Thursday, March 26, 2020

Days have been busy, how about you?

Sorry I have not posted very much lately, actually I have been very busy. So many things to get caught up on and do. It's been good for me to stay busy during these uncertain times.

It had been so rainy here that my yard was in desperate need of being mowed. Yesterday I was able to get 3/4 of it done. The other area was still too wet. Hopefully later today I will be able to get it mowed. I have some weed eating to do, but over all the yard looks SO much better!

Apparently a lot of people are using their unexpected free time to Spring clean because we have gotten an onslaught of donations! So much so that we have had to go in extra hours just trying to contain it. We are right at our switch over time~ switching from fall/winter clothes to our Spring/summer clothes. From what I hear this is a biig job. And to make it even a bigger job is that we have lots of donation bags to go through piled on top of our totes of clothes.

And before the biggest load of donations came in, I agreed to help a local Hospice group with making face masks for thier workers. I have never done this before and hoping I can do a good job.

A and then there is my gardening- trying to keep up with all of that. I'll have to do a sewerage post to tell you about it as soon as I can. I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with space and seeds and plants to have a garden. It does a lot for to soul to work out in nature! Speaking of that- it has been SO warm around my part of Texas- I actually got a bit of a sunburn over the last two days. That's alright - it will brown right up just like every year.

I better get on with the day- lots to do- a little bit of everything I've talked about plus the normal work around the house. Hope you all are doing well. Try to get out into the sun and fresh air it's good for your immune system. :0)

Monday, March 23, 2020

It's probably been around longer than what they are saying....

If anyone has any problem seeing this let me know and I will try to enlarge it. 

So I probably shared how I had to take my son to the ER on Christmas day - well looking back - I am about positive that he had this virus then. Yes he was really sick - but they sent him home - just like they are sending people home now with it. I just found out a few days ago that my SIL tested positive and they sent her home - just over the counter meds. It is hard for me to believe that this sickness is SO awfully bad that the world needs to shut down -if people that have it are sent home. 

About a month ago my husband was pretty sick and I think he may have had it as well. He is still running a temp off and on- so probably still fighting it. He is still working since his job is something that needs to continue even if the rest of the world shuts down. I am thankful that so far most in my family are able to work. So many things around have shut down around here. And because of the limited supply of certain things and the limited hours stores are open -it is getting harder to get things that are needed. Thankfully we have what we need at this point. I am missing my fresh blueberries and raspberries though.

I hope you all are doing well. Stay close to Jesus in these uncertain times. :O)

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Spring, Basket Ball and Corona

Friday was the first day of Spring and it seem just like clock work that a Robin showed up in my yard. About 4 hours later I saw the first hummingbird at our feeders! God must have known that I  needed a special "I Love You" from Him. Things have been crazy and I wonder if they will ever get back to normal, and that's unsettling.

We were blessed to have our Granddaughter an extra week as her school sets up an online school. I was very thankful that I bought her a basketball. We have had a lot of fun with it the last two weeks. I hated that we have not been able to do the normal fun stuff. That we usually do on her breaks from school.

I have a few thoughts on the Corona virus and I'll be back soon to share them. We just need to remember that God is in control. Peace to you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Crazy? Long Lines and Blessings

Have things been crazy where you live? 

On Monday I went to Winco - I was running out of several of the things that I like to buy in bulk so I made a special trip there. The store is about a 30 minute drive or more from my home. When I got there I found some really good deals right off and found most of the bulk things that I was looking for. Then I continued looking in the store - that is when I realized that there were 2 lines for the checkout -one of one side of the store - this line was for the self checkout area. Then there was a line on the other side of the store - it was for the regular checkouts. This line was long and I kept having to go through it just to move to the next section of the store. And when I was finally finished I made my way to the end of the line which was not only at the back of the store but it was winding around a bit more.

