Friday, November 16, 2012

DRAWING NIGH to GOD ...series ..."The Invitation"

by Minnie E. Dauphinee 

The first section of this book is called: 

Finding God

And the first devotional under that heading is called: 

The Invitation 

"Let him that is athirst come."-
Revelations 22:17

We know what it is to thirst for something better than this world can give. Earthly pleasures and comforts seem to satisfy for a little time, but the feeling of restlessness- the thirsting- returns. That thirsting is assuaged only by the priceless gift Jesus offers us- "the water of life."
Sin has its "wages." But eternal life is not wages. It cannot be earned. Nor can it be purchased with service, with tears, or with money. It is not a reward for human merit. It is the gift of God. 

Jesus never gives stintedly. He invites us to "take the water of life freely." Do you remember the story of the little boy, one of seven children, who met with an accident and was taken to the hospital? Because his parents were very poor, he had never known what it meant to have his hunger fully satisfied. The glass of milk had been only partly full, or if full, it must be shared with two of the other children. So when the nurse brought him a large glass of milk, he looked at her, and , because of the habit of always sharing, he said, "How deep shall I drink?" The nurse, with a tear in her eye, answered, "Drink it all." 

God's spiritual wells are deep. There is an unfailing supply, and those who will "come" and drink daily shall never thirst." 

1 comment:

  1. If I don't drink from Jesus in the morning my day is dry. However, when I spend time with Him I overflow with love and grace.

    I really enjoy reading your posts! xoxo


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How God Handles Our Journey