Monday, November 29, 2021

Digging Deeper into the Book of Psalms....chapter 6

 Have you ever prayed about a person or circumstance and just didn't seem to get an answer? Well you are not alone. In Psalms 6 verse 3 we see the question "how long?" David has been struggling and praying yet he had not seen an answer to his prayer and so he asks, "how long?" It's not the only time he will ask. 

If you want to check out some other places in the Bible that he asks this question in the book of Psalms: 

  • Psalms 13:1-2
  • Psalms 35:17
  • Psalms 74:10
  • Psalms 79:5
  • Psalms80:4
  • Psalms 82:2
  • Psalms 89:46
  • Psalms 90:13
  • Psalms 94:3
As I went through these references I noticed there are different questions, not just wondering when the prayers would be answered. It's alright to ask God questions. many times when we are frustrated and upset we begin to ask many questions. God can handle our questions and He still loves us. 

When looking up the references, I also noticed something else important- After David asked the Lord, "How long?" He always had at least one praise to the Lord after his question. 

When David was frustrated and upset, he would go to the Lord in prayer. He would share his feelings and sometimes he asked God questions, but if you continue to read David's words you will always find his feelings transforming into trust in God and praising Him for His faithfulness. Even when David didn't see an answer for his prayer yet he would recount things in his past in which the Lord had answered His prayers and he knew that he could trust Him! 

Important things for us to remember: 
  • When we are frustrated and upset we need to take these things to God in prayer 
  • It's OK to ask God questions 
  • Remember God's faithful to us in the past 
  • Praise Him - there is always something to praise Him for! 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Story of Redemption.....11

 “In the deliverance of Israel from Egypt, God plainly showed His distinguished mercy to His people before all the Egyptians. God saw fit to execute His judgments upon Pharaoh, that he might know by sad experience, since he would not otherwise be convinced, that His power was superior to all others. That His name might be declared throughout all the earth, He would give exemplary and demonstrative proof to all nations of His divine power and justice. It was the design of God that these exhibitions of power should strengthen the faith of His people, and that their posterity should steadfastly worship Him alone who had wrought such merciful wonders in their behalf.” The Story of Redemption, Pg. 90

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

"Every Praise"

Just a reminder of Who it is who deserves every praise! Praise the Lord!! :o) 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Digging Deeper into the book of Psalms....chapter 5

 This weeks study is found in Psalms 5. Psalms 4 is said to be an "evening prayer" and chapter 5 a "morning prayer." It seems appropriate that the prayers should be listed in this order since we know that the Sabbath day begins at sunset on Friday. So an evening prayer first and then a morning prayer seems logical. 

There were a lot of interesting things in this chapter but we are doing to be focusing more on verses 11 and 12. 

11 But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.12 For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.

Psalms 5:11-12

"Those that trust in God ever have an occasion for joy!" 

Be joyful in thee~ 
"The devout Christian will rejoice in all God has revealed of Himself. He finds his joy in God, in contemplating the attributes and the evidences of His love, in communion with Him, and in loving service for Him."

The word shield in the Hebrew suggests " a large shield that is said to have covered the whole body... As the shield is thrown around the soldier in the day of battle, so God gives complete protection to the righteous. The psalms closes with the psalmists avowal of perfect trust in God's complete protection."  

"Let us give to God the morning of our days and the mornings of our lives. Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night. Devotion should be both the morning star and the evening star. If we start the day right, we shall be more aware of God's presence through its hours, and surer of coming to our beds at night with quietness and confidence in our hearts." 
~ Spurgeon 

"There is no better habit than the habit of morning prayer, when alone with God the soul prepares to discharge the duties and meet the problems of the unknown day."  

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Best Deal

 So can you believe it not only was I able to share a Freebie Friday post but now here I am able to share with you about the best deal I got last week! 

A couple of weeks ago while my granddaughter was here - I asked her what size her boots were? I was wanting to buy her a new pair of tennis shoes for school. She said the boots were a size 6. Well it was a good thing that I verified the size with her dad. He told me she was wearing a 7 1/2. He said she likes the boots so much she just keep wearing them. Well I knew then I had to find her some great boots. But after buying new shoes for school - I needed to find a good deal on the boots. So I have been looking when i go to thrift stores. 

