Friday, July 4, 2014

Busy, Busy

Good Morning- I just wanted to check in and say hello. I am praising God for a holiday so close in the beginning of taking care of my granddaughter. She is such a good child, but for this lady who is still working on getting her energy back and who is not used to interacting with people all day long- it is a little bit of a challenge. I love my time with her, but I did need a little bit of a break.

My days are busy- waking up at 5:50am - getting my husband off to work - then I take care of animals, get my shower, do my quiet time, get dressed and ready for the day- having to be ready by about 7am. The last two days I have had to drive to my son's house because SweetPea was still asleep and we wanted to let her get enough sleep. So anyway thankfully she slept at least another hour after I got there. Then we come back to my house. And all the normal activities of taking care of a 4 year old. Lots of reading and learning activities, outside time, and playing time. Making supper for everyone every day, which is a little challenging. All through chemo - there was a week that I did not feel like eating a normal meal - so many times - we just got what sounded good to us. And sometimes that dragged into the other two weeks. And I have had a bit of a hard time getting back into the rhythm of planning menus and such since. I can do it for some of the days but it just seems challenging to do it all week long. I am trying new recipes trying to see if that will help.

Anyway then our riding lawn mower - got a flat(totally damaged tire) and when my husband went to replace it some how the axle came loose. Anyway so my yard still has not been fixed. Yesterday afternoon my husband and son spent several ours taking it apart and putting it back together- it is almost fixed. And we are hoping then we will be able to get the yard mowed - maybe even today!! I sure hope so.

We have a push mower that has been giving us problems does not want to start- it tries but won't start. Well with this how fiasco - I have decided I want to get it fixed - even if we have to pay someone t fix it. And then there is my reel mower- I am hoping we can get the blade/s sharpened so that I can mow with it also. So if everything goes how I would like it to go - I will have all three of them running/ working properly by the end of the month. But if nothing else just one of them and the yard mowed would be very, very nice.

Anyway - so my days are much more busy than usual with not as much down time. And I am hoping that it will help me build my strength up. So far I am achy and sore and worn out by the end of the day. Anyway I will make it- just a little challenging.

Anyway I hope everyone has a great 4th of July!! Be safe everyone :O)


  1. I think caring for young children can be challenging for someone well, but obviously harder when you are still in recovery.

    Watch the grass grow; cherish the smiles of your lovely granddaughter. We like to keep on top of jobs, but so much can wait awhile. I'm sure your husband is so glad you have come through your treatment that he has less concerns about mealtime variety or even if some dust builds up. Be kind to yourself... You are a survivor!
    Andrina X

  2. Ditto to all that Treelover said. :-)


  3. Time with young children is such a blessing... and such a workout!

  4. Time with young children is such a blessing... and such a workout!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)