Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Checkin' In

I have not done a personal post for a while and have a few things on my mind tonight, so I thought I would check in and get my thoughts written.

First of all tomorrow - would have been one of my work days and even though I have been thankful that I have not had to work- especially the last week or so -with me being sick. There are positives that I am thankful for - like not being around cigarette smoke and being able to rest more. And another thing that I don't think I have mentioned here.

I had worked there at the store for like 18 years off and on. The floors were cement. We had a few thick rug things that helped but the first like 8-10 years or so of working there I wore some cheap shoes - which did not give my feet very much support. Well there actually came a time that my feet would hurt so bad that just putting weight on my feet in the mornings would be so bad. In fact, I had to take a break from working for like a year or so and it took that much time in order for my feet to heal and not kill me when I put weight on my feet. During the year or so - even though I wear better shoes - my feet would begin to hurt ever so often. And so now I am at least looking at the positive -that my feet will not have to be on concrete for hours at a time - damaging them.

 But I still miss the positives of working - like the extra money - not much but it was something. And I felt like I contributed. I am finding my place in the world again. And I know that God is in control.

Another thing I wanted to talk about is -things to do to help get rid of sickness - or help prevent sickness. A friend of mine worked at a gym a couple of years ago and she told me that they had bleach water in a bottle and they would clean all surfaces with the bleach water - trying to keep germs from spreading. This is something I plan to implement in my home. Another thing that I remembered was - boiling water and then taking our toothbrushes and dipping it in the boiling water - to kill germs. That way your toothbrush does not hold onto the germs and re-infect. Spraying Lysol - on door knobs, sinks, toilets, and light switches - places that you would touch. These are just a few of the things that we do -to try to get rid of the germs and sickness.

I am curious - what do you do to get rid of germs? Would love to hear your suggests and ideas!


  1. Wash your hands after you handle money. Always wash before eating, especially when you've been out in public (touching railings and such).

  2. What great ideas. I try to keep a thing of antibacterial gel in my purse and when I leave a store - I try to kind of wash my hands with it. Also some stores have wet wipes close to where you get your basket -when they do I do clean the handle bar that my hands will be all over. I really like being able to do that.
    Lisa :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)