Sunday, November 25, 2012

Treasures on Thanksgiving Day

Look what treasure we had on Thanksgiving Day! 
At about 4:30pm we got just a few sprinkles and then we noticed this beautiful rainbow! What a treat.

What is also funny is that just before we noticed the rainbow. My husband and I were in the back yard - he was grilling some things for our supper. We had went over to our little rose garden and we found about 5-6 rose buds. It is amazing to have roses on Thanksgiving. As you can tell in the above photo - trees are finally changing colors.

It has been a very nice relaxing couple of days, which were very needed for me. The week of Thanksgiving is the hardest week of all for me at work. My job is usually a great job but with all the orders and most people wanting their jobs on just the couple days before Thanksgiving - gives us a WHOLE lot to do. 

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