Friday, October 27, 2023

Steps to Christ...Recovery Edition....4c

Step 4 

We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

 Lamentations 3:40 

 "When you sincerely repent, your heart will be umble and broken and you'll have some sense of the immense love of God and the infinite cost of the cross. Then nothing will be able to stop you from coming clean to God- the Father who loves you. And the Bible says,

'If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness' 1 John 1:9

That's a promise you can count on!" 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Choosing Faith Over Anxiety...series

 Speaking of when the children of Israel found themselves in what looked like an impossible situation with mountains on both sides and the sea before them in Exodus 14:

"I think it is quite paradoxical that God then gives instructions for Israel to go forward (see verse 15). Forward? Where should they go, exactly? The Lord told Moses, "Lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land" (versus 16). Dry land?! Oh, yes. This would be done God's way! God's GPS wasn't broken after all. His GPS (Grace positioning system) has an ability that our GPS does not have: His GPS doesn't just guide; it creates new routes; in this case, through the sea, God would create a way out where there was no way. Never forget: the God of the Pass-over is also the God of the crossing-over."
Elizabeth Viera Talbot in "The Exodus Journey~ choosing trust over anxiety on our way to the promised land"

Sunday, October 22, 2023

What Makes Christianity Different?

Have you ever wondered what makes Christianity different than all the other religions? This 2 minute video will answer that question! May you be blessed!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Not a Fan ~ Ryan Day

I have to warn you  - This is a long sermon. I had to watch it in several different sections because I don't have 1 1/2 hours straight to watch a sermon. But it is well worth your time. Hope you are blessed!! :O) 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Steps to Christ...Recovery Edition...4b

Step 4 

We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

 Lamentations 3:40 

 "Until you've humbled your heart before God and admitted your guilt, you haven't met the first condition of acceptance. If you aren't sorry, if you have no shame or regret, you aren't serious about seeking forgiveness. And if you've never really wanted to be forgiven, it's certain you haven't found peace with God. Confession isn't about saying the words. It's about humbly admitting to God that you were wrong and that you deeply desire to be right with Him. That is the only condition you must meet. And that's why no one should twist your arm and force you to confess. Make your confession only after you have recognized your sin and truly repented. Then you can be sure that God, who loves you with such deep compassion, will accept your confession with open arms. David, the psalm writer, says, 'The Lord is close to the broken hearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit' Psalm 34:18." 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

You Won't Be Disappointed...

Saw this on Facebook as you can see. But I feel it is a message that is important for everyone. Jesus is really our only hope. I used to have more faith in the political arena but not any more. I do not think that the best for the people is the goal any more...and wondering if it was ever...I believe at the beginning of the US history it was with the founding fathers. There was belief in God and allowing God to give them wisdom to set up our government. But now... I have about been disappointed in it, BUT I do believe in Jesus and Him being our only Hope. If you don't already know Him- I encourage you to get to know Him - You WON'T be disappointed. 


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Exodus - The Great Deliverance

So this week was a week with no appointments. I was looking forward to just focusing on what needs to be done around my home and yard. But this week end my husbands left shoulder started hurting and it has gotten worse. Took him to a minor emergency place to see if we could get answers. They took an xray and there was nothing broken - and they did not have an MRI machine - so we have contacted the orthopedic Dr and hoping to get him in to be seen soon. It's a challenge because we don't know for sure what is going on. It could be a torn rotator cuff but we won't know till there is an mri done. So what to do between now and then? Anyway please pray we can get answers soon and have wisdom to know what to do. Thanks. I will be leaving you with a great quote I read yesterday morning in my devotional time. And this is the book I am currently reading. Be blessed! :o) 

 "The precious Saviour will send help just when we need it. The way to heaven is consecrated by His footprints. Every thorn that wounds our feet has wounded His. Every cross that we are called to bear He has borne before us. The Lord permits conflicts, to prepare the soul for peace. The time of trouble is a fearful ordeal for God's people; but it is a time for every true believer to look up, and by faith he may see the bow of promise encircling him."

~ "Exodus-The Great Deliverance" pg.48

Monday, October 16, 2023

Choosing Faith Over Anxiety...series

 "... The ultimate sacrifice: the life of the Son of God offered on the cross so that we may live eternally. But this was not an accident. It was the plan of salvation since the foundation of the world. The fact that we were loved to the point of death is the single most important truth that allows us to choose trust over anxiety on our way to the heavenly Promised Land. True love casts away fear, and when we understand that God's love for each one of us surpasses His love for Himself, then we can start living in the freedom that true love creates."