I wrote to let my family know that I was in a long line and had no idea of how long it would take. I did that for 2 reason - first I did not want them to worry about me and second - I wanted to see how long I had to wait in line. ONE hour later I had finally made my way up to the front of the store to the check outs. 

Oh and by the way this photo was taken about 10 - 15 minutes into my wait. 

I have a bit of a blessing story to share with you. 
So Winco has some toilet paper I really like - it is lavender scented. Well I really wanted to get some toilet paper while I was there. Once I got to the bulk section I noticed that it looked like Winco had placed pallets of toilet paper and paper towels between produce and bulk. Well - like a dummy I thought that if there was toilet paper there - then there would be some on the toilet paper aisle, so I went on. Once I got to the toilet paper aisle - I had already had to walk through one of the lines several times and just did not want to go back 2 more times. So I gave up. As I stood in the line for a little over an hour- I thought how much I wish someone was there to watch my basket while I went to get the toilet paper. 
Once I got up to the checkout - I ended up on a checkout line - by accident really. I was standing in one line and someone motioned me over to a shorter line - Number 1 blessing - because the line I was in had someone with a basket over flowing and I knew I would be waiting for quite some time. The row I was motioned over to - had much less items in each of the baskets. As I was loading my items onto the conveyor belt - Number 2 blessing happened - I just happened to glance down -under the belt on the ground was a package of my favorite lavender scented toilet paper! I was thrilled. I knew it was there as a blessing from God!!! 

Is it crazy where you are? 

Are you noticing the blessing around you? Even in these crazy times we can find blessings - just keep your eyes open to catch them. They may even be things that surprise you. :O) 

Helpful Information ...series

There is some very helpful information on this video. It is less than 15 minutes to this video. Be sure to watch at about the 10 minute mark on - it tells of two products that can really help. Things that help with not only the Coronavirus but also other thing

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Helpful Information .....series

Just in case you are wondering what you could do for a stronger immune system- I will be sharing a few things that I have found that could be very helpful.

Today's link is to Weimer Institute. NEWSTART will share more information of 8 simple things you can do for better health.

During this time - try to keep your focus on Jesus. And it might do some good to spend less time watching the news. Jesus is in control and we can trust Him. :O)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Prayers Please

Today I am checking in to request prayers. For the last several weeks I have had pain in my right foot. It has gotten progressively worse. I have had to cut back my exercising and walking and that has really made me sad. I can tell that I don't have as much energy and I have not felt as good as I do when I do put exercise as a priority. I have been so frustrated lately so I went to the Dr today about it and I had xrays done. Please pray that what ever is wrong with my foot will get better and that I can get back to my regularly scheduled exercise. Thank you so much :O)

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Public Service Announcement

Today I have a public service announcement for you all. It's kind of funny and I am sure none of you that read my blog would do anything like this but I just wanted to share this. Something I shared on my Facebook page as well. 

If your underwear are holey like this, just throw them away. No one will want them, so please don't donate you just wouldn't believe what people donate...

Like I said I don't think any of you would donate things like this but as me and the ladies that I volunteer with go through the bags of things that are donated we often find things like this. Or mattress protectors that are all torn up. and a bag of mismatched socks. Sometimes even clothes that have paint all over them. Things that ought to be thrown away and they are put into bag and taken to a donation place.

We love that people donate things but sometimes is just surprises me as to what we find. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

My Best Deal

I have not been able to go thrift store shopping as much lately. I have been very busy with volunteering and all the other stuff I have going. But I did get lucky at my favorite little thrift store this week. 

This had been sitting there at the thrift store for over a week. I finally picked it up and looked at it and decided that it would be something fun to do. A great activity to do with my granddaughter. So I bought it. 

Inside the box I found the following: 

(This is a photo off the box)
There was a mesh bad with letters and numbers.
It didn't look like all the letters would be there but I laid everything out on the table in order and sure enough - all the lower case letters were there along with the numbers! I was thrilled! My son noticed the Amazon had the sets of letters so I ordered the set of upper case letters. So now we can write out anything we want to. I can't wait to do this project with my sweet granddaughter. 