When I went to the little thrift store in a town nearby (the same one that I got the freebie Friday things from) I looked through their shoes. Ever so often I see cute shoes but rarely are they sized to fit me or granddaughter. So imagine my surprise when I found these awesome boots - and not only are they cute as can be - but they are a size 7 1/2!!!

These boots only cost me $3.00!!

Please ignore the clutter in the back ground. Oh by the vest over the chair is the other awesome deal I got. An Old Navy vest for my granddaughter as well. I believe it is brand new - because I found the tag for the vest in it's pocket - it had been like 32.99 new - I paid $4.00! Another awesome deal! I just can see paying $30 something dollars for something that the child will outgrow. 

I am SO thankful to God for providing this need for my granddaughter. I can't wait to give them to her. By the time you read this she will have them. And I am sure these will be her new favorite boots!! 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

#21Homecoming, More About Jesus

Thanksgiving will be right around the corner. Take some quiet time this week to think of the things you are thankful for and give praise to the God for His blessings!! He deserves all of our praise!! 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Freebie Friday

 Yay! I have a post for Freebie Friday today! I know it's been a while. So this week I was able to check out the little thrift store in a town nearby and in their "Free" boxes out front - I found these awesome metal trays!!! 

I loved them when I first saw them! I didn't know what I would do with them, but I knew I loved them! 
I was so glad that I decided to grab them up and take them home!

So when I start my plants inside - I put the little containers on cookie sheets and then place those on my shelves, but these trays will work even better. Not only they are prettier than my cookies sheets but it will free up my cookies sheets to be used in the kitchen, where they belong. I have plenty of cookie sheets - the benefit from working at a bakery for year. When the bakery closed down - I inherited several of the great cookie sheets that we used there! 

So now I have these beautiful trays to place my seedling trays on and put them on my shelving units! And these beautiful patterns will brighten my day each time I am working in the sunroom! 

Have you gotten anything free lately? I would love to hear about it! :O) 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

8 Years Ago

 8 years ago today - I had the surgery that saved my life. Unbeknownst to us - medical team included- a serious medical situation lay under the surface and it was vitally important that this surgery be handled in certain ways. But like I said - we had no idea. In the testing that took place after the surgery - Cancer was found! I was so thankful that God led in the decisions that were made during this time. God led me in the right direction- with me not realizing how important these choices were. 

So today I praise God not only for leading during that time, but also for His continued care for me over the last 8 years! All glory goes to God!! He is not only my Creator and my Redeemer, He is also my Sustainer! 

The Story of Redemption....10

 “By moving Pharaoh to destroy the male children, Satan thought to turn aside the purposes of God and destroy the one whom God would raise up to deliver His people. But that very decree, appointing the Hebrew children to death, was the means God overruled to place Moses in the royal family, where he had advantages to become a learned man and eminently qualified to lead his people from Egypt.” The Story of Redemption, Pg. 85

Monday, November 15, 2021

Digging Deeper into the book of Psalms....chapter 4

 So in chapter 4 of Psalms a single word stood out to me~  "Both" in the last verse of chapter 4. I think it is really neat how one word can have a powerful meaning and this is what we have when we see the word "both" in this verse.  

It says "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep." So when we are stressed we may lay down but we probably lay awake for a while because we are stressed. But David here shares that he has put his trust in God so he is able to lay down and sleep in peace. What a blessing!! 

We need to learn this lesson from David. We need to put out trust in God and that way when we are stressed we will be able to both lay down and sleep. This truly is a blessing. May you be blessed! 


Sunday, November 14, 2021

 I am so sorry I have had only the basic posts lately but things have been very busy around here. You know how it is when you think things are about to slow down something happens and throws a wrench into your plans. 

I have been so thankful for the more fall like weather and then, of course another "heat wave" has arrived for Monday through Wed. Then if the weather report is correct - then Wednesday it will cool off again to be fall again. 

Sabbath morning - I was a bit disappointed that we had our first frost of the year and you can see it in several of my plants - yellow squash, butternut squash plants and my green bean plants. The next 10 days look like we will stay above freezing. I sure hope so. I have a lot of cherry tomatoes on my plants that I would love to see them get closer to being ready before having to pick them! I am thankful for my plants that like cold weather so I can enjoy a few plants continuing to grow in my garden. 