~ Elizabeth Viera Talbot in her book " The Exodus Journey- choosing trust over anxiety on our way to the promise land"

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Seeds Want to Grow

In 2020 when I really got into watching Youtube channels - I came across Jess at Roots and Refuge and she would say, "Seeds want to grow" The longer I garden the more I am realizing how true that statement really is.  
These are just a few of the volunteers you will find around my garden right now... 

Marigold seedlings, tomato seedlings, and basil seedlings. I love it! I hadn't planted any basil or marigolds yet - it the weather doesn't get too cold too soon- I will get to enjoy these plants as well. And that makes me happy. 

The weather has cooled off from the triple digit temps we kept getting and my garden is appreciating it so much. And a little over a week ago by the time you read this - we got 2 3/4 inches of rain overnight. What a blessing!! I look forward to what my fall garden will do. I sure hope I can get a decent amount of produce before a freeze hits. I know some of you may already have experienced a frost - around here the first frost usually happens around November 7th area or so. It's hard to believe it is that close since we have had temps in the upper 80's and last week temps were sometimes in the 90's. 

Hope you all are doing well. :O) 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

What Does God Require, part 2

This week I wanted to share with you part 2 of this talk about what God requires. I hope you are blessed! :O) 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Steps to Christ....Recovery Edition 4a

 Step 4 

We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

 Lamentations 3:40 

" 'People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy' Proverbs 28:13 

The conditions of receiving God's forgiveness are simple and fair and reasonable. God doesn't expect you to make a great sacrifice or perform some painful penance in order to prove you're sorry and earn His forgiveness. If you simply confess your sins and choose to leave them behind, God will forgive you fully and freely." 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

You Used These Herbs for What?


When I had covid - two of my friends were concerned about me. Not only did I get a jar of natural antibiotics which helped me regain my sense of taste and smell. But they also helped me get ingredients together to make a recipe to do a steam treatment. 

Here is the recipe for this: 

Herbal Face Steam for Congestion 

1 T. Thyme 

1 T. Rosemary 

1 T. Basil 

1 T. Oregano 

1 T. Peppermint 

1 T. eucalyptus 

1 T. Lavender flower

Put about an inch of water into the bottom of a large pot and bring to a boil. Add the ingredients and cover with lid and let sit for 1-2 minutes. 

What I did was set some potholders on my table. Get a towel and have ready. Remove the lid, Bring the pot to the table. Put the towel on the table on the other side of the pot. Sit down and lean your head over the pan and bring the towel up over your head. You want the steam to come into your face so you can breath in the steam. You will want to do this for 10 minutes. 

I believe my friend got this recipe from  you can click on link to find out more about the recipe and tips about it. 

So as my friends and I were texting - I realized I did not have lavender flowers or peppermint. So my other friend sent over jars with them. For the eucalyptus I used 2 drops of essential oil. So I only did this treatment on the day that I started the natural antibiotics - and I could NOT smell a thing. I did feel like it helped me though- at least be able to breath a little better. So it would be helpful to have this recipe for something like it on hand. It says on the website that you can use what ever of these you have because not everyone will have all things listed. And if you need to you can do what I did an use a drop or 2 of an essential oil of these things listed. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Keeper of a Recipe - My Experience

 So HERE I shared the recipe for this natural antibiotic that my friend made for me. It was so very helpful to me while I had covid and it convinced me that it was a keeper kind of recipe. 

I am sure you have heard that most if not many people who get covid lose their sense of smell and taste. It was no different for me. This time I think it was more pronounced than last time because this time I was very congested as well. When I first began to take this antibiotic - I could not smell it or taste it. Not at all! And let me tell you - once you try this stuff for yourself - you will probably be shocked that I could not smell or taste it. But I faithfully got my Tablespoon of it almost every hour throughout that day. And by that evening I could begin to taste it- just a bit. Oh and yes - I forgot to mention - it is chunky. So as I took it every hour - I had to chew up the garlic, onion, and ginger. The next morning I began again to take a Tablespoon about every hour and I could taste it more and more. I truly believe that it was this concoction that helped me get my sense of taste and smell back. It is a keeper of a recipe - for sure!! 

Soon I will try to write up a post about the herbs. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Natural Antibiotics Recipe


I have found it amazing how God brings just what you need at just the right time! 
A couple days in of having Covid a couple of my friends were concerned and put their concerns into action. I truly believe they were being the hands and feet of Jesus. 

One friend made me a jar of natural antibiotics- the middle jar. 
She also shared the recipe with me. And I would like to share the recipe with you just in case you find yourself in a situation where you need help as I did. But first I just wanted to say that I have had several friends tell me about a flu bomb or natural antibiotics and while it was helpful information the problem is when you are really sick- you do NOT feel like making something and especially something you have never made before. And another thing is when you are sick you can't go get ingredients you may need. That is why I felt like my friend was being the hands and feet of Jesus because He knew I needed this stuff but I couldn't make it- didn't have all the ingredients and didn't feel like it even if I did. 
So I am gonna suggest that maybe you try this recipe out when you are feeling good. It can be used to help prevent sickness as well. That way when the time comes that you really need it - you will not be intimidated. 