Oops~ I forgot to share how much I paid: $1.00
What a deal! 

By the way - this week is her spring break so I may not be on much this week. I will try to get on if I get a chance. Hope you all have a great week! :O) 

Saturday, March 7, 2020

This Life

"This life is a school for the soul, where we become prepared for life in eternity with God."
~ Ray C. Stedman in his book Let God Be God

This is a quote from the book we are reading for Sabbath School. And this was in the chapter that we discussed this week.

*In just a little while I will be going to the Painting Program that they do once a month. I will try to come and show you my newest photo when I get a chance.

*Come by tomorrow and see my newest Best Deal. See you soon :O)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Glimpes Inside the Wooden Box

Sunday morning I went to a funeral. "A Celebration of Life" is what the program called it. Just one week prior to the passing of my friend P she had went with her family to a nature preserve - as you can see in the photo. She had been in poor health for the last year or so. She had fought hard to live but passed away last week, at only 55 years old.  
It hit so close to home. 

Husband had given her a hug and kiss before he left for work, only to come home to the ME at his home with her on the floor dead. So sad. 

If you were to pick up this program and turn it over you would see a beautiful photo of her and her husband - and at the top it told us that Sunday (day of the funeral) was there 33rd wedding anniversary. What a way to celebrate.... 

As you can see this death has really caused me to ponder life and how short it really is. We are born and we die and in between those two dates is our life. And we get to choose how we will live that life and who we will live it for. There is a battle for our soul and there are only two sides. It is up to us to choose which side we will be on. In the whole scope of history our life is but a blip on the radar - let us make that time count!  

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Helpful Life Hack

Back in 2009 my husband had an excellent idea. And it was SO helpful that I thought I would share about this just in case this could help some of you. 

In September 2009 we experienced a flood from our hot water heater that went out. Our hot water heater is located in a closet in the hallway. We replaced the hot water heater and he decided to write the date that he installed it so that we would know when we got it. 
Last week we decided that before we had another flooding situation to replace the hot water heater - since it was over 10 years old! 
Not only did he replace it, he also replaced the copper lines going to it and another larger pipe. And of course he wrote the date in which it was done so that we will have this information in the future. Yes, we could set up a file folder with our receipt and all to get the information when needed, but this is just a quicker method to know when it was last replaced. We will set up that folder for the important information as well. 

Anyway it felt good to be proactive with this hot water heater. It is no fun to wake up to a wet floor or come home to a flood. This way we will not have to deal with that any time soon. I hope this helpful life hack has been informative for you and will help you in your future purchases. :O) 

Monday, March 2, 2020

My Wooden Box

This wooden box sits on top of my bookshelf in my reading corner of my room. This box belonged to my dad. It is quite special to me. Inside this box are several wooden Tic Tac Toe games that my dad made. One day I will do a post about them. But for today I wanted to share what else is held in this wooden box. 

Way back about 2005 area, I began using this wooden box for a very special purpose. Several loved ones had passed away and I  was in the habit of keeping the programs that were handed out. I like to keep more than one copy of family members so that I would have one for each of my children if they were interested in them someday. Anyway since this box was special to me and it had a special place in my room already, I began keeping the programs in there. Once I get home from a funeral I place the newest program on top of the stack already there - the stack that consists of about 30 some odd programs. There have been a few funerals that I have attended that the programs were already gone by the time I got there or they did not have a program at all. 

The earliest date that I have of a program that I have saved is 1998. I know I went to a few funerals before that time period I just did not keep the programs. 

Yesterday I went to a funeral and I am still processing my thoughts on it. I will check in later in the week to share a bit about it. And yes - the program is already in my box. This special box that once belonged to my dad is not only special to me because of that - now it holds some precious memories of those who have passed away and awaiting Christ's return. What a glorious day it will be!! :O) 

 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18Therefore comfort one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)