Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Seven Petitions...#3

  Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory. for ever. Amen. 

Matthew 6:5-13

" 'Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.'
God's will is not now being done in earth. Christ wants it done. He asks us to pray that it may be done. 

God's will is contained in the Ten Commandments. 'Thou shalt, 'Thou shalt not,' the commandments read. If any want to know God's will that he may do it, he should begin with the Ten Commandments. There is food there, and study, for the soul. We shall never come to the point where we may with safety disregard God's will. Rather, we are to pray that it may be done in earth as in heaven. This must first of all mean in our own hearts." 

Monday, June 27, 2022

 After 12 days of triple digit temperatures we finally got a bit of a reprieve. Today the high was only 94-95. and after having so many days in triple digits - that felt SO much better. Looks like we will have a few more days - at tempts like we usually do this time of year and then sadly it looks like we are doomed to have a lot more triple digit tempts. ugh. 

It has been quite rough on the garden and it has been a bit discouraging. Putting a lot of effort into the garden and then having it so very hot. So then I decided I better water every day but apparently some of my plants don't appreciate that and my cucumbers start turning yellow. It is hard to know what to do. I envy those who live in less harsh environments and think about how nice it would be to live somewhere where my plants could thrive. 

I hope you all are doing well. Will try to get on soon and get some posts written up. See you soon. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Seven Petitions...# 2

 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory. for ever. Amen. 

Matthew 6:5-13

Petition #2 

" 'Thy Kingdom come.' The kingdom here mentioned is the kingdom in the hearts of men and also the kingdom of glory. It is a prayer that the day may speedily come when God shall be King indeed, both in the individual life and in the kingdom which is to be revealed when He shall come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Matthew 25:31.)" 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Being Willing to Adjust When Needed

 Just dropping in for a few minutes to say Hi! It has been pretty hot around here lately. Although summer does not officially arrive till the 21st- it HAS arrived here in Texas! We have already had 4 triple digit days in just the last week and today will be number 5! 

I have had to adjust my schedule to work around this heat. I am spending 1 - 3 hours or so outside in the mornings to get stuff done outside. And then many evenings I am spending more time outside on more jobs. It takes a lot of time to keep a garden going in triple digit temperatures. And I have put way too much work into it to let it go at this point. I have lost some things and plan to start some more tomato, yellow Squash, and muncher cucumber seeds.

By the way I have been loving these muncher cucumbers from Baker Creek Seeds! These cucs retain a great flavor even thought it is SO hot outside. My other cucumbers have a twang to them and I am actually cutting them up and giving the chickens a snack every afternoon - I think it helps cool them off a bit and gives them more water as well. So event thought I am not enjoying those cucumbers they are still very worth me growing them!! 

We have had to make a few adjustments in the house in order to try to keep the house cooler. We REALLY need to get our ducting redone - but we missed out on doing that this year - at least till it cools down ALOT.  We also need to get some more insulation blown into our attic. These two jobs will be put as priority to get done before next summer to help with keeping out house cooler- and also warmer in the winter. Sometimes you just have to change things around to keep your house cool - I love opening up our shades and letting the sunshine in. But I have had to - especially on these triple digit days - keep the shades down at least in the east side of the house - mornings and then the west side in the afternoons. It is not my favorite thing to do - because I like the light but in order to help our AC have an easier time it is just what I have to do. 

Well next week will be a very busy week - including my follow up appointment with Cardiologist. So I don't know how much I will be able to get posted. I will try - especially on this hot afternoons to work on getting some posts written up. So far I have used this time to do some jobs that I have totally neglected for far too long - like going through files and organizing them - getting rid of things that are no longer important to hold onto. I have also gone through a big stack of papers that needed to be filed or thrown away. SO I am using this hot weather - where you need to stay inside to help keep the cool in and the hot outside to work on jobs to get more organized. I have many more things here and there to work on to get more organized. I am thankful that I have things inside that I can work on and still feel accomplished. That helps me handle being cooped up - so much better. That is very important - especially when 13 of the next 15 days will be triple digit temps....ugh....I will be SO VERY happy when Fall gets here! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Seven Petitions ..... #1

 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory. for ever. Amen. 

Matthew 6:5-13

Today we will begin a little series on The Lord's Prayer. 
In this prayer there are seven petitions. 

"Let us briefly recount the seven petitions in this prayer.

'Hallowed by thy name.' Hallowed means 'sacred.' We are to keep it sacred and use it reverently. Without reverence there can be no true worship. There must be reverence in the church, reverence in the soul, reverence at the very thought of God, if we are to receive any benefit from prayer. Reverence is of prime importance and is rightly the first petition." 

Monday, June 13, 2022

Another Prayer Request

 Today I would like to ask for special prayer for my brother in law, Rick, who is scheduled to have some skin cancer removed. Pray that they can get it all and that he does not have much pain. Also that it will heal smoothly and uneventfully. 

