Friday, September 23, 2022


 Things have been really busy around here and still lots to do so I think it is a good time for me to take a bit of a break from Blogging- I am thinking a week or two. I will just have to see. It is just a big job to do all the things I already do and then taking care of my grandson 3 plus days a week.

It probably did not help that we ordered some peaches and pears from Idaho - a guy drives up there in a refrigerated truck and brings back boxes of these things. Anyway - they stuff got ripe very quickly and had me scrambling to get them processed before they went bad. Thankfully we were able to give some of them away and bless others. But my oh my - a lot extra on my plate this last week or so. 

 Anyway so I will be taking a break. During this time I will be praying and asking God to lead me - if I am to continue to blog- if so He will guide me as to what to share and inspire me. For now - I am going to focus on all the things I need to do around here. I hope you all are doing well and taking care of yourselves! :O) 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Helping our money stretch.

 Last week on my "Better Safe Than Sorry" post - I had a comment that said that some people can not afford to bulk buy so I wanted to address this issue. 

Yes -I can totally understand this - I remember years where my husband and I did not have very much money at all. Most of our meals - were a noodle packet and a can of vegetables. Money was one reason and the other was I didn't know how to cook very many things. Slowly I learned, thankfully. So I can totally understand having a very small amount of money. 

There are several things that I think are important for us all - not matter our food budget - be mindful of where you shop. For example - Albertsons runs some really good sales of a few items here and there - and it is well worth stopping by to get these good deals - but their normal prices are quite high and I can not understand how people can afford to shop there. The same goes for Krogers. So we need to make sure that our money is stretching the most - by choosing stores that have better deals on the things we buy. 

Another way that people sometimes spend more money than they need to - buying bulk. It is a good idea to figure who much it costs per item or ounce or what ever - and then see which is the best deal. Sometimes the bigger packages are a better deal - more times than not - they are not. And also please remember that when you buy in bulk - many times a lot of the product is wasted because it is hard to use all the item up before it goes bad. You have to keep all these things in mind. 

HEB is a great store - and runs really good sales - but you have to take your time as you go through the store to see what has coupons and if it makes it a good deal. Many of their regular prices are higher than Walmart and Aldi's so is also not a store that I would buy all my groceries from. But I really appreciate them running their awesome sales. I wish Walmart would join in and run sales as well- it would make it a more one stop shopping store. 

Dollar Tree- Many people act like Dollar Tree is such a great place to go. I see many older people shopping at it and I wonder if they realize that the $1.25 price tag on a majority of the things - end up costing more than what you can get the same products at other stores - you have to know your prices. There are 2 main things that I like to go there for and that is for their boxed milk and canned tamales- that $1.25 IS cheaper than I can get these things at other stores. I usually kind of walk around and see if there are other deals I can get while I am there. But this is NOT a store to go do all your shopping - or stocking up. 

Be willing to try the off name brand things - most of them are as good as the name brand for less money. When you pay less money for the things you buy you can afford to get an extra one here and there. 

So these are just a few of my thoughts on people having a small budget for food. There are many ways you can stretch your money - you just have to pay attention and make smart choices. Sometimes our money isn't going as far because we are spending more than we need to on the things we get. I hope that this helps someone. 

I will be thinking of other hints and tips to share with you. I just have a few minutes while my grandson slept and thought I would share a few tips on helping our dollars stretch. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Don't Be A Piranha

Something happened this week that make me think that I needed to write a blog post about this and use this title. You will see- it is a very appropriate title. 
So Wednesday our 8 1/2 month old grandson had a surgery to get circumcised. My daughter-in-law put a post up on Facebook asking for prayers for their little guy. It was accidently on public status. Well apparently there are quite a few people who sit around and search the word circumcision and not too much time had passed before they had at least 5 plus ugly comments- telling them what they should do. 

Really? I don't get why people have so much hate in their hearts to go around and tell perfect strangers what they should or should not do. It is very nasty and comes from a heart full of hate. This is why I thought of the title. We may have beliefs that are different from other people but that give us NO right to try to make other people have the same beliefs we do. 

Now I understand there are some salvational issues out there - but even then - being hateful and forceful will NEVER win people to Jesus. Plus it is NOT the way that Jesus behaved himself- so why, if we are to reflect the character of Jesus would we think that it would be right to hatefully push our views on other people and force them to do things the way we think they should be done. 

My son and his wife deleted the ugly comments and changed the post to private. It is truly sad to live in a world where ugliness is so rampant. That people would be searching out words- in order to attack those that believe differently than they do. 

So please keep this simple message in mind. Please don't be a piranha. It's just not a nice way to behave. 

