Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Not Over Yet...



"My friend, the game of life is not over yet. Sometimes it may seem that our team - the team for God and all that is good - is losing. And the critical question for you and for me is simply this, Whose side are you on? Which team are you supporting? Will you stay by until the very end when victory is declared?"


 Because we as Christians have read the end of the book - we know that God will be victorious. Here on earth it may seem as though we are losing, but God is in control and we will be victorious in the end.
The quote at the beginning is from a book that I just finished reading today called, "God's Love Song"


God's Love Song

By Ginny Allen



  1. I truly needed to read this today. My heart has felt so heavy lately. I just don't understand why neither of my parents know how to love their children. I see friends who have such strong relationships with parents, and it breaks my heart. Thankfully, Jesus has instilled in me and my husband a strong love for our family. I know true familial love now.

    Yes! I know how this will end and it will be breathtaking. Jesus wins and I will one day be in the presence of my Lord and Savior.

  2. Marci~ I am so sorry that your parents are not able to love you. Maybe one day soon they can come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour-then the love of Jesus can truly be in their hearts. They are really missing out on something special by not having a good relationship with you. You brighten a day with your positive outlook on life and with the love of Jesus flowing out of your life. God bless you in a special way today, Lisa :O)

  3. Such a beautiful book! I read it recently and cried the whole way through!

  4. Looks like a really good book. Also sending hugs to Marci. We love you.

  5. Susan- The lady that wrote this book and her husband came to our church for a Woman's Ministries week end and it was a great weekend. Even though I had heard a lot of the stories in the book - I was still blessed by the book.

    Lauren - it was a good book- basically a lady telling her testimony and how God's love shown through.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)