Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Good Timing

It is a good thing that I was able to write up a few posts last week. My weekend was a roller coaster of emotions, a couple of times on the down swing. Was doing much better till I found out that it will be May 18th before the governor even considers opening up salons. And then once they open it will take a long time for beauticitions to get caught up so it could be another month before I get a hair cut. Then I came to check out my blog and realized I had posted about losing my hair today. I have thought quite a bit about losing m hair today. Especially since I am at a place of now my hair will get longer and longer and harder and harder to style. I just want to be pretty- is that too much to ask?  Any way it looks like I need to listen to my praise songs some more. Take a little extra time studying the Bible and ask God to show me clearly what He wants me to learn through all of this. And for Him to give me the strength to do so.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Sacrifice of Praise

This song meant a whole lot to me way back in 2014. It was the year that I went through chemo and lost my hair. It was a hard year. This chorus got me through many showers. It was a time that I seemed to really notice my hair gone and it was a very sad time. Many times I was meant with tears during my showers. The water hitting against my bare scalp. It was a hard time and I soon learned to sing this chorus during this time.

I also learned to pray and ask Jesus to help me like what I saw in the mirror. And thankfully He helped me. When it started to get painful again - I would again go to the throne of God and ask for mercy and grace to accept what I saw in the mirror. And it looks like I am having to rely on this again. The longer my hair gets the harder it is to style it the way I like to and my hair becomes pretty flat. In fact, if I did not blow dry my hair with product to give it lift and curl it - hair spray it - it would be pretty flat. And I am not used to seeing my hair right up against my face. And it is challenging to get used to it laying flatter - even when I curl it. So I pray and ask God to help me to be able to accept my hair and to help me through this challenging time. It may not be as hard as going through chemo and being bald but the longer this goes the harder it could be.  Songs can help us through - just like prayer can. What songs have helped you through a hard time? 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Key That Unlocks The Door

Praising God is one of the best ways we can spend our time. He is worthy of our every praise!! Praising Him can break every chain that holds us down. The chains of fear, loneliness, anxiety, doubt are all things that try to hold us back from realizing God's awesome power and strength. But Praise is like a key that unlocks the door to peace. Let's use the key more often. Praise God - today and every day!! :O)

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Narrow Way

May God bless you and may you feel His presence in a special way today. :O)

Friday, April 24, 2020

Where Hope Can Be Found

During this time of social distancing - I have noticed that I really do miss hugs. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed the freedom of hugging my friends when I saw them. It's just one way to say "You are special to me" and it kind of causes more loneliness when we can't hug.

I heard this song on my way to get groceries on Thursday. This line really stood out to me:

"Your love is lifting me above all the lies" 

There really are a lot of lies in our world today. There was a time that it was important to reporters and media to tell the truth. I was watching a show that is based on the early 1900's I believe and I was surprised to hear a lady say to a reporter, "I thought reporters were interested in the truth." See I thought that were too - but it seems to me that as the years go by that they seem to get further and further from the truth. Maybe it has always been that way to some point and I just didn't realize it. I don't know - all I know is that you can not believe everything you hear on news or read in the newspapers. You have to use common sense. God's love can lift us above all the lies. But in order for it to do that we must spend more time with Him than we do allowing the lies to filter in - whether that is through news, media, peoples opinions, etc. More time with God. He will make that time well worth our time! And I believe that one day He "will take all that is wrong and make it right." One day he really will and it seems to be closer that I ever imagined. The events of the last two months have showed me that it is closer that I realized. May we prioritize our time and give God more of it and allow His love to lift us above the lies. :O)

Thursday, April 23, 2020

In These Uncertain Times

I keep hearing the phrase ~ "In these uncertain times" at it just stands out every single time. At first I felt that and I didn't know if others felt it as well but it seems we all do. It's easy to feel uneasy. You can't even go to the grocery store without having to worry about encountering some new rule or regulation. I used to love going and getting groceries and now when I head to the store each week I feel like I am going on an adventure and I pray that it is a good adventure - but I feel some anxiety that it may not be.

