Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This Journey

Ok - So I finally was able to get some decent photos today. And when I was putting it in my folder - and it was up next to my photos from last week- I could certainly notice the difference. Although it is not growing as fast as I would like it to grow- it is growing! I am so grateful!!

Notice my pink top- well I know you can see the sleeves(sorry) but they had elastic around them but it just did not flatter at all. So I seam rippered those seams out - took the elastic out and then resewed the seams. And it looks SO much better now. I am so happy to be becoming more creative. I like being able work with some things in order to make them work better for me. It feels good to be
This week I am slowly getting some weed eating done around my yard. There is A lot of it to get done. There is one area on the side of our yard that I really need to cut down a branch off of a tree so that I can at least run the mower around there a time or two and that would take out some of the weed eating that I have to do. Believe me - I end up with a lot. And to be honest - I don't even weed eat everything that I could - if I wanted a perfect yard. I just can't keep up with it all. I am slowly getting more and more energy built back up and I am so happy about that. But I just take it one day at a time. I do what I can each day and mark the things off the list that I can- and if I don't get something done- I put it on my next days list of things I want to do. I am getting things done and moving right along.
I am still working on getting projects and such together to do with SweetPea this July. That reminds me-I have a cool story to share. For the past year I have wanted a 6 muffin muffin tin. I had looked through my stuff and had not found one. Well this morning I was pulling a pan out of my cabinet - and guess what fell out? YES!! a 6 muffin - muffin tin! Just what I wanted. I had not wanted to spend a lot of money of it because I just wanted it for a couple of projects to do with SweetPea. So I was SO very happy that I found that we already had one!

Well I better get off of here and get some more things done around here. Have a great rest of the day! :O)


  1. I really can see how much it has grown!!! Take doing things slow and easy, it is a good sign that you feel you want to do things - but you must listen to your body. Andrina X

    1. Andrina~ I am trying to take things slow- sometimes I feel like I am being lazy but realize I can not go full speed all the time.

  2. Your hair looks great, love your pink shirt.

    1. Denise- Your courage to post photos of yourself -when you had no hair and such is what helped give me courage to post my photos. I am trying to be more and more brave about it- because of our 90 degree days- I just can't handle the hat all the time. So far though I am just going without hat - around family and in my back yard- hoping soon to have enough hair to not feel so self conscience about it. :O)

  3. Just wanted to pop by and say you're looking great!

    1. Sarah- Thanks! Congrats on the weight you have been losing. I am hoping to be able to lose some weight - just haven't gotten to the place of working hard towards it- just working at maintaining right now. :O)

  4. Lisa! You have HAIR! It may be short--but I think you can no longer say you are bald. It is definitely THERE! :) And as others have said--your pink shirt is a great color on you!!!! Glad you were able to make it work for you with the sleeves.

    1. Susan- Thank you! I am thankful for my creative friends that have shown that you can some times step out of the box and create things! :O)

  5. Your hair is growin well! I was happy to hear about your muffin tin - find! Its wonderful that you fixed the sleeves on your top. I think it always feels rewarding to be creative!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)