So if you are still reading - I would like to ask if you would keep my husband in your prayers. Today he will have a scope - to check on his Barretts Esophagus. About 7 years ago or so he had precancerous cells and it has been at least 3 years since he has had a scope done to check it out. Please pray he is till cancer free. Thank you so much. If you have any prayer request feel free to leave a comment for me. Thank you! :O) 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Jesus Knows

 "Jesus knows the circumstances of every soul. The greater the sinner's guilt, the more he needs the Saviour. His heart of divine love and sympathy is drawn out most of all for the one who is the most hopelessly entangled in the snares of the enemy. With His own blood He has signed the emancipation papers of the race." MH89-90

Friday, September 9, 2022

Better to be safe than sorry

 My best advice for each one of you - is that if you are able and have not already done this- you need to start stocking your pantries a little deeper. This of it as you are creating a store at your home. 2020 taught us that sometimes the supply chain just doesn't work properly. And we have kept seeing issues with this since then as well. And I keep hear rumblings about more issues to come. I try not to dwell on the scare tactics - but it doesn't hurt to be prepared and work towards keeping extras of the things you actually use. Don't go out and buy a lot of things you do not even eat. Buy things you eat and then rotate the food so that you are using the old things up first- and that way you don't get any waste. 

One thing I have learned is to write the best by date - at least month and year - in black marker on the item to make it easier to see- that way when you buy more you can see the dates easier and put them in order of what needs to be used first. 

So if you are able please start stocking your pantries with extras of the things you use. And as you use things - be sure and replace them as you can. 

Just some advice I felt was important to share with you all and hoping that you will follow my advice and start deepening your pantry. I would rather you be safe than sorry. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Best Deal

 A couple of weeks ago - I had a chance to go to the little thrift store nearby and I found the baby toys - which was awesome but I found this awesome kitchen gadget. It is a Pampered Chef Easy-Read Measuring Colander. 

I tried to look up the new price on Pampered Chefs page - but couldn't find it. I did find one that someone was selling on Poshmark for $23.00! 

So when I got this for $1.50 - I felt I got a great deal!!! 

Just in case you can't see it very well - here is a link to one that has been on Amazon 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

It's True!

 The Bible is the inspired Word of God. (2nd Timothy 3:16-17) If the Bible said it happened a certain way, it happened the way the Bible says it happened.


●God-created the heavens and earth in 7 literal days.

●A huge fish swallow Jonah and he was in the stomach of the fish 3 days and 3 nights. Then "the Lord commanded the fish and it vomited Jonah out on to dry land." (Jonah 2: 10 NET Bible)

If the Bible said it - It's true!

God said it, I believe it, and that's good enough for me.

Monday, September 5, 2022


 Just a quick check in - I am on the computer and have just a couple of extra minutes. So I am so thankful that on Sunday morning I was able to get my front and back yard mowed! And I was able to get 2 of the 4 piles of brush that needed to be burned - a lot of this was from when we had the tornado and some from when the people behind us had the fence redone- when some trees got cut down - they decided to pile the stuff in our back yard. Not the nicest thing to do - but I am SO thankful that the back fence has been replaced that I will put up with the extra work of getting that stuff cut down and burned in our fire pit. It is quite a bit of work to cut it down and move it to the fire pit area and all but it felt so good to get at least half of it done yesterday! I am hoping to get the other half burned up in the next couple of weeks. The sooner, the better. And then I am hoping that since we have this little fire ring - I will be able to keep stuff cut up and burned - so no more pile in our back yard. That will be SO very nice. 

So I had also wanted to get my garden area mowed and weed eated - but after working for 4-5 hours in the yard and it was about 12:30 area - I was hot and sweaty and ready to be done. I was disappointed I had not gotten those jobs done - especially when on Sunday afternoon - we got a wonderful rain shower - 1 inch of rain!!! We have been getting just piddly amounts of rain - other then our 11 - 12 inches of rain we got a couple of week ago - in a 12 hour period. It was wonderful to get that inch of rain - but it means I have to wait a bit before I can get those jobs done. It was WAY too wet this morning to mow. I did work out in my garden for an hour or two doing other jobs I really needed to get caught up on - but used my garden shoes since it was still wet and muddy out there. I have been thrilled with the "cooler" weather. I say "cooler" because our cooler weather has been some peoples summer weather - 88-92 most days - a day here and there a bit higher - but it is so much more conducive to having a fall garden! Never have I been very successful with a fall garden - but I might just have a bit more luck this year! I sure am hoping! 

Well I hope you all are doing well. I will continue to try to get on here when I get a chance. We will talk soon. :O)  

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Righteousness by Faith part 18: Victory

Good morning! I hope everyone is doing well. I hope you have a blessed Sabbath! :O) 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

My Best Deal!

 I have been so busy lately that I have had hardly any chances to get out and thrift store shop. But thankfully last Tuesday I was able to get to the little thrift store nearby. A couple of the volunteers loved babies were desperate to get rid of things and so when they heard I was looking for baby toys they helped me go through the totes of toys! We founds several great finds - but this was my favorite find. And you should feel the blue fuzzy part- it feels awesome! And it had the ring that I can connect it to a jumper type toy he has! 

I love it and for only $.75 I thought it was an awesome deal!!! 

You will want to come back next week - it is a kitchen item that I found as my best deal!! I have to spread these things out - so I can have at last a couple posts per week, I hope you understand. Hope to see you then. :O) 

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)