Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Best Tool for Warfare

It always amazes me how God works. I still can not share with you all what I have been going through lately, but what I can say is that God used it in order to teach me a very important lesson that I can use in other areas of my life. The flesh is weak and is so easily tempted by satan to do things that we should not be doing, but we have a choice to make. We can give in to temptation or we can ask the God of the universe to give us the strength needed to face what ever temptation we come against.

I had to come to the point of asking God for help and then clearly stating - no, I am not going there - or I will not do it. This works in a lot of areas of our lives. And I will be using this tool in an another area of my life.

I shared a while back that I had lost a decent amount of weight, about 45 pounds. Well over the last year and so many trying things to deal with - and especially over the last couple of months of dealing with a very painful thing- along with getting poison ivy and being put on meds.- which put the weight on. I have ended up gaining about 20 pounds back. Too often I go to food for comfort. I have gotten away from the healthy lifestyle which not only helped me lose those 45 pounds but also helped me feel so good and I was so much healthier. Well I have been feeling the effects of not eating healthy, not getting to bed early enough, not enough sleep, not enough  water, not enough exercise and it has not been fun.

Yesterday I talked with my SIL and she shared with me some of her weight loss history. I was so shocked to hear her share her feelings of very self esteem related to her weight issues. She has never let on that it bothers her at all. And in fact, there were times that I had wished I could get inside her head in order to learn the secret to self acceptance. She has alot more weight to lose than I do and she has never let on that it was causing her pain. She has lost about 45 pounds that we know of - has not weighed in 3 weeks. Anyway it was great to hear her excitement and to I think that I caught it again. I feel that hope that I, too can lose this 20 pounds that I want so badly to lose. I am so thankful for my SIL being willing to open up and sharing her experience, strength and hope. It has inspired me. And by God's grace I will be losing this extra weight.

And when I am feeling emotionally weak and needing a pick me up - I will say No I am not going to eat just to make myself feel better - it does not do me any good in the long run. And I will pray and ask for help - for strength to endure the temptations. And through God's help - I will succeed. I will be going back and reading over the series that I wrote after going to the health seminar a couple of years ago. I may repost them- if not I will put a link to them in my post.

No matter what temptation you are facing God provides the strength necessary to overcome. We just need to depend on Him. May God give you the strength to overcome the temptations that you face.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that your SIL was able to share and to encourage you that way! I completely understand your discouragement!!!! Thanks for posting--YOU just helped encourage ME!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)