I have heard some very encouraging songs - and I think I will be sharing a few of my favorites with you all again because I think that especially during these "uncertain" times we need to be praising God. Praising God helps turn our attention from all of the stress that is in our world today and that is important. I don't want to be like Peter who, when he took his eyes off of Jesus during the storm - started to sink into the raging waters. I want to keep my eyes on Jesus and walk towards Him on these raging waters. Join me. :O)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Best Deal

It's been a while since I have posted a best deal post. And that is totally understandable since we can't go thrift store shopping. I have missed thrift store shopping as I know many of you have as well. 

This was actually bought a few weeks before the shut down. And I apologize if I have shared this one before. I used to keep my stamps in an old ring box. But when I saw this - and opened it up I just knew that I wanted it. See the top piece- it unscrews and comes off so you can take the top section off to put your stamps in. And then put the piece back on and screw it back in place. And your stamps come out the side. It is so handy to have! I love it! 

And the best part - I only paid 25 cents!!
What a deal! 


In my quiet time this morning I found a precious treasure and I can't wait till I have time to get back on here and share it with you all. Till then - take care and be safe. And keep looking up because that is where it all is! :) 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

In a Tangible Way

Yesterday I woke up with this pray going through my mind: 

Dear Lord, please wrap your arms around all my friends and family members today. Help them feel your love in a tangible way. Give them peace in these uncertain times. And draw them closer to you. Amen. 

It seemed the perfect prayer when while messaging a friend it just seemed like a special message for her. 

Later in the day I would find it was meant for me as well. You see I was about to work in my yard. I was getting my weed eater ready. As I was standing in the garage with the door open to the back yard - I heard a weird honk. I stepped out and looked around and did not see anything. I proceeded to go weed eat. Then I got my push mower out and I mowed the section of our yard that is hard to get with the riding lawn mower. And then I went out towards the back of the yard where there is a trampoline and climbing toy and mowed around there. When I was done I went and sat on my back porch. I was tired. I heard that sound again and then noticed my chickens were all towards the house acting nervous. I think to myself that I must investigate. I was worried there could be a hawk in the area. The noise sounded very close to their coop, so I made my way over there. And guess what I found?! 

It about took my breath away! He was beautiful! 

My husband got this awesome shot! 

This was him, about to leave our yard. I think I was making him nervous as I was trying to get close enough to get a great photo. I wish that the sun would have been shining on him. It would have made a gorgeous photo! 

 It wasn't until later that it dawned on me that THIS was God's way of showing His love to me in a tangible way! I had been busy working in the yard and this beautiful creature had waited patiently for me to notice him. It is like God sent him on a mission and he was determined to wait patiently until I noticed him. This morning I was reminded of our trip 4 years ago when I got a photo of this peacock mooning us!

And at that point I knew- not only was this peacock's visit a tangible way of God showing me His love for me but that His timing is perfect as well!! Praise the Lord. What a blessing! 

I pray that you, too, will see God's love for you in a tangible way - I would love to hear about your experience in the comment section. :O) 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Been Thinking about.....

I have been thinking about freedom lately. Freedom to our own opinions is high on my list of things that I am thinking about since it seems that some people do not like opinions that differ from their. Oh I know we all don't like others to think differently than we do on things from time to time. What bothers me; however, is when they decide to argue with me because of my differing views. If you don't like my opinion - especially on Facebook - then scroll on past. I do this ALL the time. There are many posts on Facebook right now that the #1 agenda of them is to incite fear. And I do NOT like these kinds of post - mainly because I do not think that they are giving a very narrow view of what they are presenting, many times leaving out very important information that if it were added would not get the results they want - which is fear and panic. I am so thankful that we all have a right to our own opinions, I just wish more people would give others the same respect and freedom to have an opinion - even if it is not the same opinion that they hold.

Thank you so much for letting me vent. I really want to post mainly encouraging and uplifting things on my facebook page. And I am careful about what I do post. And it is just upsetting to have people jump on me for having an opinion. They don't realize that I have bypassed many things that I feel are true and would like to post but do not because I don't want to step on toes.

