Thursday, June 5, 2014

Memories, A Series, And a Continuing Work

This morning when I washed my hair- I had one of those moments when one of your senses reminds you of something in the past. While washing my hair - I was reminded of washing my son's hair when they were babies. It should not surprise me at all- I have baby hair- it is having to totally start over. If I wanted to describe it's length with a plural - I would have to use millimeters - at it is only about 1 1/2 centimeters "long" - it's funny to use the expression "long" after such a tiny measurement... lol

I am thankful that I have hair and that it is growing but it certainly is not growing as fast as I had thought it would grow. I am sure hoping that the longer I am away from chemo - the faster it will grow.

This week end I am going to start a new series. I found a wonderful book that I think will be such a blessing to me that I want to share it with you all as well. It is called "Love With All Your Heart- A Treatise on True Love 1 Corinthians 13" by Linda Driver. It looks like it will take about 18 weeks to finish the booklet. I hope you all will check back to read it. I really think it will transform our lives once we get a better understanding what Love really is.

Today I had a conversation with someone and it got me to thinking about my Christian life. Although I was raised in a Christian home and picked up a lot of my basic beliefs growing up- I did not stop my walk with God at that point. God has continues to work with me. He doesn't want me to stay stagnant, no He wants me to be spending time with Him- learning more and more about who He is and at the same time learning who He wants me to be. There is so much to learn - I don't think that the Christian walk is ever where we get to where we are going and have no more improvements to make or lessons to learn. There is always going to be something. God builds upon what we already knows- he teaches us step by step. And sometimes I am sure that he has to take tiny baby steps with us when we just don't get the lesson we need to learn. But God is patient and merciful and continues to work with us - as long as we allow Him to guide and direct us. Philippians 1:6 says:"being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;"    What God is doing in us is continual- He is working on completing the work - when Jesus comes to take us home. Until that day - we are being molded and shaped into what God created us to be.

Oh - On a post earlier this week - I had said that I would share why I love a little thrift store nearby. On Sunday my husband and I went to this thrift shop- He picked out a great 1,000 piece puzzle. We also found some other great buys. Anyway once we got the puzzle put together- yep- he is already done with it. We found that the puzzle was missing 1 piece. Well while we were there - my husband had noticed a couple other puzzles and since she had only charged us 50 cents for it - I thought I would go back and get the lighthouse puzzle that he had liked plus a couple more. Anyway when I walked in the door- the lady that runs the shop asked if all the pieces that been with the puzzle we bought- As I began to tell her that one was missing she pulled a puzzle piece out of her drawer and said that she had found it after we left and had thought it went with our puzzle. How thoughtful was that? I bought 3 more puzzles- and only had to pay 25 cent each for them! I love a good deal. my husband has already started the lighthouse puzzle. It is a bit more challenging- but hey puzzles are fun to put together - so it is ok if it is challenging.

Today I went to another favorite thrift store- and I was happy to find a few things that I was wanting to have for this summer. I had wanted some ABC cookie cutters- for cookies and playing with play dough. I found a bag of ABC's and 123's - the only thing that was missing is the V and X. And that is alright - when you only have to pay $2.00 for something that you figured you have to pay a whole lot more for - the you are totally ok without having all the pieces - especially letters like those. Her name does not use either of these letters - so it is fine. I also found some shape cookie cutters! My son will have his daughter for the month of July so I am trying to plan fun activities for her- and finding these things will make the time much more fun for both of us and more educational as well. I will have to stop by my favorite thrift shops ever so often over the next month to see what I can find to my collection of fun things for her to do. And more of what I am finding I am putting up till July. 

It has been a very warm week with our highs in the 90's. And it looks it will continue to be weather like that for the next week. I am sure praying for a mild summer- but with our temps already being in the 90's already - has me a bit worried.

Ok - I have some things I need to get busy on- so I better get off of here. Hope you all are doing fine. :O)


  1. Looking forward to you sharing the book, love you.

  2. Hi Lisa! Sounds like the Lord is very close to you these days...a great book study and your reflections on his patience and mercy. That's so wonderful.
    My husband and I also purchased puzzles as an activity to do together. Then I found out I stink at puzzles! At least he had fun :)
    We also like thrift stores and garage sales. Never know what you'll find. But that puzzle piece being found? That was amazing!
    Have a great Friday. Sounds pretty warm out there!

    1. Ceil~ I think the book will be a true blessing. We really do enjoy puzzles- My husband is much better at them than I am but I still enjoy them!
      Lisa :O)

  3. I found your blog by seeing your comment on Deena's blog. I just finished reading your posts from the beginning of your journey with cancer and just wanted to tell you that I admire your courage and attitude. I am a Christian and will add you to my prayer list. Even though I trust in God, it scares me to think that I might not be as strong as you and Deena if faced with the same circumstances. Thank you for sharing real life by giving us a glimpse into your struggle. May God bless you and give you and give you complete healing.

    1. Linda- Thank you for stopping by for a visit. And for the sweet comment. I do need to share with you that - When we face these type things - God is there to get us through. Deut. 33:25b - "As are your days so shall your strength be" got me through a lot. THings that I faced were scary - but when I faced them - God was faithful to be there with me every step of the way. So what ever you face- God will get you through. He will provide the strength and courage needed.
      God bless you~ Lisa :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)