down. I have also worked on dead heading my rose bushes and weeded a bit in my flower bed. I have ALOT more to do there but that will have to wait. I also watered my garden and also cleaned out and filled up my birdbaths. So I have gotten a lot of exercise and the day is not even over yet. I am sure there will be more activities!
So last night my husband and I went to go visit his Momma. We were SO very happy to see her more with reality and making sense. We visited with her for 2 hours and before we left she wanted to sit in her chair. So my husband who is trained and skilled in helping people move around in hospitals helped her(with permission from staff at rehab) move from her bed to the chair- right next to the bed. She had been afraid when others had helped her move and when she had Jay helping her it showed her how much work she really has towards getting back on her feet in able to go home. She said before that she had not realized how bad of shape she was in. She had thought that it was her fear with the other people who had made it harder for her to get out of bed and into the chair. So it ended up being a very good thing that we went and that he helped her get into the chair. This morning she told my husband that she had a goal to be able to go home in two weeks. This proved that she was living more in reality than before when she kept thinking that she would be able to go home in a week - that is what she kept saying last Thursday or Friday - about how long she would be at rehab.
It was great to have a good visit and for her to be doing much better mentally. She is doing a bit better with eating there as well. That has been a battle. She is SO picky in what she eats. But she knows she had to eat to get better.
Well it is only about 4pm and I am already tired. I am going to have to get to bed early tonight to try to get some more rest. And I am hoping with all the exercise I have been getting that I will sleep good and get caught up.
I better close for now. I just wanted to take a little time to catch you all up on what is going on around here. I have block of the month at the end of this week - I have my block cut out but not put together yet.

Here is a photo of what my block will look like when it is finished!
There is a bit of glare to this photo so it does not show the colors perfectly but you get the idea!
Oh by the way - this morning I woke up to an awesome song. It is a song that I don't think I have every heard before and it is a song that perfectly describes me. I will be sharing it tomorrow. See you then! :0)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)