I really appreciate all of my prayer warrior friends! God uses you all in a powerful way and I am thankful and grateful! :O) 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Jesus Belongs to Us

Over the past several weeks I have been reading a new book. 
"The Faith of Jesus" 
written by: M.L. Andreasen 
Copyright 1939, 1949 
This book has a total of 574 pages. 

 I have found some real gems in this book and I will be sharing some of them with you here ever so often. 

 Jesus Belongs to Us 

Jesus is the Son of God, the only begotten. From times eternal He has been one with the Father. Together they worked in creation, together they worked in redemption. They are one in purpose and mind, one in execution. Jesus Himself said, "I and my Father are one.: John 10:30. 

Sin, which always causes sorrow and separation, did not leave the relationship between Father and Son untouched. If man were to be saved from the terrible results of transgression, it could be only by a revelation of the love of God which would eventually require the supreme sacrifice. And God did not hold back. Terrific as was the cost of the sacrifice, "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.

That cost man will never fully understand. A glimpse of the suffering that has been in the heart of God since the inception of sin, was given on Calvary. But that was only a momentary revelation. God's suffering was not confined to a few hours on the cross. The would was deeper than that. The cross served to give man some little understanding of what sin has cost, but it could not fully reveal the heart of the Eternal. We can only imagine the reaction in the heart of the Father when the Son cried out in agony, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" He would gladly have sent the Son assurance that He had not forsaken Him, but in that dark hour no such comforting assurance must be given. The Son must tread the wine press alone. he must die without the comforting word that would have buoyed Him up. He must feel to the full the Father's displeasure because of sin. And so no answer came back to Him in response to His heartbreaking question. This broke the heart of the Son of God- and also that of the Father. 

What is the meaning of this tremendous experience on Golgotha? Why did the Father and the Son subject themselves to the heart-rending anguish which must have been theirs? Again there is no other answer than that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. 

He "gave his only begotten Son." Some take this expression to mean that God gave His Son in the sense that the Son died for us. This is true, but He gave Him in another sense also. He gave Him to humanity, gave Him to be one with us and one of us, permitted Him to bind Himself to humanity with bonds that can never be severed. Throughout the ages to come Jesus with be the Son of man as well as the Son of God. To us this means much. To God it means more. 
(pages 34-35) 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Yay! That is DONE

Thank you all for the prayers for my stress test today. I just wanted to get on here and let you know that I made it through. 

We got to the appt early and got signed in. The waiting room had many people in it. People kept getting called back all the while I am sitting waiting for my test. Then people that got there after I got there started getting called back. We began to get worried. Come to find out that computer connected to the stress test that I was scheduled to take my test on - had a malfunction and the person before me - did not get the complete paperwork that they had done the test and the result. I feel sorry for them. I would have hated to go through all of that - just to get the computer to go down. Thankfully the test worked for me and about 30 minutes or later - I was done and out of there.  

Now is the waiting portion. I have had the 2 test they wanted me to have and on the 21st I have an appointment to get the results. I am praying that there is nothing seriously wrong with me. I was able to reach the heart rate that they wanted me to- and also go a bit further and get the heart rate up higher than that. So I am happy that I was able to at least do it and allow them to get the information needed. 

I would like you to be praying for the lady who did my test- I did not get a name - but God knows who she is. Anyway she had breast cancer - and treatment and today was her last day- tomorrow she is going to have reconstruction surgery. Please pray that it will all be successful! Thank you so much!! :O) 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Prayers Please

 Checking in to say Hi! And to request prayers. Tomorrow morning at 11am central time I will have my stress test and I would appreciate prayers that it will go smoothly and that I will be able to successfully do the test so they can see what they need to see. Thank you so very much! This will be the 3rd medical test for the month of June. And I am so thankful to have the other two behind me. Now to get this one done and taken care of. 

I have been spending a lot of time working in my yard and in my garden. It sure does take a lot of time. And I still have a long list of things to do. 

I am getting some yellow squash, cherry tomatoes, muncher cucumbers, lettuce and kale out of the garden. And a strawberry here and there. I have had some successes in the garden and I have had some failures- mainly my corn patch - that did not go good at all- and I ended up using the space for other things. Some of my yellow squash plants- 3 of the 4 died. I started 6 new plants and got them planted in the garden last week! Hoping they do better than my last set did. So frustrating to say the least. 

Gardening is truly a learn as you go kind of thing. You just do the best you can and learn from mistakes and hope that the changes you make will cause you to be successful. 

Someone told me that when they plant things they pray that the things will be successful. And God is who makes things grow - so I think I will adopt this idea as well. Praying for God to bless my garden - Sounds like a great idea to me! :O) 

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)