I am hoping to have a best deal to share with you all but we will have to see. :O) 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Story of Redemption....9

 “Joseph walked with God. He would not be persuaded to deviate from the path of righteousness and transgress God’s law, by any inducement or threats. His self-control and patience in adversity and his unwavering fidelity are left on record for the benefit of all who should afterward live on the earth. When Joseph’s brothers acknowledged their sin before him, he freely forgave them and showed by his acts of benevolence and love that he harbored no resentful feelings for their former cruel conduct toward him.”

~The Story of Redemption, Pg. 81

Monday, November 8, 2021

Digging Deeper into the book of Psalms ...chapter 3

 So by now you have probably noticed that I am doing a series on the book of Psalms. I am reading each chapter and doing a in depth study of that chapter. And I am sharing just little tidbits of what stands out to me at the time. There are some many wonderful gems- that it would take several lifetimes to cover them all. So for this series - I will just be picking out what really stood out to me in each chapter. 

This week we are looking at chapter 3 of Psalms. 

As I read through chapter three we see that many are rising up against David and that he cried out to the Lord vs. 4. David realized that prayer can change things. So he prayed and then slept. 

[f]I lay down and slept;
I awoke, for the Lord sustains me

Psalms 3:5

"The first waking thought is one of recognition that God had honored the trust placed in Him." 

"The last thoughts of the night are often the first thoughts of the day."

Because of this how important it must be that we spend out last moments of the day in prayer and thinking on God's Word.  

The Lord’s lovingkindnesses [a]indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Friday, November 5, 2021

Freebie Friday

What perfect timing to find this magnet in the freebie box!
I think that because Thanksgiving comes in November that we are more inclined to give thanks this month. But really we should always be giving thanks. We had so much to be thankful for. 

 No matter what happens God will never leave us or forsake us!! Praise be to God!! 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Story of Redemption....8

 “All night Jacob wrestled with the angel, making supplication for a blessing. . .Jacob was determined to hold the angel, not by physical strength, but by the power of living faith. . .The angel might have exercised his supernatural power and forced himself from Jacob’s grasp, but he did not choose to do this. When he saw that he prevailed not against Jacob, the angel touched Jacob’s thigh, which was immediately put out of joint. But Jacob would not give up his earnest efforts even for bodily pain. . .His determination was stronger in the last moments of the conflict than at the beginning. . .Jacob’s earnest, persevering wrestling with the angel should be an example for Christians. . .All who desire the blessing of God and will lay hold of the promises and be as earnest and persevering as Jacob was, will succeed as he succeeded. . .Those who do not make strong efforts now to exercise persevering faith, will be wholly unprepared to exercise that faith which will enable them to stand in the day of trouble.” The Story of Redemption, Pgs. 74, 77-78

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Matchless Charms.....8

 "Jesus was the living law. He was not a description of the character of God as was the 10 commandments on tables of stone, but a demonstration. He is the law personified; walking, breathing, talking in our humanity. While it is the same law as the law written on stone, how different it is when seen in Jesus."

~ The Matchless Charms of Christ" by J.W. "Bill" Lehman

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

A Surprise Visitor

 One day last week I was on my back porch working on up potting some collard greens, swiss chard, and butter crunch lettuce. All of a sudden something jumped into one of my plastic totes! 

I have never seen something like this in my back yard! It was such a surprise. 
I thought I would be nice and put him down.

Apparently he was not going to have it ....the next thing I knew he was climbing up the leg of the chair next to me. Headed back to where he had been.... lol 
What an awesome surprise and an "I love you!" from God!!! 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Digging Deeper into the book of Psalms ....Ps 2

 "All men, of all ages, climes, and nations, have sinned and need a Savior. Blessed are they who recognize their need and put their trust in the Messiah."

Speaking of this verse:
"Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him." Ps. 2:12b

There is great need for us today to put our trust in God. These are some evil days we are living in. Jesus is coming soon. Over the last 2 years it has become even more evident that His coming in nearer than ever before. And trusting in God is our safe place! In the Bible the phrase - "trust in Him" or a similar type phrase is found many, many times; showing just how important it is!

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)