 And when I do respond to their comments in as nice of a way as possible - it doesn't even seem that they are listening to what I have said. Again thank you for listening. 

Let's do our best to allow people the freedom to have an opinion - even if it is not the same as our own. I am trying to do this and sometimes I struggle with it as well. But just as Jesus gives us the freedom to follow Him or not - we need to give others the same freedoms. Freedoms to have opinions.

Hope you all are doing well and staying safe. :O)

Friday, April 17, 2020

Ignorantly Blissful

It is interesting how it seems that when you have an opinion that is different than some people they consider you ignorant. I just don't understand that at all. They don't stop to consider that you have some first hand information to a certain situation that helps you see things in a different light. And I refuse to fall for every sob story that people try to post on the Internet. Just because it's on the Internet or news for that matter does not mean it's true. There have been many cases where it has been proven that different people, even news stations have been caught in their lies. In taking footage from some other locations and acting as if it is there locally. And yet some people totally believe what they read or see on tv. That is their freedom. But I too have the right to my freedom to believe as I do. Just because my opinion is different that yours does not make me ignornant.

If the fact that I refuse to sit in front of the tv totally panicking because of the stories told to scare people makes me blissfully ignorant then I'm totally ok with that. You have the right to spend your time the way you see fit, but please allow me the same freedom. I have much better things to do with my time.

By the way - I have been very busy. Our little thrift store has been getting so many donations we had to get back to processing it after a couple of weeks of being off. We don't have much room so it's important for us to get the stuff taken care of. I have also been working out in my yard. I've also been figuring out ways to be more organized. Spending a little more time on EBay- I've really missed thrift store shopping.
I'm thankful to have options like eBay to help  entertain me. And Amazon is another great resource.
I went to Aldis and Walmart for groceries today and as I left my house I thanked God that I still had the freedom to go get groceries. I enjoy seeing the kindness shown and the concern for safety with a person specifically cleaning the carts at Aldis - so you walk up to a freshly cleaned cart to use. Once you are done you take it back to them and they clean it for the next customer. People saying hi and being courteous has been nice. I'm thankful I have the freedom to do so.

Continuing to pray that you are all safe. May God give you peace and comfort through these crazy times.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Still Just Can't Believe It's Real....

How are you all handling all of the craziness in our world? I have to admit that ever so often it hits me and for a split second I have to reason is it really going on? I would have never guessed in a million years that we would come to a point of  "Shelter in Place." It all happened so very fast. And then it is hard for me to understand why we are in this situation when most people that I know of that have gotten this virus are sent home to self quarantine and have since recovered.  My other question is that if it were so very contagious why is it not spreading faster. Yes - it is spreading in the larger cities faster basically because there are many people in a limited area.

So what are you doing to keep busy? I have plenty around here to keep me busy for a long time. But to tell the truth I am not getting a whole lot of stuff done. I am taking down time watching TV and working in the yard. Part of my slowness is probably a bit of discouragement because there seems to be so many freedoms taken away from us so very quickly.

I am also discouraged because I will not be able to get a hair cut till May sometime - if I am lucky. And that is discouraging - I am thinking I may have to change hair style. Don't know yet. I DO know I will NOT be cutting my own hair. At least I don't think I will. Have you been tempted to cut your hair? Have you?

Friday, April 10, 2020

Heaven's Vantage Point

This week I have begun reading a new book. I am always encouraged and uplifted when reading books from Morris Venden as well as E. G. White books. Here are some encouraging words for us this morning:

"Revelation quotes Jesus as saying, "Surely I come quickly." Quickly? It doesn't seem like that! But let's remember how small time is in comparison with eternity. One of these days, what we thought was oceans of time will look like only a tiny drop in a huge bucket. And what we thought to be a great trial and horrible experience will seem as nothing when we look back on it from Heaven's vantage point." 