Natural Antibiotics 

1 bulb of garlic (15-20 cloves) 
1 onion (preferably red- or purple as my husband and I call them) 
1/4 cup ginger - my friend only used about the size of her thumb but a little fatter - wasn't as much as 1/4 cup - she knew that just might be too much for me- she was probably right) 
1 T honey (or more) 
2 lemons - juiced
Smash garlic ~ Wait 15 minutes so properties can be activated 
Cut everything into small pieces ( My friend uses a hand held food processor- I will share a photo of what she uses at the end) 
Mix all the ingredients together. Put into a quart sized jar and cover with purified water. 
Put jar in a pan with water, bring the water in the pan to a boil, once it gets to boiling turn off the heat and let cool down. Keep in fridge. Can last up to a month in the fridge. 

When you are real sick it was suggested to take 1 tablespoon every hour while you are awake. 
So for some reason blogger or my computer are giving me fits so I will have to share my experience with this recipe on another post. Be on the lookout for the next part. 

And then another post will explain the herbs in the above photo. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Choosing Faith Over Anxiety...series

 "In my own experience, it took great pain for me to become real and intimate with God, and I discovered that God can handle my questions, my feelings, and my perplexity. God wants to hear from the "real" person, not from the "nothing-can-get-to-me" us. He wants to see the real, hurting, anxious, and fearful person that no one else sees. This is when He reveals Himself to us in a totally new way, and our souls can start developing a true trust in Him. It is at the point of our brokenness and powerlessness that we meet our graceful and powerful God in a real way."

~ Elizabeth, Viera Talbot.
"The Exodus Journey~ choosing trust over anxiety on our way to the promised land."

Saturday, October 7, 2023

What Does God Require, part 1

Since I was sick last week end, I stayed home. I watched several sermons that were really good so I wanted to share them with you guys so you, too, can be blessed. Happy Sabbath! :O) 

Friday, October 6, 2023

Steps to Christ...Recovery Edition...3f


"As you see the awfulness of your sin, don't five up in despair. It was sinners that Jesus came to save. You don't have to make peace with God; instead God, through Jesus, is making peace with you. What amazing love! He is 'reconciling the world to Himself ' (2 Corinthians 5:19). He's romancing the hearts of His rebellious children with His gentle love. No early parent could be as patient with the faults and mistakes of His children as God is with those He's trying to save. No one could plead more lovingly  with the rebel. No human lips ever poured out sweeter invitations that God does. All His promises and all His warnings are spoken in love. 

When Satan tells you that you're too wrong to be made right, too filthy to be made clean, look to Jesus, your rescuer. Talk about Jesus and what He has done for you. It will encourage in the rough times to remember that Jesus has not given up on you, that He loves you, and that He will save you from yourself even now. Admit your mistakes. Admit that you have sinned, but tell the enemy that 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners' (1 Timothy 1:15) and that He loves you too much to let anyone tear you away from Him." pg41-42

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

TobyMac - Faithfully (Lyric Video) and an update....

The first several days of having Covid, I was pretty sick. Some from covid -some was my reaction to an antibiotic that I had taken before with no issues....weird. Anyway I was reminded of the importance of praising God through the tough times. I have talked about it before - it is called a sacrifice of praise. You know when you really don't feel like praising God- but you choose to do so all the same. Anyway I went to my usual favorite praise songs- "Every Praise" by Hezekiah Walker! This song is awesome and it always gets me into a much better place to worship God! Then, the great thing about Youtube is that when you listen to a few of your favorite praise songs, youtube will keep a memory of them and so you play one of them and more than likely it will set up other favorites to go after the one you pick. Then sometimes it randomly picks a song. That is what happened last week. And this great Tobymac song came on and I felt like it was especially picked for me.  So today I would like to share it with you just in case you have not heard this song before. :O) 

By the way - I am feeling better this week but I am certainly feeling the fatigue that I have heard many people talk about when dealing with covid. That and brain fog. So I am not totally back to normal but I am so much better than last week. I hope you all are well and healthy! :O) 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Choosing Faith Over Anxiety....series

 "I just want to point out that if you are facing a no-way-out (dead end) situation right now, be encouraged to know that God has the ability to turn that very spot into a place of deliverance for His glory, I need to remember this myself. Constantly. "

~The Exodus Journey- choosing trust over anxiety on our way to the promise land" by Elizabeth Viera Talbot

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)