Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Promoting Health

Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love, promote health and prolong life. A contented mind, a cheerful spirit, is health to the body and strength to the soul. "A merry [rejoicing] heart doeth good like a medicine." Proverbs 17:22. MH pg. 241

Nothing tends more to promote health of body and of soul than does a spirit of gratitude and praise. pg. 251

"Let praise and thanksgiving be expressed in song. When tempted, instead of giving utterance to our feelings, let us by faith lift up a song of thanksgiving to God. ......
Song is a weapon that we can always use against discouragement. As we thus open the heart to the sunlight of the Saviour's presence, we shall have health and His blessing."  pg 254

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18.
 This command is an assurance that even the things which appear to be against us will work for our good. God would not bid us be thankful for that which would do us harm." pg. 255

These are all quotes from a book called Ministry of Healing.


  1. These very passages have gotten me through some of the most difficult times in my life. Thank you for sharing them, and refreshing my mind about them! I pray these word will sustain you and your family during your son's renewed job search.


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