~Morris Venden in his book "Higher Ground"

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dropping In For a Minute

Sorry I have not posted much. It's weird more and more things are falling off of my list of things that I can do but I have a whole lot of things around the house to do to keep me busy. We have had so much rain and it looks like rain could come back tomorrow sometime so I have spent a good amount of time the last couple of days working in my yard:mowing, weed eating, trimming branches from trees, weeding garden, putting out ant poison and so on and so forth. I will try to get on here and share some neat things with you as soon as I am able to. For now I am thankful to still have the freedom to work in my yard and such. Hope you all are doing well. Be safe. :O)

Friday, April 3, 2020

Just One Day Without.........Please

Today has been a rough day. And I just can't help but think it will be a rough month or two - and honestly I have a hard time even seeing things get better. EVERY SINGLE day more rules and regulations are put into place. More freedoms taken away. More hoops to jump through. And it is discouraging to me.

It all started with something I knew was coming but it still really made me sad. My haircut that is about 3 weeks away was cancelled and I was told once she could start cutting hair again she would get with me. But I am smart enough to know that she will be totally blown away with ALL of the people who will want appointments and I have no idea how she will get us all in. It looks like I will have to let my hair out..whether I want to or not. I just pray it isn't too painful... 

Then when my son got his daughter for the weekend we find out that at her Moms house they have CNN going all the time and so she has to hear all of the crazy news that kids shouldn't even have to worry about in the first place. They don't have the ability to filter the news - which yes _ I feel like it is important to filter the news. To realize that agendas are behind alot of the stories and we can't take all news stories at face value. It makes me sad that my granddaughter has to deal with all the stress and fear driven news all the time when she is not with our son and us. 

Walmart has put many more rules in place if you want to go to their stores - one door to the store open - and a very limited amount of people into the store - then when they are at max - it goes to one in one out. Oh and you better go to the store by yourself. Oh and if that wasn't enough - they will have arrows on the ground - meaning you can only go down the aisle the way the arrow goes. I just feel like SO many freedoms are being taken away. 

Oh and lets not forget the fact that it looks like we may have to wear a facemask if we are to get out. what about people that don't have a facemask? They are in very limited supply right now ----- duh.... that is why I have been making some for a Hospice in the area. 

And this pattern that I was given by the organization that asked me to make the masks - uses bias tape- which is sold out in the stores. I made one of these and sadly it seems like it would not fit very comfortable - if I have to wear one out and about. It is all SO frustrating.

Remember back when I lost my hair with Chemo - and I had to wear a hat - when I went to the stores I felt very uncomfortable - I feel even more uncomfortable at the stores now. I used to really enjoy getting groceries for my family but now it is frustrating... 

I am SO sorry for the downer post - but this is real. This is how I am feeling. Right now we are stuck like this at least till May 4th but it very well could go much longer than that - because any time some other city adds time - it rolls down hill to us - and then we have more time added to ours. I just had a real hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with this - I had a hard time seeing things ever going back to normal.... It is like different city officials are really enjoying the fact that they just keep getting to add more and more rules. Here is your list of rules today - but tomorrow you can't just go by those rules - there will be more added on. And I would just LOVE to get through ONE day without more rules and regulations added and freedoms taken away. Could we be praying for this? Join me please. God is still in control.... I need to keep my eyes on Him. And hold onto Him. He will get me through. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

God is still in control!

Sorry I haven't posted much. So many of my plans have been cancelled or moved to online that you would think I would have more time to write on here but it seems as though many people are using this quarantine Time for spring cleaning. We have gotten SO many donations, it's been challenging to keep up with it. And then on top of that it is time to switch from our fall/ winter clothes to spring and summer. Our store is closed right now, of course, but we are working to prepare for when we can be open again.

Today some things happened that made me decide I need to step back for just a few days and relax. So I'm taking a few days off from volunteering. I'll go back again next week but I'm am so hoping the next few days can be refreshing to my soul. I am hoping to get a couple of posts up. Anyway I hope you all are doing good. These uncertain times are challenging for sure. But rest assured that God is still in control!

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)