Saturday, May 28, 2022
Growing in Christ-likeness
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
It's a Lot....
So I have a few minutes so I thought I would jump on here and give a bit of an update. Last time I had a chance to post - was after my trip to Arkansas - I believe. I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to go visit there. There is nothing like seeing for yourself.
Then I had a pretty busy week when I got back home - took my Mother in law to a Dr appointment. It is super sweet of my MIL - usually we go out for lunch on appointment days. And this time we had Italian. We were also able to go to the clothing consignment store that I take things to that I no longer wear. I had a credit - so was able to get a cute vest for no money out of pocket- plus - I still have credit for the next time I go in. I am thankful to have this opportunity. Then I took care of our youngest grandson 2 days in a row - Friday he was a bit of a cranky boy. Usually he is a pretty good baby - so I should have figured he was not feeling good. By Sabbath morning at 2am - I was awake feeling nauseous and a headache. Thankfully I was able to sleep a few more hours. Later in the morning - I ended up vomiting 5 times- ugh. It had been a LONG time since I had thrown up. By the next day I was SO sore in my back from throwing up. Sabbath afternoon I took a 2-3 hour nap. I do NOT nap unless I don't feel good. Sunday I felt better but not 100% - by Saturday evening my husband knew he was sick and was up several times during the night throwing up. Sunday he slept a majority of the day. It was such a beautiful day and I for one was disappointment because we had a long list of things that I wanted us to be able to get done. It ended up being a lazy day- since we both did not feel that great. Thankfully we are feeling much better now.
I have been busy in the garden and there are so many jobs that need to get done. We are still trying to get things settled with insurance about tornado damage and need to get fence and roof fixed. So very slowly things are moving along. I am just praying that God will work it all out. Eventually it will get done.
I hope you all are doing well. I can not promise very much content being shared here for at least another week - as I have another appointment to take MIL to next week - along with an appointment for myself - an echocardiogram to check out my heart function. I also have a Stress Test coming up in a couple of weeks. Along with a myriad of other things. If God has things he would like me to share - I know He will lead me. I have an idea for a couple of posts - i just need to take some time to get them written up and on here. I will get back to posting at least a couple of times a week as soon as I can. Until then take care and allow God to draw you close to Him - it is the best place to be! :O)
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Monday, May 16, 2022
Just checking in to let you all know that I made it there and back safely! It was a long journey but it was so nice to get to see my sister and her husband. I got to see new country side and I got to see that yes - I could make that journey by myself - felt like a great accomplishment. I was so happy to make it home Sunday evening. And it was wonderful to sleep in my own bed. I have real problems sleeping good when I am away from home. Anyway I will try to work on some posts soon - for now I need to catch up on things around here. Hope you all are doing well. :O)
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Prayer Request Please
I would like to request prayers - I am planning a solo trip to Arkansas- leaving my home in Texas Thursday morning. My trip will be 5 1/2 driving time- plus more for at least a couple of stops along the way. This is the first time i will be going this location - so please pray for safe travels and a nice time. I am going to visit my sister and see where she lives now - she has lived there at least 2 years and this will be my first visit there. Please keep me in your prayers. :O)
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
"Christ has given us no promise of help in bearing to-day the burdens of to-morrow. He has said, "My grace is sufficient for thee"; but, like the mana given in the wilderness, His grace is bestowed daily, for the day's need. Like the host of Israel in their pilgrim life, we may find morning by morning the bread of heaven for the day's supply." MB101
This is a great reminder for us all. God will give us the strength for the days needs. We do not need to borrow trouble from tomorrow. :O)
Monday, May 9, 2022
3 Kinds of Faith mentioned in Rev.14:12
" 'Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.' Rev. 14:12.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Righteousness by Faith part 11: Obedience
Friday, May 6, 2022
Freebie Friday!
So for todays Freebie Friday I will just have to tell you about it because I haven't gotten photos.
Today's Freebie Friday is about the free tomato plants that have voluntarily came up - 2 in my beet patch - an area that I had grown some tomatoes in last year and 1 in an area that had other tomatoes growing this year. Yay for free tomato plants! I hope it is the tomatoes of the large cherry tomatoes I had last year!!
So I planted a corn patch - it is NO doing well- out of about 50 plants only about 10 have come up and not in a patch that will help them grow well - so about to just give up on that idea for this year - thankfully I have an idea for next years patch to do better! Anyway so I moved the voluntary plants to the corn patch and will be able to grow them there! Thankful to have that space - even if it means no corn for this year.
Now I am off to run errands. I hope you all have a great day! :O)
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Time In God's Word...Daily
"Biblical doctrines rightly understood will always affect our practical life,
and practice and lifestyle must always be informed by Scripture."
Monday, May 2, 2022
Don't Wreck Your Witness
At the beginning of March I had an appointment to get my teeth cleaned. Since I had been having issues with grinding my teeth - they ended up fitting me for a mouth guard at the end of my appointment. I paid my part of it and was told it would probably take a couple of weeks to come in.
Fast forward a month later- since I had not heard anything from the dentist office about my mouth guard - I decided to call in and ask about it. First I asked how long it should take and sure enough she said about 2 weeks - so I explained the situation with her that it had now been over a month and I had not heard anything at all. She then told me that they had tried to contact me. Well the truth is that we have caller ID and answering machine and NO we had not gotten any phone calls from them - nor had they tried to contact us through our cell phones - which they do to remind us about appointments. I was not too happy about not only not being called about it being there and ready to be picked up but also about the fact that instead of just saying sorry they had not called - she proceeded to lie. We then set up an appointment for me to go pick it up. I had been pretty upset about it and had thought about putting in a complaint about it when I went in for my appointment.
Well the day of the appointment came and thankfully I decided NOT to mention it because as I talked to the dental assistant - I realized that my witness would have been wrecked had I gotten ugly about it. This situation was a very good reminder to me that I need to remember that whether I know it or not - my behavior is a powerful demonstration of who I am. It can also negate any positive influence I may have when I allow myself to get ugly with people. So I wanted to share this experience with you all as a reminder and also as a reminder for myself as well. :O)
By the way - I have an appointment with a Cardiologist this morning - I would really appreciate it if you would keep me in your prayers. I am nervous about it. Thank you so much! :O)
Sunday, May 1, 2022
My Best Deal
And the cooler thing is that I have another best deal that I will be sharing with you next week as well- so be watching for that.
“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025
Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)
Yesterday my husband came home from work not feeling good. He still does not feel good today. He is at work and has to work a double shift s...
I have found an excellent resource for healthy living. Here is a link to the site The World's Healthiest Foods . There is a li...