Friday, November 9, 2012

DRAWING NIGH to GOD ...series.."Introduction"

This week I found a little book from 1956 - the name is:
 by Minnie E. Dauphinee
I have decided that every Friday I am going to post one of the little devotionals in this book. I have looked on the Internet and have not found the book - where I could just link up to it or even get help by copying and pasting but that is alright. I just feel that this book has a lot of treasures well worth sharing. 

Today we will begin with the:

Is there in your heart a hunger and thirst to draw nigh unto God_ a desire unexpressed even to those who are nearest and dearest to you? If so, be glad. Rejoice in our Saviour's assurance that the desire is mutual. God desires to draw nigh unto you (James 4:8). Though He rules over the affairs of the universe, He thinks of you by name and takes personal interest in everything that concerns you. "He is silently planning for thee in love."

As a loving son listens respectfully while his godly father tells of his ambitions for him, so you should give your Father in heaven your reverent attention, that He may reveal to you His plans for your life. As you study His Word with humility of heart you will hear His unmistakable voice saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." 

The essays in this little volume are the results of meditation upon some of God's promises, commands, and exhortations. The author hopes that the thoughts may help the reader, especially the youth, to find God's plan, and to draw ever nearer to Him from day to day.


  1. Thank you for sharing this with your readers. My heart has been sad lately because I hurt for those in the world who are lukewarm. They talk but don't walk. I feel like God is not at the center of our country. My heart desires God so strongly. Your post brought a smile to my face because it reminded me that He feels the same about me.

    Love to you....

  2. I will be along for the reading~just thought I would let you know! It looks interesting!

  3. Sounds like a great book! I've never heard of it--thanks for sharing!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Journey